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View Full Version : Jorge - Being opposed to the EU isn't the same as being a swivel-eyed racist, even with a small r.

01-07-2013, 02:07 PM
One can even support aspects of European integration and still be anti EU. The EU is a fundamentally anti-democratic construct, a near dictatorship of an unelected, unnacountable political elite with absolute contempt for ordinary people and their opinions.

This is evidenced by the numerous referenda that are handed back to the electorate again and again until they vote the 'correct' way - accompanied by hectoring PR campaigns demonising those who refuse to toe the line and vote in support of the elite as ... well, as swivel-eyed reactionaries basically.

In fact it comes as no surprise that the blueprints for the behemoth that is the EU were drawn up after WW2 by ex Nazis and Fascists, eager to continue their project by other means.

So Up Yours Delors!

PS - Did any of the main parties support a referendum of the British people on the EU Constitution?

01-07-2013, 02:11 PM

Classic Jorge
01-07-2013, 02:11 PM
And sure, a lot of what you said there makes sense, you know I would agree with a large proportion of it.

Though you do have to admit that there's a frightening correlation between swivel-eyed racists and being passionately anti-EU