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  1. I've decided to adopt an "it's only a game attitude" as an emotional safety net
  2. The last time there was a 0-0 between us and The Scum was back 2009
  3. Bloody Germans imo
  4. My Doughnut maker has arrived.
  5. Fans should leave offerings and pray to the statues of Henry & DB10 for good luck.
  6. 3-1 to the Arsenal on Sunday
  7. The Emirates Old Trafford (tee hee!) >>>>
  8. Almost time for your next footballing lesson
  9. Goal line technology to be used in PL next season
  10. You see, I've always said that Fulham are a significantly better club than Arsenal in many ways.
  11. Right, I have decided...football officially died once you could no longer pay on the door...
  12. Mumford & Sons are "Trustfund Wurzels" Clap
  13. Wherever he resides, LA is crying profusely tonight...
  14. Junior Gunner membership arrived for my little girl Smile Smile
  15. Any good (free) drawing software out there? Any thoughts on Google SketchUp?
  16. Anyone ever done a walking holiday in Andalusia, Spain? Going in May for some mountain walking and
  17. We are doomed, Tony Gale has just confirmed that we have no chance of winning on Sunday as Spurs
  18. Hang on it is March 1 today not April 1 but all the papers seem to be running spoof stories about
  19. Whilst Fridays are nice the seem to be the ****test day of the week workwise imo
  20. Wenger: "Spurs have had all these great players. They had Ginola before. They had....Anderton."
  21. Where can won buy Rolling Stone Magazine in London? They didn't have it in WH Smiths
  22. Good to see Emmanuel Frimpong maturing into a sensible young man
  23. To further bolster my defence mechanism against possible defeat on Sunday, I have taken refuge in
  24. Talking of managers dress code on the side line, what was this one all about?
  25. Can we all have a reality check here ....
  26. That Peter Cheque is some keeper
  27. How much are spurs away upper tier tickets?
  28. As long a Wenger leaves the gun at home - the one our defence uses to shoot themselves in the foot..
  29. Is it me, or does Wenger look incredibly young in this interview?
  30. In that Wenger interview Monty linked below
  31. Monty! - about these scumbags, these pezzonovante trying to screw you over the flat. Are you
  32. I would like to welcome awimbs newest member. Another poster with a unusual interest in transport
  33. DIABY
  34. We will clearly win this weekend. Always after a dodgy patch
  35. Hi Guys, I am in the process of creating a charity founded by Football Fans
  36. Isn't Piers Morgan a wag
  37. Not sure about that switch to Nike clubs, Rory....seven over thru 8 holes, oops
  38. Hmmm......I know he's a complete tool, but even i didn't think he was thick enough to pick
  39. Another Wenger protégé to have gone on to enjoy a succesful top level career
  40. I find that using a ricer for mash means I then have to re-heat the mash..seems to cool it down
  41. 'We don't plan for anybody,' says manager ahead of derby
  42. Spurs freeee money
  43. Monty is the champ at this, but of all the ways to wish ill will towards someone
  44. Question, how many games did Henry play for Arsenal?
  45. I'm in Malta for the first time. Absolutely astonishing quality in the girls here!
  46. Jimmy Greaves : what a striker he was!
  47. Giggsy is coming back for number 24 Bow
  48. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>
  49. I am thinking of going to the watch the nld with the Boston arsenal supporters club....thoughts?
  50. Bestest commercial ever imo
  51. Ooh I like this...
  52. Nice to see Harry Redknapp continuing to work his magic over at QPR
  53. I'll sort these c**ts out Fight
  54. Anyone using this thingy?>>>
  55. Has awimb been shutdown for the weekend to save on running costs?
  56. Wenger's best mate...
  57. Piers Morgan is genuinely unable to come across as anything other than a total bellend
  58. Chav business cards hehe
  59. The Interim Won Clap
  60. Fabregas. Just a thought... is he admired at Barca, as he was here?
  61. Jack Butland showing why he will be the next England keeper.
  62. Is El Classico not on live
  63. Where's Tone. Is there FREEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE money to be had today, betting on Barca to beat
  64. come on baggies
  65. Yikes van ****er hasn't scored today, what a waste of money imo
  66. I'm starting to like Rafa Frown
  67. Suarez! Clound Nine
  68. Junior is well up for this one imo......
  69. I think we have to win tomorrow. A draw won't be good enough. #nervous
  70. Has anyone here had a problem with sending picture messages?
  71. Maybe AW should buy some hot Japanese players like Kagawa.
  72. Wonder if Fabregas was expecting to lose three out of four games when he went to the ****hole
  73. Cali wimb! Maxine Waters hehe '170 million jobs will be lost in the sequestration'. ...
  74. FFS should have made Suarez captain of my ff team, this week. Instead I went for Bale
  75. This one Monkey Man worth playing over and over and over.......Music
  76. barca were awful today. lucky to lose only 2-1
  77. WTF!
  78. When you are sleeping tonight, go to that happy place.
  79. Oh sh*t! Lawrenson has predicted we will win.
  80. WTF ??!! I know Rich is a cnut but surely this is taking his racist cnutery to a new level?
  81. Can't see us not winning tomorrow, have a good feeling.
  82. Who needs RvP anyways. Indifferent
  83. Pool's 2nd. Beauty
  84. Chris + , can we have a black armband smiley please ? for the possible death of football as i know i
  85. Joint XI
  86. Everyone behave....admin in the house!
  87. Championship Manager Cheat Mode Unlocked
  88. My two fave scum away wins I have had the luck to attend >>>>>
  89. Senderos, still a living liability. hehe
  90. Let's get making FC Arsenal then Cry Cry
  91. So, are we ready for the biggest match of the season? We'll need Diaby in killer form.
  92. my last comment before bed to explain why I'd be so disapointed if we went down this road...
  93. Mark Cuban
  94. Kroenke please take the money and leave
  95. £1.5bn
  96. I'm remarkably perky for someone whose day will be a train wreck by 5.55. Nurse
  97. Up at 4am for this one..
  98. Wenger has lost 4 NLD's out of 40
  99. Bendtner Shake head 'a mild case' Clap
  100. When it comes to drinking sessions abroad Dubai doesn't strike me as the place to go
  101. Toilet
  102. Parents ‘black up’ baby to look like Balotelli Indifferent
  103. If they start out slow and are run ragged for the first twenty minutes, I will personally fly
  104. Brilliant, I have inlaws coming round at the same time as the football
  105. I really hate these Games
  106. iPadWIMB: Anyone know of any sites that run faster than others to watch the game?
  107. from ANR hehe
  108. You miserable load of cyunts. How many times did they get a draw in the early Wenger years, when
  109. We have no hope today imo. I'm gutted already.
  110. Lager We won't lose today.
  111. Jorge - don't answer the door,man! Relatives or not, this is the derby, f**k 'em!
  112. Silent Stan V Un-named Middle East consortium V ????
  113. In tomorrow's Telegraph - £1.5 billion bid for Arsenal
  114. last few minutes, bring on Djourou, take a red card and crock the chimpboy
  115. So the team next season......
  116. Sigurdsson picked ahead of Lewis Holtby
  117. hmm,. was that gary lewin there
  118. This isn't about 4th place - It's about the spud fans at work I'll have to face
  119. Diaby failed the fitness test
  120. **Today is a special day That will be covered in glory COYG! **
  121. I don't care who these bidders are but the club's only hope is to get rid of Kronke. If he doesn't
  122. Szczesny; Jenkinson, Mertesacker, Vermaelen, Monreal; Ramsey, Arteta, Wilshere; Walcott, Giroud, Caz
  123. arsene on numbers and stats - f**k to f**k off - you sell our f**king best players
  124. I just hope we turn in a good performance and that each player gives it their all.
  125. people who worry about our possible new owners need to get a grip
  126. Doesn't look like SIMB even know there's a game on today>>
  127. If we all do this we will win Driving Driving Did Sky look at the two benches before they rolled out the "Spurs have the better squad" line?
  128. It's ok, Jamie Redknapp has just said the following...
  129. Whats happened to the Ox? Have we not developed him properly a la walcott?
  130. right... lets av em
  132. f**k sake Giroud!!!
  133. Link for the game please chaps!
  134. Giroud gets himself in such brilliant positions and then..... Frown
  135. Good start so far. Waiting for the inevitable sucker punch.
  136. Banana thrown at Bale LOL
  137. Adebayor should've been off for diving in the box
  138. link?
  139. Its all very congested and messy in midfield. Could be one mistake decides this.
  140. We are winnng the ball well but then giving it straight back to them
  141. Pathetic defending. Again.
  142. I REALLY f**kING HATE THAT c**t
  143. :baghead: Looked about a yard offside
  144. And there's the mistake. Well done the CD.
  145. Vermaelen Bang head
  146. f**k SAKE YOU c**tS THAT WAS WORSE THAN THE FIRST GOAL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  147. c**ts
  148. And theres another.
  149. I hate this team. It's a f**king exact copy of that last goal. Rubbish.
  150. I'm going to kill Steve Bould.
  151. We had the ball, went all the way back to sczesney who then kicked it to them FFS Why ?
  152. There is hope. Adebayor is just asking for a red.
  153. What an absolute joke after playing so well. f**king shameful
  154. "We have no special plans for Bale"....and all the money in the world won't make Wenger a coach
  155. We are ****. Will probably abstain from ****ing today.
  156. Not sure why Verm is delivering the dirty looks ....
  157. That's their 2. Now our 5 to come
  158. I've got washing to put away, so will focus on that
  159. Donkey defending strikes again
  160. Ok the pressure is off, we have conceded 2...now we can start playing
  161. that was quite unbelievably disastrous.
  162. 30 mins was all us then fall to f**king pieces
  163. Time to bring on van Persie! Oh......
  164. Vermaelen is dead to me
  165. On the bright side
  166. Rosicky for Ramsey?
  167. we play all the football in midfield...spurs scores the goals
  168. Our defence is utter ****e. We give away stooopid goals
  169. Every cross Bang head
  170. Vermaelen - please fcuk off
  171. Terrible defending yet again! TV looks dodgy again.
  172. Get Rosicky and Podolski on
  173. Do you all believe this game is over?
  174. why the f**k do our defence
  175. Soooooo we throw a banana at Bale and he goes all George of the Jungle on us and scores
  176. vermaalen hehe hehe
  177. Midfield too slow. Giroud is useless
  178. Do we reckon Walcott is playing to instructions or just not interested in
  179. I think we need the unpredictability of Gervinho.
  180. Get Giroud off!
  181. We need Mexes, Khederia, Ronaldo and Cavani Nod where's them Arabs???
  182. There will come a day when we will top making the game so easy
  183. On a positive not Ramsey is getting better
  184. oh ye of little faith Wink
  185. f**k yessss. COME ON!!!
  186. Boooooooooooom
  187. Yes
  188. BFGeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
  189. love the ugly goals Clound Nine
  190. We've never lost when Mertesacker has scored.
  191. Get Adebayor sent off now......
  192. wtf gary neville.. hehe
  193. Torontooooooooooo :(
  194. This is extraordinarily unsurprising. Hard to win against top sides with so little quality.
  195. Monkey boy could have done better there :world class:
  196. I think if we don't turn it round in the next 45 its really going to take the shine off winning two
  197. Jenkinson still dangerous on the right
  198. Did Ramsey leave that?
  199. Pleat must be deaf..."Bit f**king nervous" haha....classic
  200. Man boobs brain wreck there
  201. uh oh, Giroud shoulder
  202. Who would have bet that the Pope would resign before AW?
  203. How can we allow him to just run through midfield like that?
  204. At least book the c**t???????
  205. ****.. was hoping he may get sent off again
  206. well done for not putting the ball out... usually we do
  207. Ah crap...Adebayor was playing ****...wanted him to stay on
  208. Giroud has been absolute dog **** today.
  209. Rosicky for Jenkinson?????
  210. not sure i like defoe being on either
  211. looks like Adebayor's done a knee
  212. f**k... got away with that
  213. f**k me, should have been 3-1
  214. OMG
  215. Ramsey virtually walking back hehe
  216. For fcuksake get Podolski on for Giroud
  217. Come on Walcott. Its pay back time
  218. We've resorted to launching the ball forward a bit too much
  219. Get Podolski on for Ramsey now ffs.
  221. Walcott in with a shout for MOTM imo.
  222. come on the pod!!
  223. Another baffling decision.
  224. f**k sake. WHYYYYYYYYYYY
  225. Ramsey you faggot
  226. Ramsey is on because ...?
  227. Puke
  228. We're not getting out of jail this time are we Frown
  229. Can we let Bale take it?
  230. Giroud has been utterly useless today, I dont think he has done anything right.
  232. How many added minutes?
  233. Bale will be hailed as a hero
  234. I do wish we wouldn't chuck Mertesacker up front. It just encourages hoofing it and
  235. more time for this ball nonsense?
  236. Game over Cry
  237. 6 minutes, what can we do with that?!
  238. Wenger out!
  239. f**k off you c**ts!!!
  240. 7 points behind spurs...not sure we are going to overturn this one
  241. gave away that match
  242. that podolski substitution killed our flow....poor decision by wenger
  243. We shouldn't have lost that.....
  244. can we blame the takeover bid?
  245. Poor tactics, poor defending, poor subs and an utterly useless forward performance from Giroud.
  246. New ownership - absolutely, but the manager must go too
  247. **Official Spurs are a better team than Arsenal thread**
  248. we had the upper hand after the goal but lost all threat out wide by taking off jenks and keeping
  249. Oh dear if only the subs could come from the away support we would have been golden