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  1. Moderators!!!! Can someone ban this cnut yenhong0286
  2. No one appears to be losing their shít about Wenger staying.
  3. Morata to AC Milan, Aubameyang to PSG.
  4. In Arizona for a function the other day; 35° observing
  5. So, now the important bit is done and dusted, does it matter if AS7 stays?
  6. Spurs agree financing for £700m for their new stadium
  7. Still nothing up on the website as yet.
  8. In order to alleviate my frustrations.
  9. Now that we have two years of stability confirmed, we can go and make the most
  10. So what did Trump mean with covfefe?
  11. Delighted to see we will only countenance top, top quality additions to the squad.
  12. I'm pretty sure that waht Arsene Wenger wants now
  13. I've had the final on in the background ever since; one or two observations:
  14. Am I the only person who finds the idea of marrying a corpse obscene?
  15. Too warm apparently; the dogs don't fancy it.
  16. Lacazette is available again :cloud9:
  17. Is there anything in these polls suggesting a Labour surge or are the
  18. Sir C. an SG or a Telecaster?
  19. Food prices in Basel...
  20. Good start by our cricketing chaps
  21. So what players are surplus to requirements at the Arsenal?
  22. 10 weeks until the new season kicks off :rubshands:
  23. London Boroughs that sound like F1 Drivers. Lewishamilton
  24. Another HUGE Arsenal victory!!!
  25. So reliable sources are stating that we've offered EUR 100million for Mbappe and that
  26. Anyone who believes in fake bids or "season ticket renewal time"
  27. Sir C >>>
  28. Grub?
  29. She was a USB port whore.
  30. I am going to win the Euromillions jackpot this evening.
  31. my last thread of the week imo
  32. oioi****s:smokin:
  33. Arsene's 'big summer of denial' has started
  34. wheresthatostostanrian?
  35. Betting help
  36. We should be in for Bale.
  37. I do love football. Please The Gods of Football the Old Lady wins. I must
  38. Farkin Madrid fans whistling when Juve get
  39. ****sarejammierthanmanutd
  40. Next yellow slitty-eyed cnut requiring banning
  41. Come on me old eye-tie magpies ..now or never and one goal back will spook the
  42. Here we go again...another loon in a white van
  43. This Manchester concert is hard to watch
  44. It is my intuition that this Miley Cyrus bird has a fanny like the
  45. Good Lord! - I am finding myself respecting this Bieber fellow .. well unplugged
  46. Booooo. I hate Coldplay even more now
  47. Liam's gonna make a **** of himself ain't he
  48. Happy Whit Monday f*gs.
  49. So amongst the carnage, you can always count on Donald to shine through
  50. What to do?
  51. Ariana Grande.
  52. Rumours abound that one of the murderers appeared on a Channel 4 documentary
  53. Terrorism is depressing, if you believe the transfer rumours out there, we may well
  54. Apart from all that, how 'bout that European cup final, eh?
  55. Lest we forget.
  56. Hayley Wright was complaining that in giving Auld Veng a new deal
  57. What a shower of ****s
  58. Anyway. Three FA Cups in four years ain't bad imo.
  59. I just saw a new alert on my phone that 6 people are missing.
  60. So. About the end of the world, then.
  61. I had an observation from the Manchester concert.
  62. Apparently Check Tiote has died in China
  63. To be fair, the Allans seem to making many of the right noises
  64. Peter Sallis gone!
  65. Seems ISIS now want to lure people to view fake rental properties, bop them on the
  66. People don't often remark on here what a hideous disappointment Chambers was.
  67. Qatar all washed up
  68. Um, I know Burney has assured us that everything is ok, but
  69. I trust we've all seen the Diane Abbott Sky News interview from last night?
  70. What's your opinion on this awimb.
  71. Loooooooooooool!
  72. Today I woke up to some truly horrific news
  73. Sir C you were right.
  74. Hang on - we appear to have signed a player
  75. 6th June 2017 vs 6th June 1944
  76. L’Equipe saying we are going to outbid Real for Mbappe - EUR 140million. :-O
  77. I have never felt older
  78. Where the **** is my parcel?
  79. I got pulled over by the police the other day for driving down the wrong way of a one
  80. Montenegro joins NATO
  81. Election prediction
  82. Well that was gosh darn silly England
  83. A confession. This is some dirty, dirty shít.
  84. Avoid Notre Dame
  85. 1 hour until off to the airport to escape this crap weather
  86. Anyone got any information on this Kolasinac chappie?
  87. Millwall !!
  88. Abbott gone. Does he think getting rid of her the day before the election is
  89. That's quite the interesting cricket tournament that's going on
  90. This Mbappe business is nonsense, isn't it?!
  91. My sister's voting Labour - not a good sign
  92. Putting up barriers on bridges is all very well and good.
  93. I am 35 today !!!
  94. Our new bug says his main asset is his "mentality".
  95. I am suspicious of recent Chelsea transfers lately.
  96. Bloke out of Bodger and Badger dies aged 67
  97. So Allegre signs a new 2 year contrat a week after AW signs his
  98. Big news for the former Arsenal makeweight. Delighted for the lad.
  99. So ISIS are going after Iran now.
  100. The distraught mother of the third London Bridge attacker, who has begged for
  101. Now even the Allan women have gone all stabby.
  102. 'kin ell, the hot Aussie chick who gor deaded in London bridge had tickets to the
  103. They killed the 3 suspects on Friday.But I saw photos of them arresting some
  104. Blimey. Iran's just blamed Saudi.
  105. Moderators
  106. luhan9x seems to have a point
  107. Election predictions??
  108. I see on Youtube etc there are a lot of campaigns to encourage people to vote.
  109. Personally I couldn't work out who to vote for until Steve Coogan told me.
  110. Remember everyone make sure you vote before 7pm tonight.
  111. Alcohol is more important than the election, imo. Anyone else become a gin hipster?
  112. Does anyone know how blindoids vote?
  113. I'll tell you what would make me laugh until I dislocated a rib.
  114. Oh I say, just seen the footage of the vermin being shot dead; most edifying too. I
  115. I've won a trip!
  116. Can anybody confirm or deny whether a certain holy book
  117. Like Wenger, Corbyn's defeat will be respun as doing well
  118. I haven't been to Kilburn for years, come to think of it.
  119. In deranged lefty news: That nice Ruby who won Bake Off is currently on Twitter
  120. Speaking of Bake Off, is anyone else planning on boycotting the Channel 4 version?
  121. Hysteria alert. Trafalgar Square has been evacuated.
  122. There is always one tosser in the office who reads 'Breaking news' out loud in a
  123. This World Cup in Russia next year.
  124. Anyone who ever suggests we ought to lower the voting age needs to see this.
  125. Exit polls not looking good for May :-|
  126. I suspect this exit poll has been skewed by all those fresh faced young things
  127. GBP dropped a good 2 points against every other currency that counts at 20.50pm,
  128. £1 on Trump / Corbyn in June 2015 would've got you £30k
  129. They'll be dancing in the streets of Raqqa
  130. Who amongst the present Arsenal team do I want to have anal sex with?
  131. Marmite gets on my tits a bit.
  132. Lord Buckethead :clap:
  133. Alex Salmond with some real talk
  134. Cat and Pigeons springs to mind
  135. Talk about shooting yourself in the foot
  136. I'm reading turnout among 18-24s is anywhere from 69-72%
  137. I imagine Charile and Berni have driven down to Beachy Head in one of Charlie's dodgy
  138. Hung Parliament sounds very very sexy.
  139. I will consider changing my vote next time
  140. Well fúck me. Democracy, eh? Funny old game.
  141. I know this is hugely humiliating for May personally, but it does seem a leeetle bit
  142. Overall, that really isn't too bad of a result
  143. So 41% of the population were seriously prepared to countenance the possibilty
  144. Is this Brexit actually ever going to happen?
  145. Have we signed Diego Costa yet?
  146. So the Saudi football team refused to acklowledge a moment's silence in rememberence
  147. It's not all bad news. Alex Salmond lost his seat.
  148. Good old May on her way to see the Queen.
  149. Lord Buckethead :clap:
  150. Every Loser Wins
  151. We need a distraction from all this Political stuff. If you could have somebody elses
  152. Rumour is that the DUP have said they will give pretty much unqualified support to
  153. One scenario under which Corbyn could be PM
  154. Thon weird BBC poll man John Curtice made an interesting point.
  155. Why this presumption that youngsters will always vote Left?
  156. Of course, the supreme irony is that we're going to hear a lot of bleating from
  157. DUP getting their priorities in order
  158. I do not hate James Corden.
  159. Another thing has struck me. How will the rather splendid Ruth Davidson, leader of
  160. Never mind Brexit, Hung Parliaments, Corbyn, May, DUP, Trump, KSA, ISIS
  161. Hugo Lloris
  162. I bid you farewell
  163. Some super upsets in the cricket last couple of days
  164. This just has to be the best video ever...
  165. Towering Inferno is the third best film in the world FACT ****Z
  166. Jezza making his pitch on Marr right now. I fear Berni'll putting his foot through
  167. Gaddafi's son is on point with his scarf game.
  168. U20s plus Ox and Holding
  169. Szsez and Serge
  170. Damn those pesky kids - if they hadn't been scurrilously encouraged to
  171. I've been asked to provide logistics for the newly forming London Soviet.
  172. Even some Tories are muttering the unthinkable about Brexit .... Threaxit is upon us!
  173. I have nothing to say :-(
  174. This may be old, but why is the umpire wearing a sort of arm guard thing?
  175. I am not impressed with Teresa May.
  176. Just found out Adam West died on Friday. RIP Mayor West
  177. I have developed a habit of speeding on the motorway.
  178. One thing I noticed about Teresa May, she's got some rather ample bosom. Her husband
  179. So Arsenal have renewed the contracts of all of the backroom staff?
  180. The DUP
  181. Good to see Prime Minister May belting the National Anthem out, there. Part of me
  182. So are we all pleased with the perforance of our new signing, Kylian Mbappe thus-far?
  183. Oh dear oh dear. This snail-scoffer Michel Barnier say he's "running out of patience"
  184. We have a Russian signing.
  185. Shut it down.
  186. The fixture list is hilarious. First five away games....
  187. This Type 2 diabetes. Is that the one you basically inflict on yourself because you
  188. England vs The Terries semi final
  189. I blame Awimb for this Tower block fire.
  190. Wonder Woman is great.
  191. Home to Leicester on the opening day
  192. The Problem with Foreigners #332. They fail to understand the concept of the
  193. Wow. Now we're shooting our politicians.
  194. I see the latest trend is to be a good samaritan by offering people somewhere to
  195. Anita Pallenberg Gone
  196. So if your place is burning down what stuff do you take
  197. So, one day after that tragic fire and the media are obssessed in pushing that death
  198. Manchester must be fuming. London keep stealing their
  199. And as if by magic
  200. Adele has, apparently, been hugging survivors. Imagine narrowly escaping the fiery
  201. I actually thought 264 was a decent effort.
  202. Could be scenes at The Oval on Sunday!
  203. Everton are already making signings of a quality we will struggle to match
  204. Ok Awimb I have noticed something strange, There are people walking around with
  205. I had some Moroccan food at a party last night.
  206. Lyon president confirms they have received a very nice
  207. Last night, Lily Allen was interviewed by that tit Jon Snow on C4 news about the fire
  208. Parliament on lockdown, armed man, police, gunpoint, etc.
  209. Ronaldo :cloud9:
  210. I don't come on here as much lately. It's impossible to follow what's going on
  211. I am going to a concert this evening. I don't wish to get allaned so if you can give
  212. RIP Helmut Kohl
  213. Can't help thinking some of "dem h'angry people" are trying to rousin up a
  214. Awight ****z, who wants?
  215. loooooool I make apologise for thisun
  216. It's very very very quiet on this board. A general malaise following
  217. Stay indoors for the next few hours
  218. There will be riots soon imo
  219. So the white boy who drove the van...
  220. Another minutes silence in the office today sad times imo
  221. More delightful stuff from the LGBT totalitarian agenda
  222. Ok, it's been a year, so I reckon he's fair game now
  223. So the bloke who died already had a heart attack before being hit by the van?
  224. SW Guns n Roses were tremendous.
  225. Stupid office with no bloody aircon!!
  226. I haven't done a fit secretary watch recently
  227. GLW away.
  228. But I think the larger point, which you people are completely missing, is
  229. Well some good news...he's Welsh
  230. Whilst ugly, ungainly and phenomenally common, Peter Crouch is actually
  231. It truly comes to something when some common-as-muck thug from Luton
  232. I see our man in Brussels, David Davis, has been advised
  233. Brian Cant
  234. 22 Years Ago
  235. Goodness me, I can just imagine some of the teeth clenching and hysterical rage
  236. Haha a few years ago there would have been lots of excited chat here about
  237. The Queen tomorrow....
  238. Dangle a baby out a window for Facebook likes.
  239. New home shirt unveiled!
  240. Say this for 80s movies. The chicks had this whole braless thing going on, esp.
  241. Imagine standing around in riot gear for hours in this heat.
  242. Whatever happened to Swampy?
  243. Clearly the only thing that's going to put us over the top is if we steal one of thes
  244. I an becoming paranoid about my accent :-(
  245. We just had a fake fire alarm.
  246. Have the #raging started yet?
  247. wd The Govt and the property developers that have just made 68 flats available in
  248. So, Budapest. Stunning women and (my glw informs me), equally good-looking men,
  249. I've got an industry do tomorrow and Friday.
  250. If there are any here who love their country