View Full Version : So just had lunch at CAU with Bentley chap.. I think I was right

12-04-2014, 02:17 PM
and will give my colleague a shoeing when he back later.. this Bentley driving entreprenur , investor, project backer who he happened to meet through friend of a friend ..at rugby club, just happens to also know a chap who can overhaul our IT and optimise our systems and operational capabilities for just 800 a day..oh and luckily enough he also has this contact who is a master at marketing project plans and execution..grand a day. this was said over an excel document badly put together and mixed with word i think..as he tried to fill out the barebone of proposal and project we could work on..f**king tool.. my colelauge worships the c**t..thinks excel documents are state of art as they have calculations i think..keeps saying how succesful he is..car..etc. I pointed out succesful at fleecing cnut like him.
i made him pick up the lunch anyway ..also shifty eyes :****er: