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View Full Version : Diaby: his desire to keep the ball an extra two or three seconds will always be a liability>>

Alfred C. Jolibois, PhD
01-20-2013, 07:42 PM
Doesn't matter how good other aspects of his game are. Smart opponents will target him when he gets the ball from the CBS and our entire team has already pushed forward.

By all means, keep the ball if there is no one pressing you. Drive forward in the last third. But never try to dribble, nutmeg, or run past a player if you are in your own half. Pass quickly and neatly the ball if pressed. Look at the smart pivot: Arteta, for example, but also the Busquets and Alonzos of this world. Far more talented than Diaby, yet would never be caught dead trying a fancy turn into their own half if pressed.

In many ways, we have the same problem in Ramsey and it's creeping in with Cocquelin. Too many touches and the absence of the quick 'simple pass' reflex when you are the holding MF or find yourself as the last man in front of the CBs. Song was the same. Frimpong is the same.

A flaw in our training of home grown players in that position?

o2be a gooner
01-20-2013, 07:50 PM
Yet wenger thinks he is the 'missing piece In the puzzle' :banghead:

01-20-2013, 07:57 PM

01-20-2013, 08:00 PM
Gilberto, Cesc, Toure, Cole etc took. Problem is the quality of player is not there and we still ask them to palsy (that's a typo, but seems somehow appropriate for most of them) the same way. And they can't.

Bergkamp's Brain
01-20-2013, 08:04 PM

01-20-2013, 08:07 PM

Alfred C. Jolibois, PhD
01-20-2013, 08:16 PM
All were very good at giving the ball away fast, with Cesc as the exception. But then again, if pressed he always passed it fast.

I agree there is an ability issue, but also I would say it's more a judgement/brain thing. Knowing when to pass and when to hold it. Sometimes one feels that Diaby or Ramsey think they are Messi in that they can always pass their man. Sometimes they can, sometimes they can't. That's Ok in the final 1/3. Suicidal in our own half...

arse-nick (avid-analogue-addict)
01-20-2013, 08:20 PM
build upon. AW came to a club with sound foundations, and added to that the class of 1998 + some. Now our brightest hopes (young) have no 'world class' players to look up to and emulate, they're boxing in the dark.
The scouts really don't seem to be a notch near to what they were and we will continue in this vein for some time to come, judging by the stubbornness of the board and AW to concede that they have got much wrong over the last 6/7 seasons.

SOLMAN(read by millions)
01-20-2013, 08:51 PM
too lethargic to play defensive midfield , lack drive to play central midfield, lacks mobility to play wide midfield , best place is behind the striker , great talent but will never be able to put it together ,