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  1. hehe This is vintage Arsenal
  2. This Coq-Au-Vin is another who should be at home in this company
  3. This could seriously backfire if we manage to lose this
  4. AWhas again dropped Arshavin when he is a far batter player than quite a few on the
  5. Handball.
  6. Gervinho and f**king Ramsey attacking up top. We are not scoring until Rosicky and Giroud come on
  7. Get Arshavin on! f**king Ramsey and Germissio are sub Capital One standard
  8. If we lose this, there will be a **** storm of biblical proportions hehe
  9. Can't wait for Nani to help us out on future Tuesday nights up north, perfect signing Clound Nine
  10. Podolski scored 20+ goals playing as a striker last season. Why do we have the c**t that is
  11. Gervinho getting slated all over Twitter hehe " Gervinho has looked out of his depth so far "
  12. What a finish this is from Gibbs. Oh well
  13. Looks like they'll have to change the cliche from can he do it on a cold winter's night in Stoke
  14. ffs...gervinho...
  15. Super Gervinho. :shakeyhead:
  16. ACN where are you?
  17. Gervinho is officially on my **** list now.
  18. Gervinho is another in a long line of wingers successfully converted to strikers
  19. ARE YOU f**kING SERIOUS ?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!
  20. HE'S BACK>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
  21. 0 shots on target so far. 1 on saturday. Depressing to see a Wenger side so limp in attack.
  22. I hope he dies. I really hope he dies.
  23. hehe
  24. "strong side" hehe Cry
  25. He kicked that f**king wide! I thought he was like a inch away or something.
  26. We are going to lose to Bradford with a near full strength team out
  27. Wish Ramsey would f**k off, is he thick? surely he knows his involvement is detrimental
  29. Didn't Jorge say he was going to this?
  31. Ramsey and Gervinho surely give Bradford an unfair advantage.
  32. He'll be disappointed with that.
  33. Arsene walking off head bowed, don't see that often
  34. Arsene. Paid 7 million pounds per year and plays Gerv as striker.
  35. Gervinho is our most amusing player since Cygan.
  36. I wish i had a f**king dartboard so i could dash some arrows at a picture of Gervinho. f**king c**t.
  37. I dont care if people are bored of hearing it. We had RVP up front last season.
  38. Sacked in morning
  39. Gervinho, Ramsey, Podolski, Vermaelen, Coquelin can all f**k off imo. Have I missed anyone?
  40. Seriously not defending this c**t anymore f**k him. seriously f**k him
  41. Quite enjoying Coquelin the past few cameos. Has a nice little burst going forward at times.
  42. Im starting to think Wenger wants sacked.
  43. No backbone in midfield....same old problem for us.
  44. Arsenal wtf? Where's the pride?
  45. Gervinho CF and Ramsey on the wing...has Wenger had a f**king stroke? And there's no better manager
  46. C'mon we were 4-1 down at half time last round.
  47. Fair to say Diaby is the most important player in this squad.
  48. If I'm sensing the mood correctly on here, would it be fair to say
  49. We need Gervinho to pick a second yellow quick. Then get Chamakh on for Ramsey
  50. The Bradford fans are singing "We love you Arsenal we do" Cry
  51. hehe Some c**t in the Bradford section with a Spurs Gillet on
  52. GERVINHO IS STILL PLAYING? gtfo! Where's the accountability?
  53. Do you remember at the start of the season a lot of us said that this was the best Arsenal team in a
  54. Gervinho... 3 yards
  55. ramsey Indifferent
  56. Bradford's a bit of a bogey ground for us isn't it? Only got 1 point out of 6 up there
  57. coq the only player earning his paycheck tonight
  58. We are losing to Bradford and we can't even get a shot on target...
  59. c**tsake
  60. This is a new low. Im f**king embarrassed.
  61. Someone stab him immediately.
  63. how many more times does he put up with that c**t.
  65. Take off our best, freshest player. Genius
  66. Hour gone. ZERO shots on target, AGAINST BRADFORD FFS.
  67. That it should come to this. hehe
  68. WHAT! the only midfielder actually making an effort... gets subbed
  69. Wenger f**ks his subs AGAIN. Subs the best player FCOL
  70. Is this a f**king Aussie radio prank?
  71. I need to be reassured. Where is Nic? Cry
  72. Do you reckon Gervinho is still the best player Eden Hazard has ever played with?
  73. gervinho is a genuine contender
  74. f**king f**k sake. Let's bring on the worst player at the club to partner the second worst player at
  75. Dean is buying all the cheap free kicks off their CF.
  76. Ramsey can't give a three yard pass yet stays on.
  77. Bradford cannot have played a poorer side all season. This is tragic.
  78. Chamakh hehe He really does make me laugh.
  79. This is em embarrassing. We cant make more than 3 passes and get a shot on target...
  80. Vermaelen really is a ******** of a centre half and captain imo
  81. PLEASE GET OX OR ROSICKY ON NOW. They are in the 4th tier of English football ffs.
  82. Booooooooooooooooo
  83. I like the urgency we are showing.
  84. If you thought the first half was bad hehe hehe
  85. Two of our three ****test players off Clound Nine
  86. Bradford dont need a keeper
  87. Rambo genuinely looked like he was gonna collapse coming off there.
  88. Gervinho survives
  89. Wd Ox.
  90. Wow, Wenger takes Ramsey off. Why oh why???
  91. League 2. 70th min. Shot on target.
  92. shot on target. we can go home now
  93. WE ARE AWSOME! shut the f**k up you moaning c**ts.
  94. I feel like a proper moan tonight
  95. Gervinho stays on. I really find it hard to trust Wengers judgement anymore Cry
  96. Is there ANY sign of us getting back into this?
  97. Let's just make our kids the first team now. They won't do any worse. Seriously.
  98. hehe 'Just look at who Bradford are having to keep at bay'
  99. It's the 80's all over again. **** on Spurs intermittently, cup upset, going nowhere in the league.
  100. This is f**king hopeless.
  101. DA OXXXXX
  102. No Theo or Giroud no chance scoring
  103. These players are better then this, Arsene has lost them. Tactically he is dead
  104. I was hoping Podolski would have got a game tonight?
  105. I actually think the players are terrified and can't play.
  106. hehe
  107. We dont even look like scoring.
  108. The Ox is lost isn't he?
  109. Ironically the younger players probably would of played much better
  110. Their keeper's probably been kept busier against Aldershot and Morecambe this season Frown
  111. Wilshere looks like he's about to cry. Do we think he'll go to City in January or in the summer?
  112. f**k me. This is actualy making me want Henry back.
  113. I hadn't accepted that we're actually going to lose to Bradford with a full team out until now.
  114. Sweet Jesus. It's happening.
  115. A team similar to this might be playing Barcelona soon Frown
  116. ox lemonhead is f**king fat and f**king ****
  117. We are f**king terrible, no fluency, lack of effort, timing, weight and accuracy of passes poor
  118. I only just realised they are in the fourth tier
  119. One of the biggest upsets ever?
  120. We're actually going to lose aren't we hehe
  121. Gervinho is the new Eboue, the more attention put on his performances, the worse he plays
  122. Not being funny...actually want Bradford to win now.......
  123. well its certainly been a sustainable performance. bonuses all round
  124. Damn
  125. f**king hell 1-1 hehe
  127. We are f**king immense, get in skipper
  128. Finally a good cross
  129. What happend to Arsenal always being able to score. Arsene has lost it imo
  130. Well whoop dee do.
  131. ABOUT f**kING TIME TOO. ****ERS.
  132. Come on Bradford, don't let us off the hook you c**ts!
  135. Did we score????? My stream has frozen as someone is about to head it!!!!!
  136. They believe in Wenger again Clound Nine
  137. ****
  138. Just move Tommy up front!
  139. Oh what a goal! Music We love you Arsenal, we do! We're by far the greatest team... Musi</a></li>
	<li> <a href=We might yet win a game with Dean Clound Nine
  140. For a good, honest, english team this lot are a bunch of diving c**ts
  141. Mind you that goal could mean another 30 mins of Gervinho, so swings and roundabouts.
  142. more chamois than chamakh
  143. Alan Green gone into meltdown!
  144. Pitch is properly frozen.
  145. Wenger's excuse for a lucklustre performance at Reading will be our exertions tonight
  146. Are we actually trying to win this cup then? Seems a bit dangerous
  147. This was Wengers plan all along, wanted them to toy with Bradford
  148. what kind of a senile c**t leaves behind Arshavin to play ramsey oxlemonhead
  149. some of the football played tonight has been excellent
  150. Bradford have won their last 12 penalty shootouts apparently. Doubt it will get there though.
  151. any one of these people in this beats. advert would be better up front
  152. Another person who is really annoying the f**k out of me....
  153. Oh no. Extra time, Now we really will be tired at Reading on Monday Smile
  154. Reckon they'll get their beloved penalties after all.
  155. 'No intent' off his hand. hehe
  156. well done skipper. giving away free kicks around the box is the only way out of this competition
  157. If we come through tonight, after Reading too, can believe our name is on this trophy
  158. What was the goal like?
  159. We simply cannot lose to a team with a player called Blair Turgott.
  160. Gervinho :baghead:
  161. Jack you c**t!
  162. Music robin van Persie, he went coz you're **** Music
  163. f**kless headless c**t
  165. I dont trust any of these c**ts in a penalty shoot out, so can we please win it in ET
  166. If we f**k this up, I'm calling in sick tomorrow, sort it out!
  167. Tomas and Santi are playing that rule where you only pass to each other hehe
  168. Gervinho is absolutely fücking extraordinary.
  169. f**ksake Santi
  170. there is that weak shot again
  171. Does anyone believe gervinho will make it?
  172. That Cazorla chap has no shooting ability
  173. if. perchance we scored...would we be able to see out the bombardment anyway
  174. Music we're going to f**k this up Music
  175. Poor old AOC.
  176. As soon as the winter wind came, Santi nipples went taught and he started playing like a tart!
  177. Chamakh you ********.
  178. chamakh ..... just shocking
  179. That bitch Chamakh arguing with Ox furious
  180. OX giving Chamakh bucket loads hehe Clap
  181. I'd love to see Gervinho's highlights reel from this.
  182. Did AW sow seeds of penalty doubt in them yesterday?
  183. Poll
  184. I'd like us to score in a minute and a half
  185. pelanties Clound Nine Clound Nine what did wenger or his scouts see to make a bid of 15m for oxf**k..
  186. Shmack and Gervinho on penalty duty Hide
  187. long throw time
  188. We have no one who can put a decent cross in.
  189. Our crossing has been nothing short of dreadful tonight.
  190. I cannot believe we could not beat them in extra time
  191. Oh god, we're f**ked aren't we. Frown
  192. whatever happens....This was a f**king shameful performance
  193. hehe Ox and Chamakh still arguing. Go on Ox, chin the c**t!
  194. Ox just called Chamakh a f**king idiot hehe
  195. In-play betting going 5/6 both sides.....cheers bookies!
  196. Come on fat, Polish c**t.
  197. Bradford look up for it, we look demoralised.
  198. You know a couple of ours will bottle it. We need Chesney to save 2-3 I reckon
  199. Oh no...Chamakh's taking one!!
  200. Pelanty takers will be: Vermaelen, Rosicky, Wilshire, Chamakh and Cazorla
  201. Gervinho, Chamberlain and Chamakh to miss.
  202. Chamakh number II. Kill me now.
  203. if Theo played like Chamberlain tonight he would get slaughtered.
  204. It really is shocking how far we have fallen in the last two years
  205. "this will be a disaster for Arsenal Football Club" fair enough imo
  206. Which player will chip won down the middle?
  207. which foot does cazorla use now?
  208. Santi's bottled it
  209. hehe Chamakh to come
  210. Here we go Frown
  212. limp wrist Frown
  213. That it should come to this.
  214. hehe hehe
  215. no no no no no
  216. Miss.
  217. Chamakh :baghead:
  218. looooooooooooool Frown
  219. Ha! Not even able to get it on target. Pathetic c**t.
  220. f**king slags...the lot of em
  221. Goodbye my love
  222. Wenger has to be mad to let him take one. f**king silly c**t.
  223. Who the f*ck let him take one.
  224. What a joke we have become.
  225. We'll get we where we need to go faster this way.
  226. hehe We must be doing this on purpose
  227. Yikes Yikes Yikes
  228. Bradford will bottle this.
  229. Ox and Jack will score - our only two proper players.
  230. Bradford will miss this.
  231. no confidence in this walkup AOC
  232. hehe
  233. f**k Frown
  234. ARSENE OUT!!!!
  235. Vermaelen - you deserve that you f**king ********
  236. Ffs Verm of all people.
  237. Congrats Bradford
  238. Yikes hehe Yikes
  239. I just dont know what to say anymore. We are in deep f**king crisis.
  241. We want Wenger out, say we want Wenger out. NOW - not end of season
  242. f**king pathetic.
  244. Well fûcking done them. Extraordinary depths for us. He's toast.
  245. Probably the end of Wenger now. Shame.
  246. You couldn't make this up - no excuses tonight. We are just utterly toilet right now
  247. That's for the numpties who still defend Wenger at all costs
  248. I've never seen a club hit the post twice in a shootout, well done the lads.