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View Full Version : He has simply maximized his potential at a critical time in his short career.

06-12-2014, 04:18 PM
He'd be a fool to take our package compared to what the Russians offered. I'm sure there's not much emotion involved from the professional footballer's perspective. It's just business. At least he alludes to the fact that he has an affection for us and we had first refusal. Us mugs imagined he would tell the world that he would only sign for the mighty Arsenal, no matter how much we paid him and his entourage. But, surprise,he took,the moneyThanks again for your years of service Cesc. We had a blast and you done well mate. Life goes on, always has. Up the Gunners.

the splendor of antigone
06-12-2014, 04:20 PM

06-12-2014, 05:35 PM
Exactly. So where would he go in his tricky situation? Would another club have paid more than Moscow Centre? Only Melchester City or that oligarch in Uzbeckistan or some other *stan. Would you want to live in Manchester? He's done well. Good luck to him. Lives in swinging Lundun, earns lots of dosh. Used to be somebody.