View Full Version : Any comments on Lena Dunham's attractivenes or lack of?

Gunner Since Time Began - born to moan
04-06-2015, 05:48 PM

the splendor of antigone
04-06-2015, 06:37 PM

04-06-2015, 06:54 PM
Makes you sound like some kind of rainbow-lefty-feminist, Splenders. I can hear Uncle Karl turning in his grave from here, half a mile away from it.

the splendor of antigone
04-06-2015, 07:04 PM

04-06-2015, 07:32 PM
What is the meaning of this gender-based analysis? I had expected better. :sniff:

04-06-2015, 07:34 PM
Also, I don't understand what she's for. She's not attractive, she's not funny and she's not clever. Why does The Guardian want me to pay attention to the ghastly bovine tart?

04-06-2015, 07:38 PM

the splendor of antigone
04-06-2015, 07:39 PM
only talk in terms of class henceforth :thumbup:

04-06-2015, 07:39 PM
of about a day-and-a-half.

04-06-2015, 07:41 PM
I knew you'd see sense.

Bergkamp's Brain
04-06-2015, 07:43 PM
cover of darkness.

04-06-2015, 07:44 PM
cover of darkness, imo.

Bergkamp's Brain
04-06-2015, 07:46 PM

04-06-2015, 08:31 PM
stuck on a desert island I'd be f**king you.

Gunner Since Time Began - born to moan
04-06-2015, 08:43 PM
of the TV series Girls.

04-06-2015, 08:45 PM
There is a difference between what is right and doctrinal ****. You know that.

04-06-2015, 08:54 PM
Having a daughter might make a difference in how you see the notion of equality in society, though one would hope that anyone could see the importance of equality, daughter or not.

Feminism is not about equality. It is about an analysis of social relations that holds all men (as individuals) to be guilty of oppressing women and to be held personally accountable to basically anything that any woman is unhappy about, because they are in possession of a *****.

Hornsey Exile
04-06-2015, 09:11 PM
well racist too.

04-06-2015, 09:13 PM

04-06-2015, 09:20 PM
sex-based prejudice. And it involves a recognition of the myriad ways in which one's attitudes as a man are informed by the ingrained sexism with which we all grew up. That is simply an admission of the realities of the world that any honest, decent man has a duty to acknowledge. While the stupidities of feminism are just that, any man who ever genuinely suggests he is a victim of sexidm in a society in which the dice are loaded entirely in his favour is absurd and risible.

What feminism is not - or ought not to be - is a 'Man = bad/Woman = Good' dichotomy''. One can be a feminist while not being a tiresome, bigoted arsehole, essentially.

04-06-2015, 09:59 PM
You might be right in what it should be, but I don't think you get to define it. Decades of rad femmes got there before you.