View Full Version : Re Poor Old Ron below

08-27-2013, 04:43 PM
Many years ago when my wife was still my girlfriend we and eight friends all went skiing together. One night I sat up late playing poker with the guys and by 6 am was about £600 down. As I had never played before they felt sorry for me (*******s) and offered me the chance to pay by forfeit. I agreed and then they told me the forfeit was to ski naked from the top lift to the bottom of our resort!!

Too late by then to change my mind I surprised them by doing it at midday that very next day while still partly hungover. Honour was satisfied all round and it provided entertainment for many on the slopes although for me it was a paranoid and v cold experience. Paranoid as in I was convinced the swiss alpine police were after me and cold because well.....my nuts and stuff were out there.

I got married later that year and the first part of the honeymoon was skiing in the US with former girlfriend, now wife and her family and one couple from the original naked ski trip.

After midnight mass we all agreed on one present each and mine was chosen for me, the one from our skiing couple friends.

I opened it and wasn't very impressed as it was a ski magazine and a bottle of brandy. I didnt and don't drink brandy and never read ski mags. However I made the usual appreciative noises while thinking how much more thought I had put into our present to them than the crappy ones they gave me.

At this point I noticed them tittering and looking at me so after the usual what comment from me they persuaded me to open the mag.

And yes there on page 2 was a sort of readers wives section of holiday snaps. Winning snap for the month and first prize a bottle of brandy was a picture of me, my hairy naked arse and a bobble hat skiing (gracefully) downhill and an abbreviated story of how it all come about. Wifes family after pretending to be shocked loved it and laughed long and loud and still 25 years later I get the jokes about it.

08-27-2013, 04:47 PM

Alexism - Atheoist
08-27-2013, 04:49 PM
I regret Mary...I never did her.

08-27-2013, 04:52 PM

08-27-2013, 05:00 PM