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  1. This Covid-19 thingy could actually be quite good fun
  2. Is there actually anywhere else that is good to get 'news'
  3. :bogrollwimb: Any selfish hoarding wánkers amongst us here?
  4. The real issue here is that we still haven't come up with a good name for the virus.
  5. Genuine question has anyone cancelled their sky sports packages?
  6. if you run out of bog roll simply learn from our oldest friend the dog. When he
  7. This is one of those cases where the paywall is really frustrating.
  8. Some full blown wokeness from the Independent in this piece.
  9. So why do our Airlines think they can pull the old "too big to fail" scam and
  10. This is the best story I've read so far :hehe:
  11. My council tax has just gone north of three large.
  12. In case you're unsure whether our media is fit for purpose in dealing with a crisis,
  13. I'm getting a bit worried that Coronavirus is going to ruin the filming of TV series
  14. Why does the Government leave everything until so late in the day?
  15. Oi, Herb! About your arse-cleaning suggestion.
  16. Mini Champions League + Cricket
  17. Don't go to the pub.....
  18. Today was quite nice.
  19. Is there some reason why we are doing the opposite to everyone else?
  20. BBC2 Miss World
  21. 1st blow to Liverpool
  22. When you c@nts are dying of scurvy over the next few weeks, you know what I’ll be
  23. This town
  24. BT have statistically modelled the rest of the season if it were to be played
  25. Euros postponed according to the Norway FA
  26. So everyone is working from home. So instead of wasting time in the office on
  27. Bookies are trouble
  28. Does anybody know anyone who has caught the virus?
  29. The agony of aging .....
  30. Never the same after the Gronk
  31. UEFA want all leagues completed by June 30th
  32. Monty'sDadWimb: Advice please
  33. So we're to be saved by a Japanese camera manufacturer.
  34. Well...final MRE packs arrived
  35. I see that David Icke's take on the whole thing is much as you might expect
  36. Why is Corbyn at PMQs?
  37. Not much fun sitting here watching
  38. Car manufacturers shutting down production.
  39. How long are the schools actually gonna be closed for?
  40. Big rumours we are going into lockdown tonight
  41. I'm currently amusing myself trying to imagine some of the parents at my son's school
  42. Booze
  43. Seems to be a mistake...just got my new council tax bill
  44. Got to love the Irish...couldn’t go 1 day
  45. Pubwimb - What's Awimbs view on this right now?
  46. I live to fight another day
  47. I've been reading the experiences of those who've had the chinkyflu
  48. IUFG they have reduced my salary
  49. If you’re not stocked up then you might be out of time
  50. Tony C
  51. There could be an upside to all this, you know.
  52. Steve McQueen
  53. It's clear to me that, much like the guidelines for pregnant women, the government
  54. Are Pot Noodle's really that bad?
  55. Lol Boris...All Restaurants shut
  56. FREE MONEY all round from the Chancellor
  57. I hope Kevin Campbell is right; fed up with weak and unwary defenders.
  58. Actually feel sorry for Rooney in this.....
  59. McDonalds goooooone
  60. Costa Coffee gooooone
  61. Things that are píssing me off in the pandemic.
  62. Could we stop guffing on about The Blitz, The Battle of Britain and Dunkirk. And if
  63. I am bored ****less
  64. I see thon Jock sexpest has got away with it.
  65. That mong Philippe Auclair moans like a bitch about Brexit
  66. First Corona victim that I personally knew
  67. Our great leader is about to address the nation
  68. KFC gone...
  69. So if Tory ministers are refusing to speak to the BBC because they feel themselves
  70. Olympic Games gone
  71. Good to see the East End following orders
  72. Ok this is a joke now....
  73. Lower leagues move to terminate season
  74. Fantastic news!
  75. Life returning to normal in Wuhan
  76. Prince Charles Gone!
  77. Just reading that most of the world are slagging off the UK/Boris for taking too long
  78. C, you promised to tell me today if you really are collecting the 4 horses of the
  79. barrybueno's new super duper mega special fun happy anti corona stay at home zone
  80. Bloody hell Sir C!, you own all that land! I'm afraid my previous promises of showing
  81. During this crisis I was very disappointed
  82. Has the Lizard-in-Waiting croaked yet?
  83. Today’s in depth form study discussion on betfair
  84. Who owns Zoom then? Never heard of them before this all happened
  85. Called my dad earlier to talk him through boiling himself
  86. I take it we’re all going to get into the spirit this evening by worshipping at
  87. I find this all very suspect
  88. The Belorussian sure can name their sides imo
  89. I prefer this version of LOTR imo
  90. Lockdown...Indian style
  91. Boris gone ...
  92. Hancock Gone
  93. The Bosch seem to be holding up rather well...
  94. Chief Medical Officer Professor Chris Witty gone
  95. Micheal Gove...he got bullied at school right?
  96. The biggest scam of all time
  97. So when Boris is right as rain on Monday.....
  98. At what point do we claim David Icke as the Messiah and start a new religion?
  99. What was that? Gov lettering me use my annual leave next year?
  100. Gentlemen....yes awaken that pelvis
  101. Italy...you know it’s bad
  102. Did anyone else play 8-bit computer games in the '80s? I've just downloaded a C64
  103. On a positive note....
  104. I keep reading that planes are landing here from New York and people are not even
  105. Well the sports journalists have an easy job now
  106. Hungarian PM
  107. Have you changed any of your habits etc whilst being stuck at home.
  108. Home hair cuts
  109. So I felt crap over the weekend - sore throat, headache, temperature.
  110. We've been sending money to one of our Delhi street mates, and he's making tea for
  111. Wait you can bet on this Virtual Grand National?
  112. Looks like the weather could be warming up over there by the end of the week.
  113. On a lighter note I saw this video for the first time yesterday
  114. Anyway Herbie, if you really wanna dig Burney out you should remind him that he
  115. Just went out for the first time after my 7 day quarantine. Waitrose have lifted the
  116. CL & EL all washed up
  117. Wimbledon gone
  118. All these Skype and Zoom tv interviews
  119. This has to be the best video ever on expensive watches
  120. Just read that they’ve put a whole region in China in lockdown again because a
  121. Doesn't this go against all the rules?
  122. Eddie Large Gone
  123. There’s another issue with all this Corona lark imo
  124. Are we going a bit overboard with this nhs worship business? Aren't they just doing
  125. Tell you what I am bored of. People telling me we are all in this together,
  126. Macron and France showing the true spirit of EU cooperation.
  127. It's my birthday today. I am 55 years young.
  128. North London.
  129. So some HR advice guys...
  130. Listen up now, about the Universe. You have to stop thinking of empty space as
  131. Bill Withers gone
  132. A Friday evening scene from Stockholm.
  133. There is gonna be a lot of flat car batteries if this carries on for a while.
  134. A little tune I always turn to during bad times...
  135. Claude has a David Icke inspired show about Covid-19 and 5G coming up
  136. Virtual GN
  137. No wonder it spread it Italy...they had a hug a Chinaman day
  138. This isn't all bad - AWIMB Sunday food
  139. Boris gone
  140. So Jesse Lingard to replace Cabellos next season
  141. Whenever Her Majesty connects with her nation as she did last night, one of my great
  142. Right I am getting ****ing bored of this
  143. Am I the only one who thinks this Duffy thing sounds a bit far-fetched?
  144. Reasons to be Cheerful, Part 1 - No Masters!
  145. Boris Hospital presents
  146. Honor Blackman gone
  147. Remember folks
  148. Boris in Intensive Care
  149. ..............................................
  150. Watching the Putin documentary on CH4.
  151. So according to the leading expert in the world of such matters
  152. I don't have a garden
  153. The Colonel seems to be doing well imo
  154. I'd keep a wary eye on that serpent Gove if I was Boz. He'll be slithering into the
  155. UFC secure a private island for fights
  156. Best premier league goals 2018/19 on Sky
  157. A pretty compelling argument here.
  158. The infection of the Tiger in NYC. I get how it made the jump from animal to
  159. F@cking BBC
  160. On this day....
  161. Home office preparing for a tighter lockdown from Thursday onwards
  162. Not happy....
  163. I have Ocado coming later. Are they doing anything weird with the deliveries like
  164. I think we can all agree that this is the image that will define the lockdown for us.
  165. Air Conditioning wimb
  166. By sheer coincidence following yesterday's Awimb thread, my mum has sent me a video
  167. Here is what I told you all 4 weeks ago.
  168. Awimb gone?
  169. Just popped my cherry with a booze home delivery
  170. Rest in peace Kenny Daglish...another victim of this hideous virus
  171. The Pride lot must be seething
  172. At least Abbot was in opposition
  173. My beloved just got repatriated from Delhi in FIRST CLASS on the last flight for a
  174. Unai you dirty dog lol
  175. Tim Brooke-Taylor gone
  176. Jenny from NK
  177. Hera ya go, B. Muzzies being blamed for the virus in India.
  178. A few questions
  179. I'm really not sure 'demand' is the right word to use here.
  180. The Pimp Game
  181. The mantra is really starting to grate now. Stay home, Protect The NHS, Save lives ..
  182. Have you been getting any in depth stat analysis when it comes to Covid-19 or
  183. Dippers big day today
  184. Can someone please explain how the nutters link 5G to CV? Genuine question.
  185. Shall we make a list of those to be Dealt With
  186. A real tragedy happened on this day
  187. Confessionwimb.. I couldn’t give a flying fark about Football right now
  188. So then, The Quiz...watching that, whether guilty or not, no way...
  189. I've just wandered into my office to check it hasn't burnt down
  190. Daytime telly review
  191. Word on the street (if there was anyone) is another 3 weeks of lockdown
  192. This old chap who's walking round his garden for money. Very admirable, but how is
  193. tbf this is quite good from the manc scum
  194. SleepWIMB
  195. The bat eaters aren't very good at this disinformation business, are they?
  196. About time all this clapping *******s stopped isn’t it?
  197. Norman 'Bites Your Legs' Hunter gone.
  198. Norman Hunter gone
  199. I want to go to a seafood restaurant.
  200. Now I'm no conspiracy nut but Batman has gone awfully quiet recently imo
  201. Kronke really stepped up there
  202. Dry Covid
  203. Lol
  204. Yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaawwwwwwwwwwwwwnnnnnnnnnnn
  205. Bravo :clap:
  206. So if my arithmetic is correct
  207. Negative Oil
  208. Oktoberfest gone.
  209. Talking of vomit, I'm now thoroughly sick of getting work emails prefaced with
  210. Lunch.
  211. Coronavirus, Covid, Covid-19
  212. So it looks very much as though Arsenal will be in the Champions League next season
  213. I think the Pope's gone mental, lads.
  214. A little treat
  215. Neville gone
  216. I have a new pet peeve
  217. On the subject of the NHS
  218. So did anyone watch the Comics In Need of Relief From Children or whatever it was
  219. This isn’t good I need to get out of the house
  220. I’ve just cleaned my bathroom. With a toothbrush.
  221. Raan
  222. What’s been the best thing on tv during lockdown?
  223. Faulds-Wood gone.
  224. Evening men
  225. I lost my shoe at this match. Never got it back.
  226. Football without crowds is going to be a bit ****, isn’t it?
  227. I think the advert I hate them most
  228. Today’s Taters. #1 of a new series.
  229. So people who smoke everyday are 4-5 times less likely to get the lurgy.
  230. Well I really hope Berni is watching Ch4 right now or at least taping it.
  231. My girlf's colleague missed her redundancy meeting this morning
  232. Gangs of London
  233. Surely what Captain Tom Really wants is a nice young brass to pop his wrinkly old
  234. Queen will address nation on VE Day anniversary before public singalong of
  235. Baby Boris
  236. The ideas for restarting the football are getting funnier by the day
  237. Right. I've managed to get my punishing daily regime of home-schooling and trying to
  238. Games you missed but were technically there.....
  239. This sort of thing is why lockdown must end.
  240. Berni. WW2 - German's the weapons of the '50s, GB the '30s. Nah. Too simple
  241. PSG Champions*
  242. So here's the deal on this virus
  243. Bergkamp Documentary on in 15 mins or so - gonna be epic!
  244. BBC1 Best first half in WC history imo
  245. I'll have another go. ITV starting now.
  246. 22 years ago today
  247. Tenant and her father (who she lives with) have both been furloughed
  248. Best thing about FIFA20 is Alan Smith and Lee Dixon and their
  249. I wonder if a certain group are annoyed that the NHS
  250. Ferguson gone!