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Arsenes' Wanger- Bring back Modd
10-02-2013, 03:23 AM
How unamerican is that?

10-02-2013, 03:37 AM

Arsenes' Wanger- Bring back Modd
10-02-2013, 03:39 AM
remind them of how bad they really could be if they got in power.
c**ts one and all, these facists are.

Chief Arrowhead
10-02-2013, 03:48 AM

10-02-2013, 03:50 AM
a few nutcases fueled by filthy lucre have bullied and threatened their way to this shut down, causing harm to hundreds of thousands of innocent people. They don't care, they sneer, knowing that their 15 minutes of fame is almost up.

The GOP leader is too scared of the anti American Tea Party extremists, he won't even allow the budget to be brought for a vote because he knows the moderates in the GOP will prevail.

This is the death rattle for the GOP/Tea Party. Not long now.

Alexism - Atheoist
10-02-2013, 03:52 AM
of cause, since 2010 if they got control of the House.

But yeah, god forbid we provide health care to poor people by taxing the super rich and reducing payments to insurers. (And cancelling that ghastly boomdoggle Medicare Part D)

But the histrionics and drama of the idiot Tea Party will fade away and the ACA will endure - yet another example of just how funamentally wrong the Conservatives are about how things actually are.

For the record...tax cuts for the rich do NOT lead to job growth, tax cuts for the rich do NOT trickle down, deregulation does NOT lead to cost savings outweighing the costs of deregulations (see: S&L crisis, Worldcom/Enron, Wall Street Collapese, BP oil disaster), and not investing in infrastructure is just fiiiine (See New Orleans levees, Minneapolis bridge, energy efficiency of 60% vs. Japan's 90%) and the "we need to kick some ass around the world to show them they need to respect the USA mentality. (See - deficit and body count vs. gains)

Conservativism has been a complete and utter fail for America but absolutely wonderful for 0.01% of Americans who think of the rest of us as peasants.

10-02-2013, 04:00 AM
very telling the the blackmail by the Tea Party included delaying of ACA (Obamacare), easing of regulation of financial institutes , you know the ones that acted so honourably in the world economic collapse, and are STILL being fined for new transgressions.

Tea Party are terrified that the benefits of ACA will be clear for all to see, and their hysteria will be shown for what is truly was.