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  1. Right **** it I didn't want to look rude but the earphones are going in. One of the
  2. If we really are a 2nd rank club shouldn't we have stayed at Highbury?
  3. Random thoughts. Why is it called Mario Brothers. is that their surname?
  4. Which one of you is Duane Landsperger?
  5. Ah - I see the censorship police have kicked in on new awimb.
  6. That's four goals in three games for Gnabry now.
  7. WD to the GB lads. Gold in the diving
  8. Lewandowski and Griezmann?
  9. The Olympics are less than a week old and they are already starting to boil my piss
  10. Regardless of our defensive crisis. Mustafi is a ****ing tremendous signing imo
  11. Pokster - From ITV's 'Six things you didn't know about Jack Laugher'
  12. The first league game and it's already make-or-break time
  13. PAT SPORTS: Mahrez might still happen imo.
  14. Is EFL standing for English Football League?
  15. Are we going to thrash these Paki upstarts
  16. Hmmm. David Ornstein ‏@bbcsport_daivd
  17. ****'ssake, England
  18. Prediction time
  19. Berni I found some more info about our new potential signing*
  20. So Hales, Ballance and Vince managed 14 runs between them
  21. So we went to Islington Town Hall this morning to register my daughter's birth
  22. Play Fantasy Football and win Arsenal VIP tickets
  23. Per and Mustafi already are quite the pair.
  24. waaah waaaah waaaaaah ******* name waaaaah waaaaaaaah
  25. In Olympian injury news...
  26. PSRB around? I need Greater Manchester advice.
  27. Remember podolski? What a dud. In life, as in football, if you
  28. Duke of Westminster leaves a £9.9M estate.....
  29. Blimey. I wonder if Arsenal would consider doing this?
  30. waaaah waaaaaah :cry: barstard name :cry: waaaaaah waaaaaah
  31. Night-watchmen who don't have the decency to get out quickly the next morning
  32. I am a bit confused. People keep talking of a 'Heatwave'
  33. does anybody know how craigslsit works?
  34. I don't believe it
  35. Fantasy league awimb
  36. Anybody got any guitars around the house they might not want? Maybe Grandad left
  37. arsene said no striker no more only maybe central defend but no singing no top drawer
  38. Just look at these wonkers. They've all gone for Citeh
  39. Wenger selects the captain? That doesn't feel democratic.
  40. Younus playing Moeen like a fiddle.
  41. Oooh. LCFC lost to Hull. Do you think this may make that Mahrez chap realise that
  42. Six goals in four games for Gnabry now
  43. mmmmmmmmm Gary
  44. ****ing Bournemouth spastic
  45. Streams help please. None of my pages of links seem to be working atm. Has anyone
  46. Team vs Liverpool
  47. yes, can I be furnished with a stream. important, four mins to go.
  48. bit touch and go at the back, eh? :hehe:
  49. You utter ****ing donkey, Feo. Of course we don't need a new striker when the best
  50. Someone tell me why you need a farkin wall that far out :shrug:
  51. Cech was nowhere near that. Sir Chesney would have done better.
  52. ****ing hell
  53. naive from holding, there.
  54. TJ and the tricky penalty
  55. And so the disaster of Wenger's last season begins in full. Bye bye top 4.
  56. 'Get out of our club, get out of our club'
  57. Oh my ****ing God
  58. At least I was enjoying the season for 45 mins
  59. I hate this season already. Wake me up in May when we get a new
  60. What a ****ing goal
  61. Ox made Wenger put his wallet back in his pocket
  62. good on ox, there!
  63. Hang on. Have we got any other Southampton signings? All 3 have scored so far.
  64. that might've saved chambers's career right there.
  65. Lemme guess...
  66. 4 goals conceded and no proper striker on the pitch, let alone the bench. £200m+ in
  67. Player ratings, please?
  68. AW blames the defeat on inexperience at the back. Whose fault is that ffs?
  69. Another superb start to the season from Arsene Wenger's Arsenal.
  70. Scoring 3 goals at home and losing the game
  71. "We lacked experience at the back and we were physically short". Unbelievable.
  72. Russia 2018 fan survey
  73. Players do not want to join Arsenal
  74. So Arsenal have a regular and sub penalty taker, or is that mundane dtuff and
  75. Do Arsenal have a regular and sub penalty taker, or is that mundane stuff and
  76. Has Arsenalfan TV captured a glorious rant yet? :hehe:
  77. It's over, it's the hubris that did it.
  78. Yesterday.
  79. I just knew this was going to happen. It was so bloody inevitable.
  80. Looking at the style we play. I don't know if a superstar striker will be of any use
  81. So when the players emereged after half time, a couple of Arsenal
  82. Blimey. Dalian Atkinson has died after being tazered by police
  83. Disaster.
  84. There is something about Graeme Souness that soothes and relaxes me.
  85. I am considering the purchase of a tent.
  86. Crikey Dalian Atkinson tased by police & has died
  87. Good Heavens Dalian Atkinson tazered by police & has died
  88. OMG Dalian Atkinson has been tasered by police and he's died
  89. Am i the only one who didn't know
  90. That reminds me I never hear of Quasar anymore.
  91. Brikey! Roawn Atkinson is in charge of the police.
  92. Dalian Others win medals for diving
  93. Got on the bus with me daysaver
  94. Surely Andy Murray has to be knighted now?
  95. I remember the good old days when GB were **** in the Olympics.
  96. So the press in Spain are reporting at Arsenal have failed to come back with another
  97. :hehe: Wenger looks like a man who is holding a secret that's killing him
  98. Hold on, we were missing Ozil, Giroud and Koscielny? And Metersacker and Gabriel?
  99. Blimey, you wouldn't want to be sitting on the right hand side of this picture!
  100. Everton paying £25m for Bolasie is simply put,
  101. Can no-one admit at least what a badass the Ox was when he came on?
  102. I have probably asked this before. Anybody on here rent out properies on Airbnb etc?
  103. Hang on. So Rambo and Iwobi are out, too? We are ****ed.
  104. I see we failed to become the number 1 team in the world in the spot fixing/match
  105. This whole Burkini ban thing is confusing me
  106. Open letter to monsiuer wenger and arseal football club…….
  107. Cheap Kitchens Coventry
  108. open letters to the ,fans,
  109. That Xhaka is going to be a bloody nightmare isn't he
  110. Evening all
  111. Surely Andy Murray has to be knighted now?
  112. Sounds like Chelsea are looking to shift Fabregas
  113. So, forty eight hours after the season kicks off and our first home game
  114. "It's come to this, it's come to this..."
  115. Anybody got any dead friends on Facebook?
  116. You do realise we are gonna get ****ed over by Leicester this weekend? In particular
  117. When does the men's 200m start? Got to get my FREE MONEY ON BOLT!
  118. What's the deal with Gnarbry then? Seems in fine goal scoring form...
  119. Okay... i want to sorry to you all...
  120. Sophie Hitchon
  121. i have wrote a peom for arsenal footballing club..
  122. What's for lunch fellas?
  123. Judging by this picture, Black Lives Matter UK are gathering huge support
  124. So I was watching a University Challenge from two weeks ago, and in a music round
  125. Now I am regaining my sense of smell.
  126. Awimb is broken
  127. Is it just me, or is it impossible to reply to posts?
  128. People who should get a job as a stripper:
  129. attention…elder of awimb…mr + you bad as wenger.!
  130. Older threads no longer work. sort if out top brass otherwise I am off.
  131. If you want to fμcking well swear
  132. Seems they locked up Anjem Choudary a couple of weeks ago and didn't tell anyone.
  133. Right as I am giving up multiple things. I quit this place.
  134. Dithering ..
  135. Evening all :wave:
  136. What's happened to akimbo ? :yikes:
  137. i.been given warned...
  138. This will be the killer blow
  139. Oh dear! The absolute state of Michael Gove.
  140. I must say, I am rather enjoying us handing Johnny Foreigner his arse.
  141. http://news.arseblog.com/2016/08/alisher-usmanov-could-sell-arsenal-stake-to-take-ove
  142. Back from Sunny Portugal, what have I missed?*
  143. wengerman make me so angry........i no sleep for weak.
  144. Until Sunday man Arsenal novices overexpected victory
  145. Is difficult..
  146. i have beenm banned!
  147. Usmanov looking to sell his shares. Wenger knows. This scorched earth campaign
  148. The upgrade has really killed off this place. Sad times.
  149. Do we know when Ozil and Giroud are to return?
  150. Well I don't seem to be able to reply to anyone now. With or without a quote.
  151. Sometimes it works. I like it, it adds a frisson of excitement to the replying
  152. It seems I can only reply with the Quick Reply box...can't seem to quote
  153. Clearly there is a technical issue here. Now who do we know who has the
  154. Gentlemen, gentlemen! We are the last few standing.
  155. SpotsWIMB
  156. If this is the end of Awimb I have returned to go down with the ship. :wave:
  157. Mo: Usmanov has released a statement.
  158. So it's working again!
  159. As Peter Cetera tells us,
  160. Why do some people pronounce Pasta as. Parstor.
  161. Alright Awimb I have a serious matter here. I am suffering from a terrible affliction
  162. WD Alistair Brownlee. Another gold in the Triathlon
  163. Gold and silver in the triathlon!
  164. GD Designs Reviews
  165. Skodran is s terrible name. His parents should go into hiding.
  166. Let Theo WIN you a unique VIP experience
  167. Hmmmm. Public sector borrowing down to lowest since 2008, no inflation spike,
  168. Loooooooooool. Draft Kings competitions. Who's next Casper mattresses?
  169. I've got a summons for jury service.
  170. :cloud9: No need to sign a striker ‘We’ve gained three months on Welbeck’
  171. After well and truly binning Kodi and all that stuff. Anybody used a IPTV box?
  172. "You sad, pathetic man, see where you've brought us to,
  173. Good read from Stillman, as usual.
  174. I can't recall a more resigned and apathetic start to a season ?
  175. Alright chaps
  176. Does anyone else follow CourtNewsUK on twitter?
  177. Let Theo WIN you a unique VIP experience!
  178. How can I be an international property Tycoon when Tripadvisor doesn't show
  179. /please read. I get this message?
  180. Jewish man in religious garb stabbed in Strasbourg by man shouting Alahu Akbar.
  181. How many more of these depressing stories ?
  182. I've got a little bit of a crush on Sir Chris Hoy.
  183. The Night tube starts tonight,
  184. In Costco they had a massive Pork loin for sale. What does won do with
  185. I seem to have stumbled into Friday night football on Sky
  186. Evening all :wave: ........
  187. I see that old codger Zlatan is really struggling to adapt to the prem.
  188. This is going to be a horrible season. All our rivals have massively strengthened and
  189. They've won an olympic gold medal. Why would they want a stupid bit of plastic
  190. Oi Baz! why aren't you posting your **** songs like you used to
  191. all of a sudden united is *far stronger than us. martial, ibra, pogba, geriatric
  192. the individual whom we call wenger is vermin, and should be treated as such.
  193. wd the ref
  194. AW is insane if he wants to play Alexis through the middle. The problem last season
  195. Anyone who thought Zlatan wasn't going to continue banging them in, is clueless. As
  196. Mark Clattenburg = mega ********
  197. Bad enough having to break down park the bus counter attack teams at home. But away
  198. Robbie Savage = mega ********
  199. Might be time to switch Coq for Elneny
  200. This game is starting to drift
  201. Fark me, we're still trying to walk it in..
  202. Away to the champs was always gonna be difficult
  203. Anybody got a link to our league form at the end of last season?
  204. Wenger now talking about having to pay all the staff wages
  205. Someone going to tell our players it's ok to shoot once in a while?
  206. Mr Mo's joy rising!
  207. Well done Caster for putting women in their place!
  208. Is Mustafi arriving on the back of a very large tortoise?
  209. Why is he letting Campbell go out on loan? I bet Serge gets a long term injury now.
  210. Wenger getting hammered from all angles.
  211. Quite pleased with this post :-) :
  212. How do you deselect this f*cking annoying popup from below. damn but everything's
  213. "It's sad to see our chances
  214. why has campbell gone out on load? ffs. one of our best , unpredictable players. knew
  215. Asano hasn't been granted a work permit
  216. GD Designs Rochdale Reviews
  217. Decent first point
  218. Hurrah! We finally get BBC4 back this evening after all this Olympics ****e
  219. I know I'm a few years late, but I watched Crank with Jason Statham in it last night
  220. Anyone who isn't proud to be British after our performance in Rio
  221. Why all the 'alternative' medal tables. Well done GB we don't need fifty different
  222. So Mustafi's price has nearly doubled to 50 million Euros (about 43 million pounds)
  223. There are lesbonians everywhere these days.
  224. One of the greatest musical photographs ever has to be Pennie Smith's
  225. Ahhh, Social Justice Warriors - always fighting the big battles...
  226. Wenger giving the game away talking about 600 mouths to feed at the Arsenal
  227. Jeffrey Julmis
  228. ive been doing corse on evenings and weekends..
  229. Is it worth my while participating in this forum or is it a closed shop?
  230. Watching a thing about romcoms the other day, it occurred to me how few I'd seen
  231. Look at this attention seeking ****
  232. Looking for Arsenal related hope
  233. The swearing filter on here is too sensitive.
  234. I sense this Mustafi chap could be a touch overpriced
  235. How come the Arsenal don't sell players surplus to requirements?
  236. So apparently, the non-Corbyn MPs are thinking of becoming the Co-Operative Party
  237. Dinner?
  238. At last, a comprehensible guide to the latest fashion in gender fluidity.
  239. Knife attack on a bus in Brussels
  240. Given that we are increasingly unlikely to sign a decent centre-half now that every
  241. Back by no demand
  242. Wenger: 'The fans are highly influenced by the media'...
  243. A bit of a poll / open discussion...
  244. so how long ago were YOU saying "Wenger out!!"?
  245. Arseblog article on the current farce
  246. Several times a day I do a quick look for Arsenal news.
  247. So I've been looking at our squad and don't think that we are in urgent need of a
  248. A disastrous transfer window is taking shape
  249. So does the league table lie or not?
  250. Anyway,this is my logic