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View Full Version : Joke of the day... Two Canadian nurses, one old the other a babe, were in a conversation about a

Gunner Since Time Began - born to moan
03-13-2014, 09:18 PM
young male patient who had a groinal injury which needed treatment.
The older one said "There's something interesting I noticed while I was changing his dressing and that was he has the word swan tattooed along his *****". "Oh that's interesting" said the young babe nurse I would like to get a look at that. Do you mind if I take care of his next dressing?" "Go ahead" was the answer. When next the nurses met the old one asked "Well did you see the tattoo?" "Oh yes said the babe, I sure did and the tattoo does not read swan, it's Saskatchewan".

71 Guns - channeling the spirit of Mr Hat
03-13-2014, 09:32 PM