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  1. Wife's away tonight. Can anything tempt me away from the siren song
  2. Talking of dear old j...
  3. On the side of my bottle of water there is a phone number for a helpline.
  4. I give it 3 months before this ban on laptops, ipads, etc
  5. Gunfire at the Houses of Parliment
  6. Gunshots outside Parliament
  7. How long before we see a community leader on the telly?
  8. They always have to make it about themselves
  9. Scotch parliament refuses to suspend proceedings. :hehe:
  10. Ss:gb - wtf?
  11. In other news, they are threatening to move the evacuated zone in my neighbourhood
  12. at what stage does 'Terrorist Incident' become Terror Attack?
  13. Anyone know if the tube's running?
  14. The attack in Brussels was exactly one year ago.
  15. 'Use 999 for emergencies only'
  16. Let's set a list of phrases we will here this evening during television coverage of
  17. There is always one knob in the office who is a right :noah:
  18. Tory MP Tobias Ellwood gave stabbed policeman mouth to mouth and tried to stem
  19. This would be a good time for Arsenal to
  20. When something like this happens and they report that 999 is extremely busy
  21. Right I'm off. safe journey home everywon.
  22. All this #westandtogether. 'We are not affraid' London Back to Business *******s.
  23. Wounded/injured terrorists should not be given medical treatment
  24. Is it not highly unusual that the attacker's identity hasn't been revealed yet?
  25. It has to be said that the picture of the Muslim girl on Westminster Bridge yesterday
  26. Definitely one for Ash this
  27. Talking of atrocities...
  28. You'll never believe who has just admitted responsibility for the attack
  29. So it seems that it was the Defence Secretary's Close Protection Officer who shot
  30. Another Norwegian's suffered un crise de conduire, in Antwerp.
  31. Ash's pedestrian suvival tips.
  32. I have been reading Peter Biskind's Easy Riders, Raging Bulls about Hollywood in the
  33. Let's play spot the (numerous) flaws in this......
  34. Terrorist's identity revealed as Kevin Mason
  35. Thought it was a bit harsh that full lock down security meant the poor sods
  36. Why I've never really got Cockney Rhyming slang
  37. I wish the news outlets could find another photo.
  38. I note that the police are boasting of having made two 'significant arrests' in the
  39. I hope the trend of using 'Brexit' for every sort of sitation doesn't turn into
  40. OK, Jean-Claude Juncker has finally made me laugh
  41. Fairplay to the Lubitz-Papa; he refuses to go down without a fight.
  42. Well done Mesut! Germany fans' player of the year. Again.
  43. Not to sound to harsh but is anywon else a bit bored of the
  44. I'm trying to decide whether I prefer my Hula Hoops in beef
  45. Fvcking hell! How stupid are Canadians?
  46. I will ask this twice a year and I still don't know the answer.
  47. It's called Kirkstone Black!
  48. Dinner?
  49. Sir C how much can I pick won of these up for used?
  50. Bit late I know but **** it:
  51. Evening gentlmen :vsign:
  52. Nick Cage has a plan to unseat Wenger
  53. :sherlock: This newsstory is a bit odd imo
  54. Not looking good for the Dutch in qualification
  55. I've reached the age where buying a new vacuum is exciting :-(
  56. script idea: a group of football supporters, radicalized by their manager's refusal
  57. at least it was nice to not have to watch Arsenal lose this past weekend.
  58. as it seems nothing is going on in the world. New £1 coin tomorrow.
  59. Virtual Dogging!
  60. This bloody place has made me do some work today.
  61. Sometimes I wonder what it must be like to enter the mind of some people in the
  62. It's great fun watching people trying to rationalise why Rachel Dolezal identifying
  63. I was watching How'd you get so rich.
  64. Reading the programme notes for the birth-of-SDP play Limehouse
  65. wish wenger would do something so we could have something to moan about.
  66. Anyone know what time we're supposed to trigger Article 50 tomorrow?
  67. There's absolutely no way the Daily Mail ran this headline fully aware of the
  68. Things I forgot about #1
  69. Things I forgot about #2
  70. Oh, ffs!
  71. T20 cricket cities
  72. Ahh, I do love a bit of David Starkey.
  73. There is a lady in from the auditors. Someone went to introduce themselves
  74. I must say, it's this sort of thing that's making today quite chucklesome
  75. We're on our Way!
  76. I mean, yes, it's bad, but you have to be curious what he was talking about
  77. It appears our neighbours are a leetle beet short of cash
  78. Anyone see the Rio Ferdinand documentary about his wife croaking?
  79. Crap statues vol 58
  80. Quick Rant #3231212121 People who have bottles of water with those sports cap on them
  81. Things you see in Enfield: A horse-drawn hearse, coffin inside draped in a Tottenham
  82. Sir C I couldn't resist :-(
  83. "Rectum? It damn near killed im!"
  84. Berni, you've got some f*cking neck linking to the Metro
  85. Spuds new ground
  86. There are a million UK citizens working in the EU and of all of them, Newsnight found
  87. I am very concerned.
  88. Arsene's just taking the píss, isn't he? :hehe:
  89. Alexis to Chelsea
  90. Oh, Lordy! Ken Livingstone's on about Hitler and the Jews again.
  91. I am reaching that point where a haircut is overdue
  92. Dinner?
  93. Sir Chips is clearly correct but he is not right, I think.
  94. Wenger: There's only one team in London..
  95. I'm quite happy for women's football to be covered in the media alongside
  96. Presumably victory on Sunday would merely be "papering over the cracks"?
  97. Didn't take long for the EU to start softening it's tone
  98. Juncker the drunk.
  99. I have an interview this afternoon.
  100. Trivial things that make me slightly disappointed.
  101. Today I am going to cook a new invention of mine
  102. Rocky and Wrighty
  103. So there is to be a demonstration during the game on Sunday?
  104. shortest interview I've ever had.
  105. Never mind Chelsea. Ref did everything he could for you without triggering a UEFA
  106. The title's back on!!!!!!11111
  107. Who let the Baz out
  108. He's pulled the old Age Discrimination card!!
  109. Suck on that Wailing Mancs
  110. ****ing hell keystone****ingcops
  111. Half Time thoughts / ratings
  112. Jeez, it's gone a bit quiet on here!
  113. Wenger's going upstairs, isn't He.
  114. I thought Kos going off would have been a disaster but Gabriel was quite good
  115. All the 'fighting' among Arsenal fans.
  116. Well done, Arsene Wenger
  117. Things to do in Basle
  118. Outrage as the British establishment lets it be known that any attempt
  119. I am supposed to start my new position today.
  120. I have an enormous feeling of hapiness
  121. Kamado Joe report.
  122. Shirley they aren't poking the Russian bear?
  123. AW on the City game:
  124. Old School WIMB....POST YOUR Arsenal Paint work...
  125. So just how difficult is TOP 4 now?
  126. This TV production of Decline and Fall is rather good.
  127. Sunday
  128. On a brighter note - this was rather good if you missed it
  129. What music do you like at the moment?
  130. 'Fat activist' is tired of being asked a rational question about obesity
  131. The club can't really afford to sell Sanchez to Chelsea, can they ?
  132. I notice the left wing Twitterati are extremely quiet
  133. Amatures loooooooool
  134. Fish fingers, chips and peas :cloud9:
  135. Farage just told the EU Parliament they were behaving like the mafia
  136. Are the Labour party determined to court the votes of the virulently
  137. Hang on, there is a match tonight?
  138. There seems to be a most peculiar poster on awimb
  139. Talking of Masterchef, that Alison, eh? Eh?
  140. I believe I have arm cancer.
  141. Last night I was taking my son for his pre-bed wee and as we walked past the kitchen
  142. Looks like Emiliano in goal tonight
  143. At home I have a big box full of 'junk' full of waste of time items that have been
  144. When is that fat lump Mantel going to puke forth the third Cromwell novel?
  145. Coffee Bags
  146. The Politburo have decided to take another bite out of Ken :clap:
  147. Oi Monty, re Barrafina
  148. Any of you f*ggots going to Cannes? We should meet up. Hooking up a four-room
  149. :hehe: The BBC has reported Brian 'Sounds of the Sixties' Mathew dead
  150. Leakingtapwimb... I have a leaking tap. It's a mixer tap and tried to isolate each
  151. Red Ken gone
  152. Ipl
  153. It's nice to see Big Matt Macey on the bench.
  154. any good link please??
  155. We deserve that, two good goals.
  156. Say one thing, those are some snazzy Manchester City outfits.
  157. Hang abouts! If we win our two games in hand on Liverpool we're back in the top four
  158. No arsenal this weekend :cloud9:
  159. That thread has become unmanageably long :-(
  160. I've been watching I'm Alan Partridge. The Linton Travel Tavern series.
  161. Who's the chap in Decline and Fall
  162. Martin Atkinson
  163. A good piece on the Livingstone business that nails the 'he was telling the truth'
  164. I know I am one to speak about going off topic or threadjacking.
  165. 'Severe back pain'
  166. I need the backing from the elders of Awimb as I've been flirting with
  167. A new one for T20 cricket....cheerleader took one in the v
  168. Always nice to wake up to USA! USA! swinging its dick.
  169. Happy Birthday Withnail!
  170. Did anyone else get a nice private message from VoBinhg7.
  171. Corbyn really is a weaselly little coward.
  172. Important information.
  173. Why immediately after won has taken a dump
  174. What the BBC didn't tell you about the Westminster Bridge killer.
  175. Sigh - An Allan has driven into a crowd of people in Stockholm.
  176. The shopping centre the truck crashed into is called 'Alhens'
  177. :music: pulp - common people :music:
  178. It's that time again, bitchasses. Gonna be hitting the UK for meetings. Hit me up for
  179. :music: gotye - someone I used to know :music:
  180. Sergiooooooo
  181. Quite an important game tonight imo
  182. How was your weekend?
  183. I see Mme Le Pen has claimed that the French shovelling Jews onto trains even more
  184. I am going to San Francisco in October.
  185. Eggs for lunch.
  186. I grew up round the corner from here.
  187. Have we all seen Ross Barkley getting knocked sparko?
  188. Finally got around to watching KONG
  189. Big Tone the new Granada manager
  190. Sir C if you have $4000 spare and a week free.
  191. Who cocked up the clearance in the 6 yard box for the goal? Had sound down as I was
  192. Wenger FC will bleat about a foul, but it would be good if they also
  193. Dont panic boys
  194. Palace do look vulnerable at the back. We just need a bit more composure with the....
  195. We don't seem to be very good
  196. Im saying nothing
  197. Oh.. FFS
  198. :hehe: imagine if he chooses tonight to say that the two year deal is signed.
  199. I don't know why the teams even celebrate beating us
  200. This is worse than West Brom. Arsenal fans TV is going to be full of fam, blud
  201. Don't worry the on Ox will sort it
  202. Beautiful goal, Cabaye style. Looking at the fixtures, Leicester and Everton at home
  203. Interesting to note how SLOW Wenger's "pacy" team has been more often than not this
  204. Don't even know where to start with that one...
  205. May have gone unnoticed but Sanogo hit a hat-trick today for the under-23 team
  206. What did He say after the game, then?
  207. Breaking...
  208. Smudger Smith in commentary: "This isn't pretty"......camera pans across the Arsenal
  209. I feel that my life is diminished by an inability to get certain smileys going in the
  210. Death on a stick. The Arsenal fan's untranslatable emotion.
  211. Shambles!
  212. Arsenal may be ****. But Jamie Carragher is a world class knob.
  213. Some entertaining comments from last night
  214. This feels like the end of the Terry Neill years.
  215. PSRB you were right about Npower. ****ing scam artists
  216. Anyway, the most spectacular defeat last night was that of Monkman by Goldman.
  217. Imagine the fun though when the Cleuso sounding old tit plucks up the nerve
  218. This príck on the United airlines flight.
  219. So I see the media is having a moral panic because of Spice
  220. Meanwhile...your mum's in the news
  221. Anyone wanting to know why we lost 3-0 to Palace need look no further than this:
  222. I was hoping for Monty's analysis of the current Arsenal league position.
  223. Arsenal Fan Tv last night review...
  224. This príck on the United airlines flight. Thread #2
  225. In Re Below: PR Expert say United has committed Brand Genocide.
  226. Imran Tahir & Adam Zampa
  227. So it turns out this Dr Dao got struck off for drugs and sex
  228. Dortmund team bus bomb blast
  229. Juventus were pretty good last night.
  230. I'm not sure who is my favourite, Grimes or Philbrick?
  231. Usual "warchest" shenanigans
  232. Re: Team Bus
  233. More distracting United Airlines commentary
  234. If a girl hits you you'll take it and you'll like it.
  235. I pray for Wenger's death is that so wrong.
  236. This reaction to Sean Spicer's Hitler comment
  237. if you look back at last season. We were just as bad.
  238. Magic Staircase!
  239. People with unfortunate names.
  240. VICELAND - Sky 153
  241. Something happened at Lunchtime that has made me emotional :hide:
  242. There is a great deal of intemperate language on the board today.
  243. Dr Rich I am having a gentleman's issue
  244. The Hindenburg of customer service episodes.
  245. Easter Plans?
  246. I'm still not sure if Boxing24 is a robot or someone practising their English.
  247. Leicester are going to beat Atletico, aren't they?
  248. Aha! All makes sense now. This Tim McGraw fellow that c has a crush on. Not only
  249. You know what's really ****ing me off at the moment?
  250. Masterchef last night was an outrage.