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View Full Version : Hmm, didn't post before. Rating wife video. Very funny.

Harry Balls
08-13-2014, 04:11 PM

the splendor of antigone
08-13-2014, 05:16 PM
I have seen a lot of youtube videos in my day, but I have to say that this ranks among the very worst. Not only is he painfully unfunny, but his material is at least 50 years old. The "women are crazy hur hur"-schtick? Not only incredibly sexist, but delivered with about as much charm and comedic timing as your run-of-the-mill weather report. It would be insulting to the concept of humor even to imply that he has a "bad sense" of it - just so laughable are his attempts to make his (let's be honest here) fat, dumb, and backwards friends laugh.

And I'm not even going to go into just how **** his "system" really is.

I really* want him to die a horrifying death and rid the world of his ugly, little fat face.

* I really don't, actually.

Harry Balls
08-13-2014, 05:41 PM
See it for what it is, don't pull it apart and try to make reason - there is none.

the splendor of antigone
08-13-2014, 06:15 PM
Like are we going to sign f**king Khedira or not?