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  1. Who is left standing and healthy for Tuesday's Champs League match?
  2. For all the egos in the first team tha read this site.. your time is up
  3. Jaime Carragher you useless scouse prick
  4. Arsenal v Hull and Dover v Palace, Ozil's Majic Pumpernickel lets roll Fight
  5. Of course the trouble is that even if something amazing happened - if this team were to click,
  6. The snivelling, trechourous admins of this board have meddled with the 'H.errs' mein Volk
  7. I want Ronald Koeman as our next manager. Terrific job he is doing at Southampton
  8. I have identified the following Arsenal players who should be allowed to remain
  9. 3 words for the people that abused Wenger at the train station: Classless, Scum, W*nkers!
  10. Arsene deserve more respect for what hes done for the club, but either he changes his mentality
  11. At least all this Wenger abuse nonsense has brought this board back to life.
  12. Arsene is on 150000 a week. Do you think he gives a **** when people banter him.
  13. LvG took off McNair because he saw he was giving chances away and LvG says he is responsible for
  14. "Let's get our stability back and see at the end of the season where we are." Rub chin
  15. Laurie Penny is OFF my deviant sex list. Whatever happened?
  16. Whatever you think of Wenger you should NEVER scream abuse at him.
  17. why are my posts disappearing ?
  18. Bit of long shot but.....
  19. This will be Wengers last season , fan pressure will lead to resignation
  20. We're signing Winston Clound Nine
  21. And if they got a waitrose card they could have a free coffee & newspaper everyday
  22. I really can't believe it,
  23. I overheard someone in the pub yesterday saying he was 'seething' that the board hadn't sacked
  24. Sorry, but Lady Jenkin said that one of the reasons the poor are going hungry is that they can't
  25. Sometimes some really poor defending can paper over the cracks in the performance of
  26. Usmanov buys $4.8 million medal Homer
  27. Van Gaal has caught Wengeritis.
  28. Wenger will buy a striker in January wont he?
  29. Clap Dairy Bukkake...(oh & sfw)
  30. In other news, the UKIP chap accused of sexual harrassment is called 'Roger Bird' hehe
  31. Are there any discussion forums where Arsenal fans meet to discuss football issues in a perceptive
  32. It's amazing that the 'die-hard' supporters and all the media football experts..
  33. Good article on Wenger by likeable word**** Barney Ronay
  34. A million more added to Podolski's price Clound Nine Wonderful goal.
  35. God damn love A ha Clound Nine
  36. Their stadium looks bigger than ours but holds 52000
  37. is Wengers 4th place prizes really that much of a success
  38. Thunder*******. Clound Nine
  39. Could you imagine the furore over the line up if we don't win and Dortmund lose?
  40. Ramsey Bow
  41. Who's the co-c**t on SS5 with the froggy throat?
  42. Chamberlain Clound Nine
  43. Come on the belgies
  44. I guess you can forgive Sanogo for not passing there.......Just.
  45. RAMSEY!!!!!!!!!!!! OMG111111111111111111111111111
  47. What a goal....don't use it all up in this game Rambo
  48. Thunder******* II Clound Nine
  49. I just cum
  50. This is the sort of game young Ramsey needs
  51. What a lovely strike. We need 6!!! Wenger out!!!
  52. Don't wish to be a killjoy, but Ramsey's goal was a bit of a swinger.
  53. Thia is a much better balanced team - where have they been?
  54. It makes me feel all discombobulated when players play for us I've never heard of Frown
  55. I cursed Ramsey
  56. just like watching stoke
  57. hypocrisy is rife tonight
  58. Immobile scores. Shows Wenger's genius in taking off Flamini and Ramsey at HT Bow
  59. It's ON!
  60. Wenger out
  61. That f**king home game against Anderlecht Bang head
  62. Number 73 is coming on Clound Nine
  63. He started the interview with "A little bit" hehe Clap
  64. Oh Poldi you f**king c**t hehe
  65. Now for 4th place or better in the PL
  66. all the more bewildering that Pod doesnt get more playing time
  67. Fantastic performance. Kick start the season at last.
  68. Monaco topped their CL group scoring just 4 goals in 6 games. As they won 2-0 tonight must be
  69. It's ON again!
  70. Sanogo was an utter embarassement and Bellenderin was abysmal as usual
  71. Great to see us score from a dead ball. Great strike Rambo
  72. Liverpool and probably City out. Turns out this Champions League group qualification lark
  73. Time to start abusing Cesare Prandellicately
  74. I thought he meant his *other* Norwich City goal Homer
  75. Ramsey's will get all the plaudits but that strike from Poldi Love
  76. A minutes silence for the calmdown:
  77. Catching the Liverpool highlights and Townsend's defense of the
  78. The draw could turn out alright. Porto and Monaco have topped their groups Clound Nine
  79. when jorge stops posting so does floppy..the yin n yang split personality
  80. Jesus wept, this is unbelievable!
  81. One of post but had to say well done lads and bring on porto or monco
  82. Clap
  83. Ramseys 2nd simply defies newtons law imo
  84. You have to love the US Government "Oh well...um...we didn't know the CIA was doing that. Bad CIA!"
  85. Sanogo Smile
  86. The South African judiciary have decided they'd really rather enjoy a few more weeks in the
  87. For me the best thing about last night was Arsene's suit, how tidy did he look
  88. Ramsey went off injured?
  89. That Ramsey strike is right up there in the best goals I've seen
  90. I've been thinking that anybody can score from long range is true, I am completely **** at football
  91. I don't think we've had a finisher at the club as good as Poldi since Ian Wright played for us
  93. How about Davor Suker?
  94. The boy Wojciech's reaction to Ramsey's goal was Sanogo-esque
  95. Can't believe nobody has mentioned Davor Suker.
  96. "When you boil it down, then, the YouTube fan phenomenon is basically the world laughing at a
  97. It's been done before but I'll do it again, Arsenal 'Legends' that you don't actually like that much
  98. I'm booze damaged today, and crave some sort of dirty pasty.
  99. MontyWimb. Famous Arsenal goals that you think are rubbish.
  100. I've just had a dirty cheese and onion pasty from The Wild Bean Cafe, a classy joint.
  101. Streaking in Kabul.. She's a brave girl.
  102. I have purchased a Tesco 'Christmas Trimmings' sandwich, Wil I
  103. Monty >>> Will you be subtracting AR’s brace last night from his season total next year?
  104. Anyone want a season ticket for next season as I have just had a call from the club
  105. Oh nooooes Shake head #prayforsanta
  106. Watched Cheap Thrills yeaterday, nasty little black comedy that is surprisingly good
  107. Woohoo, back in the land of the employed! That was getting a little close
  108. Anyone suffering from this explosive cyclogenesis yet then?
  109. 1 person in the chair at the barbers but no one waiting = result
  110. It's Secret Santa tomorrow at work. Rather than complain like I normally do I have decided to join
  111. Hang on. The cricket has just been rained off for the day with England requiring 240 to win in 50
  112. Evening c**ts Wave
  113. I will find out who is responsible for this act of treason
  114. Has google gone Tits up
  115. Nasri's goal vs Roma no where near as amazing as Rambo's yesterday.
  116. I was watching the Indian Premier League yesterday and saw Le Bob playing.
  117. Let It Go...
  118. Apparently we are statistically most likely to get Brian Munching in the last 16.
  119. Can't help thinking that Man city at 14/1 is a decent each way bet for the CL
  120. hehe Ashley Cole didn't even make the bench last night
  121. Shouldn't we have christmas smileys by now? Frown
  122. This is where I miss London. I really fancy a large doner
  123. I have recieved a mug in the secret santa,
  124. This is rather nice.
  125. Just Debuchy, Per, Gibbs and Bellerin fit from our stacks of defenders this weekend Oh well
  126. Today I have been listening to some late Beatles, King Crimson, Emeron Lake and Palmer
  127. Just watched Thierry Henry on Football's Greatest, DB10 coming up at 8:00
  128. The problem with studies claiming that women continue to do the majority of the housework is that
  129. I've had a few but Gazza? wtf? Lightbulb head is a nutter
  130. the pathetic need to idividuate myself is diving me to the purchase of a fishing tackle bag.
  131. Its people like this who make me yearn for all humans to be wiped off the face of the earth
  132. For those of us who experienced WW2 the scum swastika represented pure evil.
  133. In a weird way the Wenger out movement may be positive.
  134. Ganpati Gooner seems a little bit upset down below hehe
  135. As i said maths not my strong point
  136. Nighel Pearson tells shouty Sheff Weds fan to "f**k off and die" Clap
  137. Ramsey out tomorrow. Could Rosicky get some game-time? Yikes
  138. Haven't seen Chief on here for many days. Should a search party be sent out?
  139. It has been suggested that the people working in my practice all go to a charity shop and buy
  140. Why is the CL draw not today?
  141. Bit quiet in here today, has somebody kidnapped fash?
  142. I see that Sports Sciency/physio chap has been putting the boot in again
  143. HERE COME THE ALIENS! theyve shut all the airspace in SE england DOOOMED
  144. Now then, we have discussed the true meaning of breakfast in the past, but this, from Hawksmoor,
  145. Damn it, the FA Cup match v Hull will be on at 5:30 Sunday 4th January 2015
  146. Dinner?
  147. snow Might have to get the bobble hat out of the membership pack for tomorrow.
  148. baz..just remembered the one eagles fan i knew was at birmingham poly...we got on
  149. Ronettes Music Sleigh Ride Music
  150. Music Can you send the Carvery Music
  151. Music I'ts the most wonderful time of the year Music
  152. 'Darlene Love Christmas,
  153. Im reading Roy Keanes biography The Second Half
  154. Fresh from the ;ol Bill cell!
  155. Music Time Is TightTI Music
  156. Me got new name. Me happy. Thank you eastgermanautos‏.
  157. Please help. Avatar upload. I chose upload avatar (not the URL option) and I browsed file and
  158. f**k it, mate's just bullied me into an afternoon pint. See you guys in the emergency room Frown
  159. Driving Button and Alonso dream team! Clound Nine
  160. Bang head Blimey ten players out, it's going too be a struggle to win today.
  161. Coqelin is the best defensive midfielder on our books, hope he starts
  162. We're linked to a defensive midfielder, Romulo, from Spartak Moscow >>>
  163. the holidays are a time for **** covers of former hits. some a capella ****storm being piped in.
  164. 100 bucks to whoever gets the lineup right
  165. debuchy is 5.9.. isnt there anything Arsene coudnt have done..
  166. Ref****.
  167. We wuz robbed of a second goal by a crap ref. There has to be a replay set up for disputed calls.
  168. German commentators referring to 'Alain Pardieu' - never knew he was French... Shrug
  169. Pretty quiet on here - again. Everyone out Crimbo shopping - big girls.
  170. Happy Birthday Santi Clound Nine
  171. Here we go then - 3 - 4 to Magpies Big grin
  172. THat is possibly the deftest finish I hve ever seen. Yes; deft.
  173. This ref is f**king awful.
  174. It's a Pod Crimbo. Smile Let's have a rocket from the Pod.
  175. The injury situation is so bad we have to bring **** like Coquelin back Indifferent
  176. Flattering scoreline for Arsenal? f**k right off
  177. fvck you faggedasses, barcodes
  178. Panenka Clound Nine
  179. Arsene and the Arsenals - doing it once again.
  180. There's only one Ainsley Maitland-Niles....thank feck.
  181. Arguably our best performance of the season but certainly the worst refereeing performance i have se
  182. WENGER IN! at least for today.
  183. Oh dear. So Arsenal win convincingly, AGAIN? Sorry to spoil the lynch-mob party...
  184. Somebody find George Graham
  185. We're The Arsenal and everybody hates us
  186. Welbz's goal could be in the Top 10 for goal of the season
  187. Jamie Redknapp is not a happy man tonight hehe
  188. WELBECK is so **** it brings pain to my chest.
  189. You guys have your Royals and so do we, so there.
  190. In many ways this was a dream win for AW
  191. Music In honour of our returned DM..... Music
  192. Isnt it a pleasure to watch a proper two footed attacking midfielder do his work.
  193. There is no way we can cope with thEchristmas fixtures with this many injuries. It really is beyond
  194. Dennis gets another statue
  195. Oh dear. Yikes hehe
  196. That Liverpool keeper is gash hehe
  197. How the c**t is that not offside? bostonbrian lino ****er
  198. Speaking of odd album covers...Zip Zap Rap just got served....Arsenal Fan Tv
  199. Sorry, what was that Brendan?
  200. Why are people like Robbie Savage calling Santi's penalty disrespctful? The object is to score, not
  201. Really hope Real Madrid go for De Gea this summer. Phenomenal keeper.
  202. hehe hehe hehe
  203. Do we have a date for St Totteringham's Day in 2015 yet?
  204. Whats happened to awimb ? it's sports personality night and the plae is so quiet
  205. I've had independent verification that it was my old man who started the "One Arsene Wenger" chant
  206. worst Man U team for years and we kick start their run
  207. Good Morning awimb,
  208. Frightening events in Sydney at the moment.
  209. Some great refereeing displays at the weekend. One ref decided that a yellow card wouldn't be shown
  210. We need a chap on the pitch who will be our policeman and stop Alexis getting seven bells
  211. You can now make a gif from any youtube video
  212. The Welbeck 'disallowed goal' Everyone in the world heard the whistle way before imo
  213. I love how the keeper just gives up the ghost on Ollie's heeder hehe
  214. How rubbish is foreign football.
  215. I appear to be getting Chris+ PMs (Not PMS, that would be weird)
  216. I note with amusement that the chaps who did a protest in the Westfield Shopping Centre about the
  217. I have to go on a business trip next year to either, Vienna or Frankfurt.
  218. So, this season, is it Bayern or Barca's turn to banter us off?
  219. Driving home on Saturday afternoon I saw an old lady fall over and smash her head open.
  220. Monaco!!!! Clound Nine
  221. Hang on - they've called a redraw. Warm balls got mixed up Frown
  222. Travis Bickle looked good at centre half, didn't he?
  223. Rosicky Clound Nine
  224. It's Monaco Smile
  225. Monaco Clound Nine
  226. Hmm, so one of either Basel or Porto will be in the next round.
  227. Monaco.. could be my second visit for a European game there.. shame the last one was in Rome
  228. Anyone up for this?
  229. I see the media is completely ott with De Gea's save v. Balotelli. It was average yet now we're in
  230. Used Uber for the first time last week. 13 quid home from Central, f**king aceness.
  231. Porto in the QFs. This could be our year.
  232. hehe So ****ty have drawn Barca. Much betterer getting Monaco
  233. Anybody seen that Arsenal vid with Rosicky playing guitar.
  234. Man Monis
  235. need 3 monaco away tickets PLEASE !!!!!
  236. How would awimb solve this Sydney Coffee Shop siege? I'm sure Fash has some good solutions
  237. I was plannng on attending one of the European games this year. I'll wait until the quarter final
  238. The BBC are so biased against Arsenal that the first result you get if you click for
  239. I love Arsene more than ever now Clound Nine
  240. Oi snin. How's your Arabic?
  241. Eat Uova alla Fiorentina tremendous, I didn't think I liked Spinach.
  242. Awimb seems to be back to normal.
  243. Welcome to Lundun
  244. I'd like to take my girlfriend on a surprise break to a wine estate in Bordeaux this summer. Are
  245. Hang on. There's another f**king Hobbit movie out? Had they not finished with all that **** already?
  246. I reckon the Iranian **** has shot himself
  247. Anyway, it's all academical now; we've sold the Ox to Everton Frown
  248. One of post but mystic modd strikes again ! Berlin here we come
  249. 2-0 Everton Clound Nine 2 deflections Clound Nine