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  1. Couple of nice tackles from Coq there.
  2. Stleam?
  3. Rmasey baghead
  4. Clound Nine
  5. Oh my, Poacher!!
  6. 4-4 ?
  7. Enjoying the Giroud show, BGM? hehe
  8. ffs steady on!
  9. Weblz baghad
  10. Coq, the visible wall Bow
  11. Ramsey ****er
  12. Ramsey is NOT making friends today. hehe
  13. Could someone please provide a stream?? Thank you in advance.
  14. Don't think Ramsey wants Giroud to get a hat trick hehe
  15. Wellbeck is playing as though he is running on ice...
  16. Coq is looking great imo.
  17. Ugh
  18. f**king hell not again Bang head
  19. Second half has started.
  20. Uh oh..Ramsey WAY too central there. - Edit - Alexis didn't track back.
  21. Coquelin Oh well
  22. Started the second half like zombies
  23. Jesus f**king Christ, Pull that coq off now.
  24. How on earth is Ramsey still on the pitch???
  25. They're really targetting Chambers down the right. They're first to everything in midfield too
  26. Get Rosicky and Walcott on.
  27. Rosicky on for Welbeck?
  28. Chambers Muppet
  29. We need something to change here...
  30. Coqblocks nose has broken again Shrug
  31. We are little bit collapsing
  32. Getting absolutely battered here. Ref not interested in anything
  33. F*ck me! Newcastle have their tails up.
  34. We should start Ole-ing at the 2nd pass if we want to get any in.
  35. We're all over the shop Yikes hehe
  36. This would have been Theo time...Damn, there goes Anita, our best player.
  37. f**king linesman c**t.
  38. f**king coq
  39. i lurv Lester
  40. Limp Coq needs Viagra not Flamini Bang head
  41. Surely Arsene will change sonething?
  42. We have no transition.
  43. Pathetic stuff Frown
  44. We badly need a 3rd. Quick, someone slag off Giroud
  45. This is cleary a knock on from that draining game in Monaco
  46. Chambers is a bit of a dodgy right back isn't he?
  47. How the f**k is that not a foul on Gabriel
  48. Good grief, just hold the ball up and use up some time
  49. 3 points Clound Nine
  50. Thank f**k for that
  51. Never in doubt.
  52. There's sensible refereeing and then there's letting them get away with everything.
  53. Made light work of that game eh! Oh well
  54. That was a great game of football hehe Wd the Arsenal, big win.
  55. Phew. Big 3 pts. But that was awful in the second 45
  56. Chambers having a mare.
  57. That must have been one of the ****tiest half-time talks in history.
  58. Man of the Match?
  59. On a happy note Ramsey seems to be getting better and better. That's why Wenger won't sub him...
  60. Why the f**k would you take that free kick quickly? f**king me....
  61. charge to title glory on may 24th
  62. What a try Clap
  63. Tossers, what else is on?
  64. How can you have a ref like that one week and the usual fussy c**ts the next?
  65. Amazing second half ot the season form
  66. wd France Smile
  67. **** bird; get on with the game.
  68. Wonderful. You have video evidence and still can't get the right decision.
  69. I didn't know Wenger was the English rugger coach as well.
  70. Goals per 90 mins EPL. Olly 1.01, Costa 87, Ageuro 84, Kane 96. Who d'a thunk Sperz and us would
  71. rosicky was awesome as usual. just locked it all down with ten mins to go.
  72. Game on!!
  73. Indifferent Indifferent
  74. Need 40 points, go for 3 Indifferent
  75. Cipriani will be the hero here Nod
  76. How does he keep it looking so perfect? Shrug
  77. Is that 23 tries so far to day?
  78. Smile
  79. My word, it's on again!
  80. What is it about our team that inspires opponents to play so well?
  81. What a game Shake head
  82. Haskell you f**kING c**t Shout
  83. The **** decisions do even themselves out Clap
  84. Haskell you f**kING c**t Shout
  85. England can still win this.
  86. Here we go Onside kick time Clound Nine
  87. England will get the required points imo Nod
  88. Why try to throw it with Marshawn in the back field Bang head
  89. Thanks Haskell Roll eyes
  90. Disgraceful seens.
  91. Katy Perry on in the background at Twickenham Clound Nine
  92. Well done the Irish!
  93. Bring back Armitage!!!
  94. This is really all England's fault.
  95. Good call, Billy Indifferent
  96. Arse up 2nd on motd, Spurs 1st. I suppose it did have 7 goals...
  97. I've got a serious chubby for bellerin. so goddamn fast, while also being a good tackler. finally,
  98. Would you lot hurry up and put your clocks forward please?..its wrecking havoc with my kick off time
  99. is theo on his way out ?
  100. Arteta back for next game, don't expect him to start. We really could use Ox, Jack, Debuchy, Gnabry
  101. Bin Dippers vs Prawn Munchers... what result are we looking for lads?
  102. "Justice for the 39"
  103. If Chelsea slip up today is it "ON"?
  104. Little bit controversial chants followed by a Good goal.
  105. The linesman is called "Mularkey". Superb.
  106. That FA cup loss has woken Utd up a bit
  107. Apparently, if you turn up at the pub for a boozy Sunday brunch wearing
  108. Sterling currently lowering his value with this performance to help with the Theo swap deal.
  110. loooooooooooooooooool Clap
  112. A very interesting article, one that the 'AAA' will not enjoy!
  113. The commentator on my stream just said "is that a deliberate handball" hehe
  114. Great goal
  115. That was quite a good goal
  116. We beat them in two weeks 4th place almost certainly secured Clound Nine
  117. Balotelli will get sent off at some point Nod
  118. Steven Gerrard's heat map
  119. Yes Gary, that could shirley not have been degays fault could it Roll eyes
  120. Poor goalkeeping there.
  121. Crazy Balo will manage to get sent off too
  122. We prefer a draw don't we? both teams lose points Thumb Up
  123. hehe hehe
  124. Rooney is simply unbookable today hehe
  125. Follicly challenged ****er ****er
  126. Skirtle should get a ban for that by the FA, defintely meant it
  127. Skrtel's done him there.
  128. Flashscores, the voice of wisdom: "The fans could demand a bit more entertainment for their money."
  129. 6pts clear of them, Gerrard and probably Skrtel banned for next week.
  130. Carragher desperately trying to defend Gerrard hehe
  131. I was just looking at how (real) heat maps are generated, and the two examples in this article are
  132. I guess Carragher will want Wenger and Ozil out after today's performance
  133. Makes our game against liverpool huge. If we wint that we are well set
  134. 4th virtually certain now, we have a fight for 2nd and 3rd.I take it Balotelli also misses our game?
  135. I have a feeling Chelsea will humiliate Hull :cnuts:
  136. Oh well
  137. Steven Gerrard Heat Map from today Indifferent
  139. It's "OFF"
  140. Its ON!
  141. Mon Hull!
  142. LOOOOOLZ It's ON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  143. They're sweating! The ******* sweatpigs are sweating!
  144. Costa is such a dirty c**t. How does he get away with so much off the ball stuff?
  145. You load of f**king jinxers!
  146. If's OFF!
  147. Out of the title race
  148. 3 shots on target, 3 goals, That Hull keeper must be proud of himself.
  149. hehe
  150. Dropped points for Chelsea today would, I think, make them realistically catchable
  151. Even Carragher admits that Skirtel could be in trouble with the FA, time will tell I guess!
  152. My god, that atmosphere is like at the Emirates 15 before half-time
  153. Looks like both Real and Barca have their strongest line-up, potentially a great match
  154. Jesus wept, this is a boring match so far Yawn
  155. What a goal Bow
  156. Quality goal.
  157. 1-1 Ronaldo hehe
  158. Pepe..... What goes around, comes around ****er
  159. Real the much better team
  160. How much do we reckon Bale will go for in Madrid's annual sell a galactico sale?
  161. Bite size.....
  162. Clichy & Song look like a right pair of Muppet s ****er s
  163. Chimp ripped off. Officials crappier than ours hehe Yikes
  164. Dracula bites again! hehe
  165. It's Off
  166. Is it normal for people to ask you out on here?
  167. The 1st comment Clap
  168. If I take a speed awareness course rather than take points/fine, do I still inform the insurance co.
  169. hehe
  170. Australian news presenter with an unfortunate neckline hehe
  171. Oxford seems like a rather nice place.
  172. Man United's first goal yesterday
  173. I'm a bit surprised at people's enthusiasm for f**king Theo out the window this summer
  174. I'm a bit surprised at people's enthusiasm for f**king wor Jackie out the window this summer.
  175. Brendan rodgers once again exposed against a big team
  176. 'Visual disturbance' hehe
  177. Fantastic stuff from RAWK
  178. Messi looking a bit plain next to his team mates in this one.
  179. Apologies if this has been done before but Gerrard's performance summed up...
  180. Poll Poll
  181. Can you think of anyone more punchable than beardy falling down enthusiast
  182. Dr Fox charged with nine sex offences involving six people, of whom three were children.
  183. People are still queueing up to see Richard III's coffin in Leicester
  184. Giroud, best PL striker on current form, 17 goals this season even though he missed 3 months due to
  185. Canine wimb: Just got my beloved German Shepherd back after over a week at the vet with haemoragic
  186. Football Tonight on BT Sport, what a tosser the scouser Tony Evans is, ridicules Arsenal
  187. I'm getting tired of Giroud critics. Everytime there's a Facebook article praising Giroud >>>
  188. So apart from Gerrard and Skrtel, Lallana and maybe Sturridge could miss our game?
  189. Skrtel charged by the FA so won't be playing against us Clound Nine
  190. Might as well rename England to Tott*nham, they have 5 players in the squad after Mason has been
  191. The introduction of email seems to have not made the work place any more efficient imo
  192. Brilliant. One of the few players who could rest on the international break gets his first call up.
  193. Oh dear, Davor Suker appears to be a massive bell end
  194. Bit dead on here. Will we beat Monaco tonight?
  195. One of question, guys. Raised this evening: Is Yoda a mammal?
  196. Tonight
  197. Frown First Parma football club going Tits up now Pirelli being bought by the Chinese
  198. For any west wing fans, my MP is called bob russell hehe
  199. Black Caps Clound Nine
  200. We could be 2nd after our next game....
  201. Hang on, we've not spuriously pulled one single player out of this round of internationals
  202. Winner Winner Chicken Dinner Clound Nine Huge windfall my AWIMB peeps
  203. Wow, I've just ventured on to Linkedin after a long absence
  204. Monty - you asked the other day if I thought Big Ron and Dave Whelan should have kept or lost their
  205. Hmm, more evidence of our childminder's dysfunctional relationship with the truth
  206. Germanwings A320 gone Frown
  207. So this plane crashed after a controlled descent. That's terrorism or pilot suicide, shirley?
  208. Splendid video of the 10 best hat tricks under Arsene Bow
  209. 12/15
  210. Ugliest footballers to play in the Premiership. Luke Chadwick
  211. Apparently this tweet wasn't a pisstake Clap
  212. Easy Jet to Barca?
  213. Skirtel denies the FA charge of violent contact, I hope he gets atleast a 4 game ban
  214. Clap wd the Bajan lads
  215. This should be a good won. if 9/11 Happened exactly how the official reports said it did.
  216. What I want to know about this Germanwings business is whatever happened to good old fashioned plane
  217. Countries you've not yet visited that are close or popular destinations. :recylcedpostwimb:
  218. Is Alan Davies a secret AWIMBer?
  219. Skrtel banned for 3 matches and promptly posts a picture of clowns on social media
  220. Any Cyprus experts here *ahem*. I'm going to be there in May.
  221. Brian May looks like a new age traveller version of Steve Bruce
  222. You may be able to see now rather than 2pm if successful in ballot. I got 6/6 Clound Nine
  223. What is for lunch my friend?
  224. Thanks for the advice AWIMB
  225. YEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  226. Forgot that Chelsea were in the 2nd division for 8 seasons between 1974 and 1984
  227. Clarkson gone Wave
  228. I rather liked this response to F365 on the praise spurs are getting for playing English youngsters
  229. Anybody here worked in a commission based job?
  230. For those who care about Ozil finally getting some credit, here he is finally getting some credit:
  231. Great goall from Bendtner :hattrickhero: Wenger, Wenger, sign him up! Music
  232. Nicklas Bendtner grabs the 27th international goal of his career.
  233. Poll:
  234. Ive got hiccups awimb. Shock me!
  235. Aaaah wonderful, another short walk to Wembley and a short walk home - tix application : successful
  236. I really don't want to be a :monty: here, but I am rather surprised that Ozil's targeting the Ballon
  237. Debuchy, Wilsher and Arteta all likely to be fit for Lierpoo. We're going to have a hell of a bench.
  238. Yo yo yo what up vanilla face? I might buy a new telly they seem cracking value these days
  239. Cry
  240. Arsenal players training with Rugby players....
  241. So this pilot was locked out of the cockpit as the plane descended
  242. In more lighthearted news, someone on my facebook is friends with a Debbie Poon hehe :childish:
  243. Has that pompous dutch oaf had the decency and humility to apologise to poor likkle
  244. Of course, having to watch while the co-pilot tries and fails to get into the cockpit is yet another
  245. Well done AWIMB, turning tragedies into petty squabbles since 1998
  246. How long does it take to get a passport?
  247. Holy **** Jermey Clarkson found dead in a Dubai hotel
  248. You tell 'em Rodders
  249. I find it hard to imagine what instant death feels like. I mean, getting punched in the face