View Full Version : Even the worst thoughts about Obama are now coming true,

Chief Arrowhead
05-15-2013, 04:14 AM
As predicted by me, btw. Statists do what they do.

Arsenes' Wanger- Bring back Modd
05-15-2013, 04:23 AM
Obama is coming to your rescue Chiefy

05-15-2013, 04:28 AM
You were double downing on Romney on Election Day!

Simply beautiful face plant! :bow:

Low information voter.

05-15-2013, 04:32 AM
and Ted Nugent t shirt demanding his medical handout.

Typical tin foil hat Teahadist. Not an ounce of conviction in his beliefs.

05-15-2013, 04:32 AM
My stock portfolio has doubled in value and all the homes that I own have gone up too. Unemployment is down, more people have health coverage, soldiers are coming home.

So who is worse off?

Chief Arrowhead
05-15-2013, 04:54 AM
I hope you paid your financial advisor well.

More people are out of work since the Great Depression. 50 MILLION PEOPLE are on food stamps.

This economy is on the ropes! What world do you live

Arsenes' Wanger- Bring back Modd
05-15-2013, 05:01 AM
Lying as usual girlie

05-15-2013, 05:07 AM
and then jumped in when he tanked the economy. I don't have an advisor, it's all my own work. It was ridiculous deregulation and foolish credit practices that got us into this mess.

Thankfully Obama is getting the country out of it. Republicans have no policies, only vitriol and obstructionism. I haven't seen one sensible thing out of them for years.

Your bitterness is misdirected IMO.

Chief Arrowhead
05-15-2013, 05:10 AM
but I'm curious. You say that Obama is "getting the country out of it".

How, exactly?

Chief Arrowhead
05-15-2013, 05:17 AM

05-15-2013, 05:22 AM
Economic growth is up, unemployment is falling, the housing market is recovering. all the signs are good and we'd be doing even better had the repubs not obstructed at every step, including forcing the sequestration into effect.

Mitt Romney favoured austerity which, if Europe is anything to go by, would have been a miserable failure. You mentioned foodstamps above, do you think Romney would have given a single f**k about anybody on food stamps?

All this Benghazi **** and the other small-time crap like fast & Furious is pointless distraction and deals with things that mean jack-**** to ordinary Americans. It's just fodder for the punditry and 24 hour journo factories to justify their own jobs.

05-15-2013, 05:22 AM


Chief Arrowhead
05-15-2013, 05:28 AM

05-15-2013, 05:30 AM
That's really all you have? I feel sorry for you.

Chief Arrowhead
05-15-2013, 05:35 AM
I really expected better, which is why I gave you some time.

There is no economic growth. Unemployment is falling because of people giving up looking for work.

You are just one more Obamadrone parrotting his mantra, which is why I have no time for you. We got scores more just like you on here.

05-15-2013, 05:38 AM

Arsenes' Wanger- Bring back Modd
05-15-2013, 05:40 AM
Seriously mate, you can do better.
At least Boston is a man.
Chiefys just a little deluded drunken liar.

05-15-2013, 05:43 AM

Chief Arrowhead
05-15-2013, 05:45 AM
You in favor of siccing the IRS on enemies? What if you end up on the wrong side, I might make sure you get an IRS colonoscopy.

Obama is going down in history as the worst President ever.

Chief Arrowhead
05-15-2013, 05:58 AM