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  1. Our players seem ... err, drunk!?
  2. It's now 8 years without a trophy Clound Nine
  3. Kos really is an OG specialist, isn't he ?
  4. hehe 2 shots 3 goals
  5. Away support should make the most of it, at least for a laugh
  6. LOL. Best to take Chamakh off now.
  7. Let get this! NOW!
  8. This is f**king shocking. Thank god I'm watching Epic Rap Battles of History instead.
  9. Wenger makes too many excuse for these pussys. Fergie would punch f**k out them all.
  10. I turned over for a few minutes and
  11. I turned it off. Not watching that ****.
  12. my mates just got to his seat at reading...poor sod!
  13. And Howard Webb is fit and in the Man U team on Saturday. Oh dear
  14. Thank God it's only 5th on the list of priorities. When we go for the big transfers in January they
  15. Skyfall
  16. When are we ever going to sign a proper f**king keeper ?
  18. Absolutely no passion - again... Overpaid IMHO!
  19. Is anyone actually going to watch the United game? I'm going to Bournemouth v Dagenham & Redbridge
  20. 5-4 .... WE'RE GONNA WIN 5-4 ... etc. etc. Clap *fans should start that now.
  21. 4-3 .... WE'RE GONNA WIN 4-3 ... etc. etc. Clap *fans should start that now.
  22. this is still our best chance of a trophy this season
  23. This is actually embarrassing.
  24. Back to Guild Wars 2 ...
  25. anywon behind fabianski and mannone in the pecking order was always going to cost us a goal
  26. This does the club proud. Well done Wenger.
  27. I've just been watching words of peace
  28. Fans leaving hehe
  29. Oh well - at least it's preparing the squad for the massacre United are going to give us on Sunday..
  30. loooooolz Clap
  31. £150M in the bank! Clound Nine
  32. I'm going to watch the "Walking Dead"....the Zombies in that move better than most of this team!
  33. What a waste of time this club is.
  35. 4-4
  36. Chamakh shoots Clound Nine
  37. Must be a plan to make our team regain pride against united
  38. ****. ****tier. ****tiest.
  39. hehe hehe hehe Keown:Don't underestimate this Reading performance but as an Arsenal player this is an embarrassment
  40. Nicosia- still happy with ur beloved wenger?
  41. Both Kronke teams getting spanked in less than a week!
  42. Koscielny hates the league cup imo
  43. Arshavin, Djourou, Chamakh. f**king wastemen stealing a living.
  44. Just noticed Stuart Taylor is their keeper on the Bench... hehe
  45. Why do Arsenal have the lettering that they have on Champions League nights on the shirts but
  46. Arsenal away fans singing "We want our Arsenal back"....
  47. Music We want our Arsenal back Music
  48. hehe Looks like another record will be tumbling tonight.
  49. 5-4 Clound Nine
  51. 4 -1 - the comeback is on! Hide
  52. Nothing like a bit of team morale before a trip to Old Trafford.
  53. Final score prediction?
  54. Apart from being skint. Wenger is not doing his job.
  55. mr gazidis, mr kronke WE WANT OUR ARSENAL BACK!!!
  56. Theo once again shows his excellent finishing.
  57. "We want our Arsenal back" Clap
  58. I reckon Nicosia started that chant of 'we want our Arsenal back'.
  59. Play Walcott down the middle Arsene, you french faggot!
  60. That's all I need...Ray effing Winstone Bang head
  61. A ticket refund in the offing ?
  62. We certainly know how to scout world class goalkeepers Nod
  63. bring eisfield on NOW
  64. That was a nice finish Nod
  65. just saw Nic walking out hehe
  66. Mexico seems like a nice place for a wedding
  67. I reckon we're a bit ****
  68. Feel sorry for the away fans - traffic was a right cnunt this eve and the trains were fcuked too...
  69. At least Arshavin's contract is up at the end of the season
  70. I will put on a big bet for arsenal to come back and win this.
  71. what has caused Koscielny's mental breakdown this season I wonder?
  72. Is there anything sadder than watching Wenger bitch at the 4th official
  73. So Ian Wright saying he ain't got a clue why Wenger is not using Pheo as a center striker...
  74. I complained on here last season and was told "cheer up this could be worse" so I cheered up & sure
  75. hurrumph
  76. What a warm up for Saturday.
  77. 35/1 lump on
  78. Not to worry......."We'll learn from this"....
  79. why not just hold a raffle and let fans play these games ?
  80. Started the same as first half Yikes
  81. Oh f*ck, it's November soon Cry
  82. great game to win Hide
  83. Being a masochist I would like a link to watch it.
  84. chamakh hehe
  85. That f**king coat imo furious
  86. hehe the second string as clueless as the first....
  87. It's a better game if you watch it here....
  88. We're gonna come back here. Nod
  89. well we could be 4-4 already. sorry 6-4 to them
  90. Oh Christ...even the Ref's pissing himself laughing now
  91. 4th official telling Arsene to play Theo in the middle there hehe
  92. Serious question- how is the keeper doing?
  93. a goal here and we could see if they crumble
  94. ffs leaving chamakh on - hello giroud
  95. It's on
  96. COME ON YOU c**tS
  97. They'll crumble now I reckon Nod
  98. Djourou is actually worse than Stepanovs, Senderos, Cygan and any other ******** i've missed out.
  99. Kick Jason Roberts out of football.
  100. So if finally Theo is showing the sort of signs that he should be played down the middle as people
  101. Wrong Djourou camera man
  102. (wayne's world style) Game oooooooon!
  103. How many times has Arshavin given the ball away today? f**k me
  104. Rich will have a chub now
  105. That Walcott has always been ****
  106. Away fans fantastic as usual
  107. still a few having stinkers out there
  108. In all fairness, decent 2nd half and Giroud has impressed since coming on
  109. He has to get Arshavin off
  110. great save Bang head
  111. Coquelin has been f**king ****.
  112. You can't say Ollie isn't giving this everything he's got. Man's got pride at least.
  113. Unlucky Giroud! He's a class act.
  114. so, We are winning the second half ??
  115. tactical if we get one now I think they might panic post
  116. giroud's movement puts chamakh to shame
  117. Is this tie one or two legs?
  118. Eisfeld looks decent.
  119. Eisfeld > (x infinity) Arshavin
  120. What are we supposed to do with Chamakh? He's the worst player I've ever seen in an Arsenal shirt.
  121. lol
  122. Martinez couldn't catch a cold
  123. lets have it!! come on!!
  124. Probably the worst performance by Le Coq since his last game Cry tbf he's been decent previously
  125. Are we done yet?
  126. flaming f**ks
  127. Left it too late
  128. oooooh come on you c**ts
  129. Teams have done many times to us it's our turn. come on
  130. Come On Arsenal!!! Give me a PPPL point you c**ts hehe
  131. stop teasing me!!!!!!!!!!!!
  132. COME ON 4-4. MAKE ME RICH!
  133. Clap Kos got a freebie here. Silly boy.
  134. Koscielny and Jason Roberts is a painful reminder of
  135. how did kos not get sent off there
  136. Ooooooooh!!!!!!! So close!
  137. Reading have every right to complain about this ref... Been pretty unfair to them...
  138. Just send Kos off. c**t is getting on my nerves.
  139. **** game. Good second half. Giroud Bow
  141. superstitous if we get one here they might fold
  142. loooooooooooool
  143. Yeahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!
  144. hehe hehe hehe HAHAHAHA Thanks ref!
  145. loooooooooooooooooooooooool
  146. hehe
  147. Clap Clap Clap wow...well done R
  148. whooohayyyyyyyyyy
  149. lol lol lol
  150. hehe hehe hehe take that
  151. Ref's watch is clockwork.
  152. We don't do that sort of thing.
  153. Martinez will f**k this up imo :imo: wd lads btw...
  154. Lucky boy Kos
  155. Never in doubt Nod
  156. Which madman took 35/1?
  157. hehe That's what you get for time wasting. Also Kos should have been sent-off by now hehe
  158. YEEEEEEEEEESSSSSSSSSSSSSSS!!!!!!!!!!!! Monnnnniiiiieesesss!!
  159. WENGER BACK IN !!!!
  160. Anybody have 4-4 at half time?
  161. making a substitution so late... that'll learn em
  162. f**k off Jason Roberts you c**t.
  163. F*ck me hehe Well done Jenks
  164. hahahahaha f**k off Jason 'black man' Roberts hehe
  165. If that goal gets given to Theo as it should then he'll be our top scorer.. .again.
  166. Ref has been f**king shocking
  167. Kos will go pretty early here imo
  168. I think the ref simply refused to allow them that time wasting substitution. Well played Nod
  169. Martinez Bow Clound Nine
  170. Jason Roberts hehe ****er
  171. Still not been at a game when Giroud as scored
  172. That was some half time team talk Wenger is god etc
  173. Ferguson would have been proud of the time added hehe
  174. I have a imagine of Nic shouting at people. told you so.
  175. Get someone on for Miquel. He's treading water.
  176. theo has made 2 great runs - his only mistake has been to pass to
  177. Arhsa****!!!!
  178. A clear penalty denied, Kos not sent off, Full minute of extra time.. So whats Arsene going to say..
  179. We got Fergie time Bow Clap
  180. damn - wanted a replay. if we could only sneak one I think they might fall apart.....
  181. What was Jason 'massive chips' Roberts' beef?
  182. If we lose now it will be a bit...well, gay, really Frown
  183. Why you stupid lizard c**t!
  184. who can play left back on bench? miguel is done
  185. next goal is crucial
  186. the fan who wouldn't give the ball back must be feeling like such a c**t hehe
  187. The scum of the earth fans who went home at half time Clap
  188. I'd say we should make a sub but I don't know if we have any left and our bench is made up
  189. Giroud threw his shirt into the crowd!
  190. How apt that "Pride of Britain is on ITV
  191. So I've watched Arsenal live in a few penalty shoot-outs...
  192. Players threw shirts into crowd at full time hehe
  193. walcott shold start on saturday
  195. Chammmmmm!!!!!
  196. CHAMAKHHHHHH!!! I've always loved that dude Bow
  198. Hahahaha f**k me. It's a miracle!!
  199. hahahahahahaha. Nic knows Nod
  200. HAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Well done son
  201. Miracle!!
  202. Return of the Makh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!
  203. Always loved him hehe
  204. CHAMAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAK, can you believe it!!!!!
  205. Arshavin and Chamakh. Pair of clowns.
  206. This Theo is worth renewing a contract
  207. HAHAHA of all people!
  208. Well, you couldn't make it up really.
  209. why did it take so long for arsenal to wake up?
  210. Music I Believe in Miracles Music
  211. Oh gawd is that nic bare chested?
  212. remember Jason Roberts knocking us out in the semis hehe take that you c**t
  213. Stand up if you five four up!
  214. In fairness, the keeper went down monumentally slowly. Should have saved it.
  215. There's Nic with his shirt off. hehe
  216. Err ...sorry Rich.....you were saying something?
  217. Well I never!
  218. Go on Raph!
  219. I would presume there would be very little complaint on Sat about Howard Webb's bias ..
  220. For the equaliser, how did the guy on the line not clear it?
  221. At 3-0 I made two bets ... $5 on win 23/1 , and $10 on draw 11/1 Clound Nine
  222. What an asshat this ref is
  223. We clearly have a super ark that Noah would be proud of
  224. Great save Martinez!
  225. Miles offside!
  226. Save son
  227. Eisfeld > Gnabry Judge
  228. I'd like this ref all the time.
  229. Nice moves, Raph
  230. Silly cünt has corrected it but ....
  231. Lionel Messi of goalkeeping
  232. not good
  233. f**k sake.
  234. You realise this only encourages Arsene, don't you.
  235. *******s!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  236. maybe not
  237. balls.
  238. Is Santos playing left-back?
  239. f**k sake.
  240. Defo not watching penalties Hide
  241. Martinez has been great and his confidence is sky high .. Penalties here we come Clound Nine
  242. Don't think I could stomach a chamahk penalty
  243. Music na na na nah Djourou Music
  244. Switched tv over just as they scored Bang head
  245. 'great game for the neutral'
  246. f**k SAKE JENKINSON!
  247. Goalllll!!!!!!
  248. Theo Hattrick!!!