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  1. This Jared O'Mara does appear to be the git that just keeps giving.
  2. Not to be controversial or anything.
  3. Sir C you big Irish jackanapes. The Great Expectations filum you were lauding
  4. This poor kid’s gone viral.
  5. 8 days of undulterated bliss in the United Arab Emirates
  6. Brazil Under17s mugged right off by England there
  7. Surely there comes a point where it's not 'sexual assault' so much as 'banter'?
  8. I bet you lot all thought Fats Domino was dead, didn't you?
  9. Theo Walcott's hairstyle is bloody awful. He looks like a washroom
  10. By the way? That was not a fvcking penalty. He's looking for it, going
  11. Hang on. So the Thais have basically kept their King's body frozen for a year before
  12. Now I know I'm slightly obsessed by The Guardian, but in this piece, the author
  13. Things I like abroad better than here. #121131
  14. Oliver Holt.
  15. Kronke has caused a Twitter meltdown by describing the fans as rabid :hehe:
  16. Wouldn't it be great if these JFK files came out and it turned out it was the CIA and
  17. The AGM went well
  18. What are you listen to today AWIMB?
  19. On the subject of mocking world leaders
  20. Who's this dirty looking salt next to the Trumpster?
  21. Cereal box racism update
  22. The Donald's gone soft on drugs. I expected him to announce the
  23. This maniac reckons Hall & Oates and The Doobie Brothers are 'soft rock'.
  24. Stuff you like at the mpment
  25. Well the JFK revelations were very dull. Boo to the FBI and CIA for not handing their
  26. Hall & Oates soul? Thank you for enlightening me c. I had always
  27. Thon repugnant Guardian bird's list of celeb men who have committed sex
  28. What's for lunch?
  29. I note that Sir Ken has chosen to do a comedy French accent for Hercule :-(
  30. Old school poll, Awimb: I’m In the pub. Going up for a pint now (Aspall’s cider,
  31. So, as it's Friday, I may drink tonight.
  32. Ivan’s Objectives Metrics...Points vs Expenditure
  33. Whatever happened to fanny farts? Spectacular aural
  34. England RL WC this morning...
  35. David Cop-a-Feel
  36. So the Catalan Parliament has voted to declare independence, while the Spanish
  37. Actually, while we're on the subject of Persians. Anyone catch Gordo '***kety ***'
  38. Walcott gets the dreaded vote of confidence.
  39. Bum bandits
  40. I dare say the real-ale fascistii of awimb will pillory me for saying so but I am
  41. Bid confirmed for Arda Turan by Turkey National team manager
  42. You've blown it all sky high ye ****
  43. OK then try this...
  44. I'll leave you with this....
  45. We're dominating the game; Swansea City take the lead.
  46. Sleepy start to the second half but Kolasinac with the 1-1 goal!
  47. And there it is; Ramsey with our second.
  48. ah MOTD
  49. Eagles
  50. Serious Q. Why can a player "just bundle [Per] off the ball" in the box without a
  51. Tomas Rosicky
  52. IanWWW and God10 have really aged imo
  53. I really need a new hobby, I just don't understand this game.
  54. How is Kevin Spacey 'coming out' in any way news?
  55. Talking of celebratory dinner wrongness.....
  56. Quite enjoying Mindhunter. Do you have that show; it's on netflix.
  57. Slowly going into Tottenhams shadow?
  58. Christmas Kitchen GadgetWIMB
  59. I have now commenced being thrifty. any tips?
  60. Yesterday I discovered Mill Hill
  61. Was invited to Loftus Road Saturday to see the mighty Hoops take an arrogant Wolves
  62. Talking of pubs, I just discovered that the King's Head on Enfield High St -
  63. So for various religious reasons we have tomorrow and Wednesday off
  64. It's pitch black at 17:15
  65. WestHam Fan TV >>>
  66. My brain is friggin melting after all the sh!t that went down today.
  67. Can I just apologise unreservedly to the woman on the Victoria line
  68. Jesus H Christ on a bike being bum-fúcked and burned. I was researching
  69. North Korean nuclear test site 'collapses'
  70. Post holiday depression has kicked in.
  71. Are you people aware of the work of famous 'youtuber'
  72. Somethings to be proud of about Arsenal vs Swansea despite nicking the result
  73. Paralympics in 'complete farce' shocker
  74. So, trick or treat etc.
  75. Update From Wolverhampton...Race 1 result...
  76. Good to see that ....
  77. Atletico Madrid looking likely to drop down into the Europa League
  78. This New York terror suspect
  79. A comment I heard on the radio this morning
  80. I had a weird dream last night.`
  81. I also had a weird dream last night.
  82. What's clear from all this Westminster grope stuff is that senior UK politicians will
  83. Of course the other elephant in the room is the fact that many
  84. Yesterday I took my usual walk into the West End from Victoria.
  85. You know those messages you see occasionally written on a toilet wall
  86. Sirens, helicopter outside. Taxi mounted pavement in Covent Garden.
  87. Going a little silly tonight...
  88. Impressive result from the spuds tonight.
  89. I think I might begin suporting Spurs
  90. Moving away from the semi Spurs love in
  91. Not had a drink since.....Pt 2
  92. Israel backs Hungary, says financier Soros is a threat
  93. So, I've had my cardiovascular risk assessment.
  94. Caught up with Nigella last night on iPlayer. All of the usual
  95. Suggestions for Herberts next Jewish love object
  96. Dinnerwimb.
  97. Very kind of you to offer suggestions for my next paramour and it really has to be
  98. Sir C. This cardio-vascular risk assessment that has you gloating like a
  99. These youngsters breaking through.
  100. Poor Santi
  101. Just started my cardio risk stuff and slipped a £20 note in the phlebotmist's
  102. Patrice Evra...guess it’s back to his old job now :(
  103. The Westfield Centre in Stratford would actually be quite pleasant if they would only
  104. Jezza's in a spot of trouble here, isn't he? Promoting an MP to the shadow cabinet
  105. We never established who vpv is, did we?
  106. For some reason Ad-Blocker has stopped working on my comp and I'm currently getting
  107. Imagine having to resign because you’ve made lewd remarks to Andrea Leadsom, though
  108. Talking of jews, Giroud's beard has grown in such a way that, coupled with
  109. MattressWIMB .. are these memory foam jobbies any good?
  110. Fúck my old boots! j is on Twitter complaining that this doesn’t feel like his
  111. Santi’s leg there....
  112. I might start watching this NFL ****. What team do I choose?
  113. Do you remember the days of the night shift? To the tune, obviously,
  114. Can't say I'm impressed by this Casey Neistat who has Sir C in his thrall.
  115. Evening slags :wave:
  116. Right, lets put these yids to bed
  117. 4321 Christmas Tree with no Lacazette
  118. Never mind Cech
  119. This Lacazette chap does strike a ball quite cleanly
  120. When offering advantage shouldn't the ref take into consideration
  121. Jesus
  122. All things considered that was rubbish from us
  123. I didn't even get annoyed that we lost yesterday :cloud9:
  124. Le Boss is just a dithering old tit now isn't he? He's taken to
  125. Bilic gone.
  126. Blimey! Emenalo gone too.
  127. ffs - have a work dinner tonight. A Japanese place - scrolled through about 700 menus
  128. Re: Coquelin....if youre going to go crazy then why not Jack in that position?
  129. Am I the only c**t paying any tax around here? I expect our
  130. At least we can still have a little chuckle at West Ham
  131. I have decided
  132. Not terribly clever, loosing off shots at Saudi;
  133. England squad
  134. SchoolBoyHumourWIMB
  135. Fascinating documentary last week on Chinese 15th century architecture
  136. Should Jack Wilshere be starting in the League for us ???
  137. Am I the only one who has noticed that thon Welsh fella who pulled his own
  138. Anyone watch Motherland on BBC2 last night?
  139. Ozil wanting the Number10 shirt...
  140. sexual harassment update.
  141. Someone should advise Priti Patel to stop smirking. In politics, when one
  142. The problem with the Paradise Papers that the BBC and Guardian are flogging to death
  143. Speaking of Kilbane - can't find the tackle on Edu but did find this
  144. Any advice on oven repairs?
  145. What is a suitable punishment
  146. How we all doin? Bit gloomy, what?
  147. Is everyone really busy? or is it
  148. So it seems that Charlie Sheen buggered the lad out of The Lost Boys
  149. Problem with foreigners #2321122 They take our expressions literally.
  150. Tradegy and all that but......
  151. Lying, fat ugly cvnt
  152. ISIS Gone
  153. World Cup Play Off Max Bet time - New Zealand vs Peru
  154. Surely as men it’s time for us to unite and close ranks
  155. I see that Kevin Spacey, initially categorised as merely
  156. Sir C.
  157. Talking of films, this year's John Lewis ad.
  158. Is this a hate crime, do you think?
  159. Peter. You mentioned this Patel women being unbearably thick. I have developed a deep
  160. What even happened on Sunday's match? I was on a flight at the time, by the time
  161. Did someone say old skool silly bollox friday night tunes?
  162. All of which really says 'Ooh look at me! Pay attention to me!!! Please, PLEASE!'
  163. Dear Jim'll Fix It
  164. So I have returned from India with my bowels in full working order
  165. I am halfway through watching the excellent Ken Burns documentary on the US Civil War
  166. I've watched the 1st series of The Walking Dead
  167. This man has just been accused of sexual misconduct.
  168. Just finished Great Expectations and must say what a thumping good yarn it was so
  169. We've all heard the story about John Ruskin being appalled on his wedding night
  170. Rugby League WC - •••• got Real this weekend
  171. Star Trek Discovery..yep they finally did it (spoilers)
  172. Mamma Mia Italy gone
  173. Sir C, Herbert, Dismal, The hunt continues
  174. Gnocchi and chips for lunch.....
  175. Reduced drinking update
  176. So apparently the yanqui are now taking ‘emotional support animals’ onto planes.
  177. I want to download a classic album onto my phone through Spotify
  178. So with Mike Dean the ref Wenger will definitely start AOL imo
  179. Whose this Fekir we’re signing from Lyon?
  180. Well that’s shaken things up 1nil Ireland
  181. Is reg around?
  182. I have to be honest, this made me laugh.
  183. I reached the end of the Civil. War documentary. THe Confederacy lost. I knew it!
  184. Apu off the Simpsons is racist, apparently.
  185. So, Venezuela is bankrupt then.
  186. John Podesta Art
  187. Raffles closing for 8 months for a refurb :-(
  188. Female politicians shouldn't be llowed.
  189. Hey quick question. Are there any female members on this board?
  190. Man who discovered Lewandowski, Dembele, Aubameyang is set to join Arsenal
  191. We need more threads with icons in the title imo.
  192. Peru at the WC :memories:
  193. Well I'm a bit confused here, I must admit.
  194. speaking of wtf moments - did love the excuses used here by the
  195. Oh yes, that'll be the reason she killed herself.....
  196. Tracks for a running playlist please.
  197. Anyone of you gone down the Smart Home/Alexa/Google Home route yet?
  198. Anyone know anything about brewing?
  199. :shrug: Bread Sauce..
  200. Does anybody live next to or very close to a friend
  201. Who in the name of good fúck has a spare 400 million knocking about
  202. glw gone.
  203. 50/1 bet on Betfair.....
  204. Arsenal Injury news update about Koscielny, Giroud, Mustafi, Welback and Cazorla
  205. Muagabe behaving like an awkward tenant. I think the army will have
  206. I want us to consider the repercussions if we lose on the weekend.
  207. Good Morning Wimbers
  208. We will be cruelly eviscerated by Harry Kane,
  209. Good Lord - Kolassynatch speaking beautiful fluent German and him a Bosnian.
  210. Spurs look gash and Arsenal look awesome
  211. Oh my days lol
  212. I want to sniff Kelly's knickers
  213. :cloud9:
  214. Great win! Yay
  215. Quite a great goal by Alexis.
  216. eeeeeeeeeeagles
  217. It has to be pointed out that Kane is a bit fat.
  218. Also Lacazette was not offside for the second.
  219. We gave good balls.
  220. So *that’s* what it’s like to beat your vastly superior rivals despite absolutely
  221. Adam Crafton from the Daily Mail quite upset with Arsenal....
  222. Quite looking forward to our battle vs man utd.
  223. It's wes I feel most sorry for.
  224. Sir C I finally got won
  225. So farewell then, Charles Manson. 83 was a decent innings.
  226. Also, presumably Spurs' 10-year anniversary of no trophies will be given the same
  227. So this pikey bincat I rescued which likes to run up me
  228. Pulis gone.
  229. How did we get to a point in history when Morrissey is a voice of reason
  230. I’ve noticed that the line previously “edgy” comedians who have now miraculously
  231. Comedian Review... Gary Delaney
  232. There's a dead fox next to my car and some crows are pulling at its entrails,
  233. So,has anyone watched 89 yet?
  234. I know this won’t do anything to improve my reputation as an effete, middle class
  235. All that fuss and then those silly Catalans shít themselves and jacked it in?
  236. The annoying thing about this new Hotspurs team
  237. This aircraft collision over the Rosthchild estate.
  238. Stuff I don't like #52433113144331 The sort of Tat that people buy for you
  239. This missing Argie sub......
  240. So, things are looking a bit tricky for Hausfrau Merkel
  241. We've signed a nee Head of Recruitment.
  242. how is it that gary neville has set himself up to be commentator on arsenal?
  243. There's bloke on BBC2 right now claining that Brexit will be a precursor to genocide
  244. Nigella is a mere shadow of her former self.
  245. So a British explorer goes missing in the New Guinea jungle and, while
  246. This pictogram apparently represents a popular sport
  247. The glw is demanding *gulp* vegetarian food one night a week.
  248. DrivingWIMB: Do you always indicate just before you take an exit on a roundabout
  249. Seeing Sir C's mention of chopped liver reminded me that I cannot physically eat
  250. Warren 'Pete' Moore gone :-(