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11-13-2012, 01:06 AM
http://youtu.be/liyaXjf_WSI i'm coming for you rocky racoon

Arsenes' Wanger- Bring back Modd
11-13-2012, 01:20 AM
http://www.awimb.com/images/smiley_icons/phone.gif for the Ambulance first you soft Yankeetype.

11-13-2012, 03:11 AM
f**kin Yankee pussies, down south they'd jump in, close the door, and go at t 'mano y raccoon'

Arsenes' Wanger- Bring back Modd
11-13-2012, 03:18 AM
and wait for the Racoon to go deaf from the earbashing.
How is it going S7, basking in the glory of Electoral Supremacy.
You did try and warn them. They just got their hopes up and got hurt. Just like Spurs I hope.

11-13-2012, 04:02 AM
Supremely satisfying watching them declare an impending Romney landslide.
I had a nervous few days in mid Oct, but that aside, it was obvious to everyone outside of the Fox News/Rabid Neo Con bubble that it was gonna be easy for The Good Guy.

As my man James Carville said before the polls closed, "if this was a play it would be called An Ass Whoopin Commeth!" http://www.awimb.com/images/smiley_icons/hehe.gif

Most importantly though it was the right, and only, intelligent outcome for a country that to continue moving forward, not back.

The GOP is imploding, as I thought. Some understand they have moved too far right to be electable, whilst the Tea Party say they didnt go far enough to the right

Arsenes' Wanger- Bring back Modd
11-13-2012, 04:58 AM
Don't understand that a country is more than an economy. Don't understand that the Government should be seperate from the church and the judicial system.
Every now and then it is good for them to be elected so we can be reminded that are in it for nobody but themselves and their shares in companies.
I truly look forward to Jeb Bush vs Hilary in 2016.
What a soap opera it will be.