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View Full Version : f**k me. Trevor Philips pretty much took down multiculturalism tonight.

03-19-2015, 10:58 PM
Quote from the former head of the Commission For Racial Equality:

"Unwittingly, I think we gave birth to an ugly new doctrine.
The new doctrine says:

1: All whites are alike
2: All whites are guilty and tainted
3: No white person should ever criticise someone who's not white"

Add in what he's said on Rotherham and the Victoria Climbie case and it's f**king devastating stuff.

03-19-2015, 11:05 PM

03-19-2015, 11:08 PM
I strongly recommend watching it on 4OD if you can.

03-19-2015, 11:17 PM
which build barriers between peoples, rather than establishing a generic guilt of white people. Certainly there are those who promote the latter, but not, I would have thought, in the name of multiculturalism.

03-19-2015, 11:22 PM
ipso facto an anti-white (or at least an anti-normative) doctrine. If you think about it, there's no way it can't.

03-19-2015, 11:29 PM

03-19-2015, 11:37 PM

03-19-2015, 11:40 PM

03-19-2015, 11:40 PM

03-20-2015, 09:45 AM
openly and honestly about religion because the right-leaning media will use it to perpetuate their anti-immigration, racial tension-stoking agendas.

Like they aren't going to that anyway.

Genuinely scary that someone so stupid can have yield any power or influence.

03-20-2015, 09:46 AM
however abhorrent. Does this mean you think Big Ron should have kept his broadcasting job? Dave Whelan, etc?

03-20-2015, 10:16 AM
figures in the hope that they would go away.