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View Full Version : AWIMB Crime Day seems to be in full effect

Classic Jorge
04-25-2013, 11:31 AM
We should recount more of our scrapes with the filth and the salt of the earth criminal types imo.

I was once made to lie down on a very wet pavement in stoke newington by armed SO19 officers who thought I was an armed robber they were chasing.

The issue was I had a kebab on me, I was on my way back from the pub at the time, and I didnt want to get my kebab wet and they were screaming at me "drop the package, DROP THE f**kING PACKAGE NOW!!".

*******s then just ran off when they realised I was just a bloke with a kebab without so much as a by your leave

Luis Anaconda
04-25-2013, 11:34 AM
it was then that I knew civilisation was dead

04-25-2013, 11:35 AM
"Study hard, son"

True story.

Classic Jorge
04-25-2013, 11:36 AM

04-25-2013, 11:36 AM
Of a bloke who had just committed a robbery. When i asked them what that description was one of them said "a f**king long-haired ponce with an attitude problem....sir'

Coppers used to have a sense of humour in those days :-)

04-25-2013, 11:36 AM

Classic Jorge
04-25-2013, 11:36 AM

Pat Vegas
04-25-2013, 11:36 AM
once the policeman saw this he got in and just gave me a terrible look and said don't be stupid son.

I got out and ran away.

04-25-2013, 11:37 AM
after college while i was waiting for a bus because i was far too ahead of the bus stop,

They was wondering if i was actually really waiting for bus. One cop played good cop with me and another bad cop. I said to them that i liked to see bus come in sight and therefore that why i moved bit ahead of the bus stop to see it come in.

They explained they had some robberys in local area and were looking out for any suspiscous people in the local area. Then that was it and they walked off.

Must have been the tache i grown on my face which i thought as teenager made me look really cool. :banghead:

Pat Vegas
04-25-2013, 11:40 AM

04-25-2013, 11:40 AM
Who was showing off in front of his mates, insulting all of the coppers, really giving it the big un

Because it was a drugs charge they told him he'd have to remove his trousers and underwear. He went pale and said "oh no, please don't make me do that". Became really sheepish and concerned

When he dropped his underwear he had a little fella that was literally the size of a fingernail on the little finger. The coppers carrying out the search couldn't help but crack up laughing in front of him. He was mortified

Pat Vegas
04-25-2013, 11:41 AM

Classic Jorge
04-25-2013, 11:41 AM
Mind you, policia local are very helpful, once told me where to buy some hash

04-25-2013, 11:41 AM
their. Thought you were asking him a life question rather then where havard is on the map. :shrug:

04-25-2013, 11:42 AM

Classic Jorge
04-25-2013, 11:42 AM

04-25-2013, 11:43 AM
:hehe: Could you imagine the pope being stopped and searched. Can,t imagine what their find. :hehe:

Pat Vegas
04-25-2013, 11:43 AM
Bin Laden aged 32

http://www.awimb.com/image/jpeg;base64,/9j/4AAQSkZJRgABAQAAAQABAAD/2wCEAAkGBhQSEBQUEhQVFRUVFRUVFRQXFBQUFRUUFBQVFBUVFB QXHCYeFxkjGRUUHy8gJCcpLCwsFx4xNTAqNSYsLCkBCQoKDgwO Fw8PFykcHBwpKSksKSkpKSkpKSwpKSkpKSkpLCkpKSksKSkpKS kpKSksKSwpKSksKSwpLCwpKSksKf/AABEIAOAA4AMBIgACEQEDEQH/xAAcAAAABwEBAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAQIDBAUGBwj/xAA EAABAwEFBQUFBwMEAwEAAAABAAIRAwQFEiExBkFRYXETIoGRoQ cUMlKxI0JywdHh8GKz8RUlM2RDdKIk/8QAGQEAAwEBAQAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAECAwQF/8QAIhEBAQACAgICAgMAAAAAAAAAAAECEQMhEjETUSJBBGFx/9oADAMBAAIRAxEAPwDpqCjduh26aUlEo/bodsgJEpt6b7ZJdVTAnlNYUuUISBEIQlwiSMhyQWpxFCREBqVC WGqNbbcykJe4NHEpg9KcplZa17cUW/BL cED/wCoTNH2gU57zT1Qem8pFSmLG2XbqkQTByyGgnz0U6zbd0MJLyW RvIxDwLZlaSE1ARhV9231RriaVVj8tGuEjq3UKwBTIYRoIIIEa JGgAggggAjRI0BlDVKMVE3CNoWG2h3GjxpICUGp7AYkthRBqU1 qeyLCWAg1qcAQDZCSU6Qm3BANkoAonBYXbHawwaVBzgQS15GRn gDw1SkC8v8A2wpWcFoIfU0wA6c3Hd9Vzm8r6qWh5c908AMg0cA qerVzl2u/iUXvo0GXgqvRptV46nm79EkVI/kqJ2iepv4n9pyPgoUmU6uRG4j11B8/qU6y1mBB3Z P 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QDq4mPIeitNmtmqlrrACRTbBe6NP6RzP6pvY/ZV9pqBxypjU8Y3BdpuW6GUWBrGgAfXiVeM yqzuewNpU2sYA1rRAAXM/a7tpjf7lRd3GEGuR954zFOeDcieccFqPaDteLDZoYftqktpj5f mqHpu5kLg MuJJMkmSSZJJzJJ4oogYuCfpgptpASw5LYafZba vYz9m7FTJ71JxJYeY V3MeMrrVwba2a1ABrwyof/E8gOn k6P8ADyXBqQ0UgP4p7Kx6PRrjGz/tBtNmhrj21P5Hk4gP6Kmo6GRyXT7g2poWxs0nd4fFTdk9vUbxz EhNKnaUqUkI5WKgLkWJBEQgDxIpRQjAQASSEpBANlqThTpaoVt vKnS N4B4anyTCXTKRb79p0G4qjo4N1cegWRvfbeAW0Rn8x/ILGWy8HPcXOcSTvJVSBotottatolre5T UHM/iO/poqrZ5mO2WcHQ16I86jVU41c7IH/cLIP xR/uNVQJ23wdTtldpyJqOI6HvA qpqkObI3x6rpXto2dxU22pgzaMFT8J Fx6HLxXLrC/KFhlNOjH8jlWnAAVrszsq 1Pkgik0w53zH5Wn6lWWyOx7rdW3iiyO0fHkxp Y gz4T2Oy3PTpMaym0Na0QANAAq48d91PJZOorLouhtJga0AACIG SsLVa2UaTqlQhrGNLnHgAJUnsoXKPa9tRJFjpnIQ tHHVjPo4 C2vTFh9qNoH220vrOyByY35KY Fv5nmSqsBABGpMbQn2JloTrCgJDXJzGoZensSVCSxyfoWhzHBz XFrmmWuaYIPEEKEx6da5Ado7JH2Sda6UtQDApIdgpACNIIxoou yUglFKAZFJH2SdBRlwQGS202h93aKdM/aPEz8jePUrnVe2k6klKv 8zWtNV5MgvIH4WmB6Kue9a4 iHUqpsFILkoIMsFW x7v8AcLJ/7NH 41UxKt9jh/uNjH/Zo/3Gpk9GXvd4rUX03AEOaRB00XD6fs/r/wCoCzsBDXd7GRkymD3nO6TEbyRxW42r23qGsaFncWNZk oPic7eGncBxGattk7we2mDUl2Lec3YRMGTmd SmyVpjbi0V03RTs1FtKkIa0eLidXOO9xUlwS2VA4SDIO9MWy0t psc9xDWtBc4nQACST4KkVn9tdqGWGzOqGC892kz5n8/6Rqf3C88Wu0uqPc95xOcS5xO8kySrrbbap1utTqmYpt7tJp3Mn U/1O1PgNyz8qaRYKASQUHVQNTCDOJUpuk6c0soAFyea7JRnFONcg zzXJ1r1GxJYekTsVjvGd6ne LEWW8Y3qcL2XNeRt4NV76EPfVlv9WSTe3NR8h/G1DrYke 81lze3NF/q3NHyj42oNuUK L3wUKrpzDHR1iB6qhde3NVO0l6TZ3CdYHqnjybuiuGoxgcgSmm n6pxxXZPTESWCkNS3IApV1sUYvCg46Uy6qelKm p9WhUilXVVLawgxIc3weMJ9CUw3F20y92I6uOI9XGfzXTLis/wBm1rgZGQ6blntkbka/C46T9M1u6lcNEBB0mmOzHAcFzL2v7ZgtFkon4odXPAatp OTjyw8VrNrNoRZbM s/Mju02/PUPwjoIJPIFefrXa3VHue8lznEucTvJMkpkZlBAIKICapMHDqm 6NDecyn0aoHGBG5JY5LKQNOKUCkOQBQDmJAOSJQBSDRC0lKFrK rXVkO2XJeN0fJ2svezxRG1niqw1kXbrPwV5rQ2vmiNq5qs7dF2 6PA/kWXvXNQ7yrTTPgmO2SKlSRCvHCyyoyz3FeDqllNsGadK7Y5xtQ JRhITAwpF2tmuzqo7VOuFk1x/N6BHdtkGxQHj9VchkySchnJ0gbyVW7J0Zot4QPqVmPa7tiKNP3 Oie/UE1iPuUzozkXb/AOn8SYYT2h7We 2mKZ wpSylwd81Qji4gRyA5rKIiUYSAJQQAROIGZUgHOhNsOLPcm83n gP5qpLWwqBTSnUyE805JAy9JlHVSJSBYKEokSYf/9k=

Classic Jorge
04-25-2013, 11:43 AM

04-25-2013, 11:44 AM
and not go over the top about it. :hehe:

04-25-2013, 11:45 AM
friends have told me mix of stories from friendly to very unfriendly.

Classic Jorge
04-25-2013, 11:45 AM
I'd consumed every last grain of what I went out with.

04-25-2013, 11:46 AM

Classic Jorge
04-25-2013, 11:47 AM
Basically the Garda are like the met and the Local are like the rest of the coppers

Classic Jorge
04-25-2013, 11:47 AM

04-25-2013, 11:48 AM
At least you were in on the action. :-) Could be title of a film.

Popes night out in hoxton

Guns 'n' Roses
04-25-2013, 11:50 AM

04-25-2013, 11:50 AM
Hope to avoid whoever is the nasty cops . :hide:

Guns 'n' Roses
04-25-2013, 11:53 AM
he gave me the direction to the Shed End terrace at Stamford Bridge.

He didn't think it was a suitable place for a fellow of my stature.

That is kind of the opposite of yours and Peter's story, innit? :rubchin:

Classic Jorge
04-25-2013, 11:54 AM

Luis Anaconda
04-25-2013, 11:55 AM

04-25-2013, 11:56 AM

Guns 'n' Roses
04-25-2013, 11:57 AM
I said to one of these chaps after having run onto the train at Waterloo I think:

"Excuse me, I'm going to Clapham Junction"

"Well, good for you!"

"Well, is this the right train?"

He then looked at my wife and asked: "Are you with him?"

When she said "yes" he replied "Good Luck!"

He was part of a flock of several train conductors who all burst into laughter.

Classic Jorge
04-25-2013, 11:57 AM

Guns 'n' Roses
04-25-2013, 11:58 AM

04-25-2013, 11:58 AM

04-25-2013, 11:58 AM

Guns 'n' Roses
04-25-2013, 12:02 PM
and ordinary coppers?

Classic Jorge
04-25-2013, 12:07 PM
the year's intake.

Famously relished being bussed up to Yorkshire and illegally removing their ID numbers so they could let loose and batter some white people for a change.

Scum, sub-human scum

Mc Gooner
04-25-2013, 12:39 PM
"Right sir, surname please?"


"First name?"



Dick. Ooooooooooooh kaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay. Address?"

04-25-2013, 12:59 PM
to my door.

A friend had visited with her dog. She left, and soon after the coppers arrived, saying that their dog had followed the scent of a housebreaker a few doors down. One of the two was being the evil *******, saying what they would do to me in the station, and the other one was being the good guy. Now dere's a ting.

Eventually CID arrived and took me to the house down the road for identification by the bloke who had seen the perp. I was mightily relieved when when he said "No, that's not him".

Naturally the police did not apologise for the false accusations and threats of violence, etc.

Dutch Gooner
04-25-2013, 01:06 PM
I was on holiday with a few friends and we were being loud in the village'' center (2 km away from our camping site). Cafe owner warned us and said ''I'll call the police'' if you do not leave and you will be put in jail''.....we just dared him and stayed where we are..thought it could be a ''fun'' holiday experience (being stoned and drunk as we were at the time)..5 minutes later...BABUBABUBABU...10 coppers telling us to get in the van and then ....1 night in a french jail.....thank f**k I was put in one cell together with 3 mates....1 of my friends had to spend the night with 2 french drunk beggars, clochards in the same cell.....he still hasn't recovered from that experience...hahahaha

Red N White Army
04-25-2013, 01:14 PM
Was staggering back the next morning after a night out at uni, had a pint of milk in my jacket. Cops chased me thinking I had drugs stashed under me coat and got all upset when searched that it was just a pint. "Where you stashed them eh, eh?". All quite surreal when half cut still