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View Full Version : Modd.......re Romney/Ryan

08-29-2012, 02:10 PM
Which swing states do you mean when you say Ryan will help win swing states?

I agree Ryan is young and vibrant,.something the old GOP was lacking, but Rob Portman (OH) would've been a better choice to (potentially) deliver a swing state.

The Ryan tax plan wont be popular in FL, although I think Romney may still win there.

There is almost no viable path to the White House for Romney that doesnt include Ohio and Virginia.

Romney will pour mega millions into advertising, vastly outspending Obama, but you cant polish a turd.

Obama will be relelected, not by a landslide like in 2008 when he followed the most unpopular President in generations and a VP with 15% approval,....but itll be a solid victory for common decency come November.

08-31-2012, 06:11 PM
money talks at the end of the day