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View Full Version : Wenger: "I believe the support from the board is there..."

One Wilf Copping
12-01-2012, 08:35 PM
"I cannot say no, but I believe the support from the board is there to spend the money if we find the players."

Why would they want him to spend any cash reserves we have???

He's spent £97 million in the last 18 months - Lukas Podolski, Olivier Giroud and Santi Carzola this season and Mikel Arteta, Gervinho, Alex Oxlaide-Chamberlain, Per Mertesacker, Sun and Andre Santos before that.

Not to mention new big money contracts for Diaby, Rosicky, Djourou and the rest.

He's probably still brough in more from player sales, but the money he has pent has been largely wasted...

The problems we have lie deper than just the playing staff, it's everything. Letting Wenger spend again is just throwing good money after bad.

Save any money for the next manager.

But with over £112 million recouped in the same period Wenger's transfer account is very much in the black.

East Upper for Supper
12-01-2012, 09:02 PM
Replacing them with quality at reasonable fees is the hard part and our management
Have f**ked up big time on that.