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View Full Version : So, City is going for a 62K stadium. Given how hard it is to get seats at Emirates>>

Alfred C. Jolibois, PhD
02-07-2014, 07:18 PM
shouldn't an Emirates expansion be on the cards. Living in the US, and trying to come see a game a couple times a year, believe me when I say that it is hard to get two seats together (even as Red Member) unless you can book the day tickets become available. Seems like the club would do well to spend some of that new money we are getting into catapulting the Emirates into the largest club stadium in England.

Seriously, this is the country's capital, the club with the biggest fan base in London (all league games sold out with no chance of general sale), and with a 40k season ticket waiting list. Even if that waiting list is inflated (people left on there by mistake, etc.) we should easily be able to sell an extra 10K in STs between regular ST holders and an expanded (and super lucrative) club level. If on top of that you leave an extra 10K for the general public (or Red members), that takes us to an 80k stadium, that we will fill week in, week out for the BPL, CL, and FA Cup.

I know there are issues with permitting and transport (tube, etc), but if our board and its influential friends put their minds to it, things should be able to move on these front, albeit with some community wheel greasing required, I am sure.

Mo Britain less Europe
02-07-2014, 09:05 PM
in size and capacity would ever be possible. This is why Dein was so keen to move to Wembley. I think we would sell 80,000+ tickets easily for every fixture and 100,000+ for big ones. Not going to happen. Not with Stan.