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  1. What ho! I reckon Iran may just have been forcibly removed from (4 replies)
  2. Jeff Bezos looks like Ivan Gazidis (0 replies)
  3. Going to recommission the barbie tonight, boys. (29 replies)
  4. As I lost a lot of weight last year. my arms are embarassing (9 replies)
  5. FFS, ECB just leave the game alone! T20 was bad enough!! (11 replies)
  6. I would like to ask Peter (26 replies)
  7. Disableds kicking off (figuratively) about plastic straws (37 replies)
  8. sc, Lake District to get it's own currency........ (15 replies)
  9. I must admit that getting sucked out of a plane window doesn't sound much fun. (25 replies)
  10. Talking of supermarkets, what fresh cvntery is this? (67 replies)
  11. I see a chap has admitted manslaughter of a nurse by drenching her in acid. (0 replies)
  12. 2 Wenzel's sausage rolls really does help the hangover (18 replies)
  13. lol. Presumably the Donald has a whole army of por ..sorry *adult* movie performers, (9 replies)
  14. Dale Winton gone (23 replies)
  15. I've often been suspicious about people who bang on about social media censorship (2 replies)
  16. I just read the headline 'Hairdresser deliberately infected 10 men with HIV' and (0 replies)
  17. Wait, I thought Trump was definitely going to cause WW3? (3 replies)
  18. Just to emphasise the p1sspoor quality of the Oposition at the moment... (8 replies)
  19. So a party leader sat in Parliament yesterday and listened to several of his (13 replies)
  20. Can we at least all rally around the hope that United might (13 replies)
  21. I was watching a tv show about the invincibles era (28 replies)
  22. Matthew Syed in The Times on Wenger this morning (2 replies)
  23. Mumbai Indians there.... (3 replies)
  24. AWIMB gone (13 replies)
  25. Morrisey's at it again :clap: (37 replies)
  26. What do Spurs call their version of St Totteringham's Day? (0 replies)
  27. So if one were to rent an apartment for this coming summer in the north of London, (12 replies)
  28. So many questions about this story. (22 replies)
  29. How much money do you reckon we could get back (65 replies)
  30. So yesterday I drank two of my homemade, five-month matured sparkling ciders. (34 replies)
  31. Being ignored at workWimb (16 replies)
  32. Gunnery Sergeant Hartman gone :-( (2 replies)
  33. That gobshíte Putin is all wind and píss. (14 replies)
  34. Major dramas (30 replies)
  35. The England Netball ladies...some wild seeens at the end there!! (0 replies)
  36. Tasty run of away form we are on this 2018 (13 replies)
  37. Link for the game, please? (1 replies)
  38. Now we are at war with Russia I presume we will waste no time expelling all russian (1 replies)
  39. lacazette should have one-touched that shot in the first half. (0 replies)
  40. Fackin 'ell - anyone listen to Iggy Confidential on 6? "Livin' off yer wits is just a (0 replies)
  41. Guitar Amp 'wimb. what is your weapon of choice and why? (5 replies)
  42. Ah. I see Russia has accused Britain of staging the gas attack in Syria. (12 replies)
  43. So what did Nacho say then? (7 replies)
  44. People seem to be getting cross about Enoch Powell all over again. (18 replies)
  45. Ooh, it's my only bet of the year tomorrow. (18 replies)
  46. Why the doom and gloom. If you are going to win a cup you should play the better (2 replies)
  47. Well we had a nice run in the Europa.... (38 replies)
  48. We're out of the UEFA Cup (7 replies)
  49. It's easy to sneer at modern day pampered pooves playing football (1 replies)
  50. Young Jack seems to be taking a novel approach to getting a (23 replies)
  51. Elneny’s pass for Welbeck’s goal (6 replies)
  52. Lordy, but we were pretty poor last night. (64 replies)
  53. He might not be the most graceful player (1 replies)
  54. Kane is smarting at all the critisism aimed his way for 'that' spurious goal claim. (4 replies)
  55. Anyone else see that? What appeared to be a young (2 replies)
  56. Welbz (2 replies)
  57. Mustafi really is a useless, blundering c*nt, isn't he ? (0 replies)
  58. Surely not? (2 replies)
  59. 2 assists from Cech (1 replies)
  60. links to the game, please. (2 replies)
  61. "The crime of persecution on the grounds of gender" (2 replies)
  62. Well I was quite looking forward to Armageddon. Aside from the spectacular visuals, (8 replies)
  63. Andrew Neil and Squeaking Little Shít Owen Jones should settle this like men. (128 replies)
  64. Nicely done, Premier League. (4 replies)
  65. Peter, may I ask you a question. (6 replies)
  66. Ignoring that minor kerfuffle in Madrid - in proper football last night (4 replies)
  67. You can always tell armed conflict's in the offing when you see economic illiterate (73 replies)
  68. Michael Oliver..... (28 replies)
  69. I'm fairly sure this is nonsense - someone just had a bet to get the phrase (7 replies)
  70. Surely we won't be naive enough to believe this ruse? (7 replies)
  71. Just look at this total plonker (6 replies)
  72. I see the battle of the flowers over this pikey toe-rag is continuing. (11 replies)
  73. Ken Loach. (5 replies)
  74. Anyone know why Roma don't have a shirt sponsor? (5 replies)
  75. You do realise that it's currently the equivalent of October 1914 (39 replies)
  76. When he played for Spurrs, I actually thought Kyle Walker was a decent player (2 replies)
  77. Peter Drury's commentary last night :hehe: (3 replies)
  78. Having seen Zuckerberg's appearance before Congress, I can safely say he's even more (14 replies)
  79. Urgh.... The bin dippers are going to win it, aren't they? (3 replies)
  80. Roma...... (0 replies)
  81. Pep gone (0 replies)
  82. Sam Billings there (1 replies)
  83. Nice of the FA to do us a favour at the end of the season (1 replies)
  84. AC/DC- proper rock and roll. (29 replies)
  85. Tribute to the dead? (0 replies)
  86. As found via Twitter, a most appropriate name.... (1 replies)
  87. Anyone 'In The Know' re who this Secret Footballer is (3 replies)
  88. I tell you what gets on my tits, those ****s who buy up flight tickets and then claim (1 replies)
  89. Shall I sign up for some sort of Sky/Virgin/Etc package (15 replies)
  90. This place deaded? (13 replies)
  91. Tuchel to PSG next season (0 replies)
  92. The footage of the gas attack in Syria featuring medics frantically (1 replies)
  93. I watched the Cardiff v Wolves game on Friday. (2 replies)
  94. How full of drugs must Flo Jo have been back in 1988? (17 replies)
  95. If Elneny got sent off (24 replies)
  96. So this transgender 'female' weightlifter came a cropper (6 replies)
  97. If everyone could stop talking about the fvcking golf, it would be much appreciated (10 replies)
  98. I pretty much heart Aubameyang. That first goal, it was that little quicksilver burst (32 replies)
  99. Ferrari.... (9 replies)
  100. Oh my days... (0 replies)
  101. I can do this all night (6 replies)
  102. I mean , come on! (0 replies)
  103. glw away tonight. I've got some pork belly, was going to make me some sweet banh mi. (24 replies)
  104. Now that I am vaping nicotine-free stuff (16 replies)
  105. Looks like no more Mhiki this season (0 replies)
  106. Most overrated band of all time? (104 replies)
  107. Putin failed with his attempt to assassinate the Skripals. (2 replies)
  108. Tonight I will be making sausage rolls (homemade) for dinner (10 replies)
  109. Re: thon stabbed burglar chap. (12 replies)
  110. Poor Aaron Ramsey. (21 replies)
  111. Ramsey scores, Eric Bristow dies. NO!!!!! Why couldn't it have been (4 replies)
  112. Just one more goal and the lead will be unassailable. (18 replies)
  113. Scoring goals just in time for Pep to make a summer bid (0 replies)
  114. FFS. Kos.. You utter, utter cretin ! (0 replies)
  115. Cracking goal there !! (2 replies)
  116. Should I tip the Ocado delivery man (4 replies)
  117. Ooh! Ooh! Ooh! What did Burney/Charles do there??? (7 replies)
  118. Most underrated band of all time? (25 replies)
  119. Awimb. This morning I tried a virtual cocktail or ‘vocktail’ (8 replies)
  120. As The Specials asked so plaintively: (22 replies)
  121. If I'm a City supporter, I'm pretty unhappy with that lino (16 replies)
  122. 8:05pm tonight - can't wait, get the beers in, get the crisps in, big screen telly on (30 replies)
  123. Crumbs! - 'Pool can do Operation Barbarossa when they need to. We've been Dunkirk for (11 replies)
  124. Fair enough, Liverpool! Jesus. Not playing around. (0 replies)
  125. The Ox....good heavens what a strike (1 replies)
  126. I am just in awe of this Youtube shooter. (1 replies)
  127. The Gender Pay Gap- total and complete *******s (14 replies)
  128. Ray Wilkins Gone (10 replies)
  129. Foodwimb...Steakwoes (21 replies)
  130. I see the left is up in arms about the whole Porton Down comment (2 replies)
  131. Any car Insurance experts on here? (25 replies)
  132. I need a new telly programme to watch (2 replies)
  133. is it just me or is there something slightly wrong here (14 replies)
  134. World's End Stella - football talent evaluator extraordinaire - has spotted two Juve (15 replies)
  135. Jesus ****ing wept that boy Ronaldo is quite good. (27 replies)
  136. You know what's a great movie. 1984. Pure, grade A John Hurt. (3 replies)
  137. I'm always knackered (3 replies)
  138. Winnie Mandela RIP (7 replies)
  139. Hmm, Aussies caught ball-tampering and are promptly thrashed by 492 runs (27 replies)
  140. **** me, the Guardian splashing on another Corbyn anti-semitism row (19 replies)
  141. WD Stuart Broad (1 replies)
  142. Bellerin’s dip in form... (43 replies)
  143. Well, fvck me. My old mum's only got herself a place on Labour's exec committee (0 replies)
  144. Giroouuud on for Chelsea! I am pleased for the lad, I must say. (0 replies)
  145. I like the front 2. LaK7 dropped deep to link up with PEA who barely touched the (7 replies)
  146. Dirty, Dirty Fvckers ... (0 replies)
  147. God, these fvcking scrubs. They just svck. (1 replies)
  148. Jesus Christ. When did we forget how to pass? Rambo's been about our best player... (3 replies)
  149. I like Elnenny. He reminds me of the dog from the Beck Odelay cover. (0 replies)
  150. Oh Rocky Rocky... (1 replies)
  151. Did anywon ordrer a disco? (0 replies)
  152. If you're over 40 you'll love this... (1 replies)
  153. Interesting vid (0 replies)
  154. Mr Cool again (0 replies)
  155. I am impressed by the fetching gayness of the shorts from the early 90s. (0 replies)
  156. Referees (0 replies)
  157. When I hear keen rapist John Worboys mentioned, I can't help but sing his surname (8 replies)
  158. Wonder if the Ruskies will have another try....... (2 replies)
  159. Darren Lehmann is crying on TV now (1 replies)
  160. Lehmann gone (2 replies)
  161. Your future, AWIMB. (44 replies)
  162. Is there an injury with a greater disparity between its apparent innocuousness (4 replies)
  163. Decisions Decisions (3 replies)
  164. He's crying! Steve Smith is crying like a big fvcking girl! (80 replies)
  165. Harry and Meghan Muckhole's wedding will involve spending £26,000 on sausage rolls (27 replies)
  166. Adidas offering us £50m ish to return as kit supplier (4 replies)
  167. World Cup winners / betting (2 replies)
  168. Blimey - even the Guardian's following my advice (8 replies)
  169. Hmm, has everybody forgotten about this? #JackWoltz (13 replies)
  170. BREAKING : Jaguar mounts kerb and smashes into Golders Green Pharmacy (10 replies)
  171. The glw has requested gnocchi for dinner. (70 replies)
  172. My worry is that this anti-Semitism stuff has a limited shelf-life and will blow over (43 replies)
  173. 1-year bans for Warner and Smith. 9 months for Bancroft. (15 replies)
  174. Who wants to loan me 50k? Otherwise I'm going to be forced to do this deal (1 replies)
  175. On Saturday, I spent a frankly silly amount of money on a tweed flat cap (34 replies)
  176. This sentence from Gina Miller is rather at odds with the liberal concensus (11 replies)
  177. As I type this I am in LHR's Terminal 5 for the first time. (14 replies)
  178. I wonder if the Tories are tempted to call another general election? (41 replies)
  179. Pro-Corbyn protesters are in Parliament Square to protest about the anti-semitism (11 replies)
  180. You know how Boris is rubbish and shouldn't be Foreign Secretary and all that? (3 replies)
  181. So it would appear that Ash and Our Jeremy are the only two human beings (8 replies)
  182. Let's move on to important matters. (19 replies)
  183. Whatever one's feelings on the matter, you must admit that wheeling out someone to (2 replies)
  184. Oi, sw! What the fvck has happened to your country? (11 replies)
  185. Corbyn's in a spot of bother here, isn't he? (30 replies)
  186. We're a funny old lot, aren't we? (5 replies)
  187. Surely the most meaningless recent news story that has received significant coverage (27 replies)
  188. How **** are the Dutch? (30 replies)
  189. Sunday Sport exclusive (4 replies)
  190. Today it occurred to me that Wengers reign is approaching that of an Eastern European (0 replies)
  191. Then Australians....Bancroft and Smith >>>>> (21 replies)
  192. Cobra Kai series :bow: (0 replies)
  193. If anywon posts a cooler guy than this tonight I;ll ear my hat! (3 replies)
  194. Pray for Allan :-( (2 replies)
  195. Normalised Allanism (13 replies)
  196. If we did win the Europa Cup, it would be rather odd in the future to look (26 replies)
  197. Ofcourse the worst thing about the Russki sabre rattling (36 replies)
  198. Ireland set Afghanistan 210 for the final World Cup spot...is this enough? (2 replies)
  199. Right, I've had a drink, who ****ing want's? (15 replies)
  200. Check out this fúcking maniac. (2 replies)
  201. Ireland ICC World Cup...big chance now (37 replies)
  202. Am I to understand then that we, the developed world if you will, have decided to (30 replies)
  203. I'm going to see The Mousetrap tonight! (27 replies)
  204. Seems Uber has cracked the correct programming for dealing with cyclists (1 replies)
  205. Anything that causes discomfort for that soulless ghoul Zuckerberg has to be (21 replies)
  206. At least I won't need to stay up late watching the rest of this test match! (5 replies)
  207. Sir C you reprehensible old stoat (1 replies)
  208. Not sure comparing Putin to Hitler (however it was intentioned) was the wisest move (58 replies)
  209. Funny to think back to a time when rickyg would routinely wish cancer (56 replies)
  210. UK gone mad innit. (2 replies)
  211. Scotland require 199 to qualify for the WC and almost KO the Windies (11 replies)
  212. Definitely the funniest death I've read about this week (0 replies)
  213. Facebook has been selling my data? (29 replies)
  214. Poor Liam Dawson there... (0 replies)
  215. I see a Red Arrow crashed into the ground in Anglesey. Doubtless Sir C will (5 replies)
  216. I would like to ask Monty if he is (21 replies)
  217. So female tennis players who go off to have a baby will retain their world ranking (31 replies)
  218. It has been suggested that we should possibly buy a 2nd car. (66 replies)
  219. Fudge, fudge, fudge, fudge. (10 replies)
  220. Breakfastwimb v2 (9 replies)
  221. Windies...in a little bit of bother...ICC qualifying (1 replies)
  222. Nothing to see here. Just Corbynite Paul Mason saying Facebook should be nationalised (11 replies)
  223. FilmrevieWIMB (31 replies)
  224. All this shít being lost about the BBC allegedly photoshopping Our Jeremy (30 replies)
  225. So, they're going to have to beat Chelsea and Man U to win it. (21 replies)
  226. Today's earworm .. (1 replies)
  227. There's been a murder....... (4 replies)
  228. Lunchwimb (9 replies)
  229. Of course, the last time we played CSKA Moscow, Russian assassins watched and left a (29 replies)
  230. Role in the Semi Final (8 replies)
  231. I assume Leipzig are also on the 'no thanks' list (1 replies)
  232. Amusing CL draw (12 replies)
  233. So I've just 'done a Burney' (9 replies)
  234. Now I’m obviously not the kind of cretin who makes (1 replies)
  235. Unlike the scousers to get up in arms about something (1 replies)
  236. Any other buswánkers here? (10 replies)
  237. I was more shocked Wellbeck took the penalty (6 replies)
  238. I’m leeetle beet out of touch with this stuff, but... (3 replies)
  239. BreakfastWIMB: Teensy bit hungover this morning, drive to work took no time, so I go (26 replies)
  240. Scorcher from the Milan bruthaman. (0 replies)
  241. David Seaman blazer with Arsenal logo. (0 replies)
  242. Our fvcking government is like melting the hell down. #USAUSA (8 replies)
  243. I miss having Mertesacker in the line-up in the beginning. All 6'6" of him. (0 replies)
  244. Yeah. We did just beat Milan 5-1. (12 replies)
  245. Good to see our next manager bonding with his players already (0 replies)
  246. Hopefully Milan’s I’ll temper will get the better of them (1 replies)
  247. So that's what Welbz is good at... (2 replies)
  248. Fair play to Gattuso... (2 replies)
  249. I was wondering which score line would see us get through on our two valuable (0 replies)
  250. Arsenal pull Ramsey out of Gigg's first Wales squad :clap: (3 replies)