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View Full Version : an In-Law just asked if it was safe to come to St. Louis for Thanksgiving

Chief Arrowhead
11-18-2014, 03:29 PM
due to the impending Ferguson riots.

I of course told her that it was extremely unsafe. We have our windows boarded up and my guns are cleaned, oiled and I have full boxes of ammo.

the missus didn't think that was quite as funny as I did. :-D

11-18-2014, 03:36 PM
:-( At least try not to lose the colours, though. There's a good chap.


Chief Arrowhead
11-18-2014, 03:45 PM
this little episode has been like a neodymium magnet for every flea-infested hippie, anarchist and old school 'community organizer' that wants to relive the good old days of the 60's.

The city residents themselves are really doing some excellent work in healing their community and lots of help is being given by neighbouring communities in the St. Louis area. It's the out-of-towners that are causing the problems.

A friend of mine who lives in Ferguson said that about a month ago a couple of folks decided to pitch a tent and set up camp ... on his front lawn! When he told them to leave they told him to f**k off, and not only that but he should be appreciative of what they are doing. So he called the cops, they came over and you can imagine what ensued. Lots of spitting in the cop's faces and verbal abuse. After about 15 minutes of that they were arrested. Of course the "activists" said it was another case of police brutality.

11-18-2014, 03:53 PM