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  1. Is monty about? Any updates on his work situation?
  2. medicalstaffWIMB: Ozil plays for us and is then sent to play for Germany. Upon arrival
  3. Sheep shaggers v goat shaggers Yawn
  4. Clound Nine Ozil is going nowhere.
  5. Van Persie destroying the Iceland defence. Awesome.
  6. Mertersacker Clap
  7. Breaking News: First picture of :JJSBPI: revealed
  8. What the devil does " MiasanArsenal" mean Frown
  9. Just watching The Descent, it really is a wonderful modern british horror
  10. I just think the whole nazi thing (see below) is a little quaint at this point. kill all the jews &
  11. Proposed change to CL seeding from next season, champions of main leagues in pot one >>>>
  12. The new Belgian minister of health
  13. Poor barrybueno, Boris wants to bulldoze Crystal Palace Frown
  14. What d....................
  15. Wha....
  16. What time do you go to bed?
  17. Let's get Tuesday rolling.
  18. Your Ideal working week? But there are rules.
  19. looking at below ..we have become a bunch of faggots imo where is bacon roll with red mate
  20. What time do you get up in the morning during the week? :fash:
  21. mmmm sardines on toast Eat f**kin 'andsome.
  22. This 24 team Euro finals is killing the qualifiers. Woy might as well have played a team of League 1
  23. bb raises an excellent point further down. Sardines on toast is a very nice thing to eat once in a
  24. Since we're scraping the conversational barrel, have you ever seen a ghost?
  25. My friend hosted a cheese and wine party yesterday evening for his brithday.
  26. Ive been thinking. Why doesnt the Government make proper use of asylum seekers
  27. In other transexual news: Jimmy Hill, who knew?
  28. Ebay or bootsale?
  29. Walking Dead return last night was a bit near the mark at times
  30. Plans for 2015?
  31. "Welbeck declared fit to face Hull City. "
  32. Kroos but no cigar Ireland Smokin
  33. Oh ffs you silly krauts.
  34. Thinking more about this transgender stuff....how come you never get people who
  35. A white heteronormative cisgendered CEO professor and Baptist preacher was teaching a class on Karl
  36. Can't imagine why Jogi and Arsene get on so well
  37. amazing finding from the BBC price of football survey
  38. Slow day imo. Wednesday's are ****.
  39. Serbs and Albanians. eh? Is there anyone in that absurd part of the world that isnt' bat**** mental?
  40. As I get older my musical tastes change to music before my time. Why does this happen?
  41. mmm porridge and honey..worth paying extra for the expensive rolled oats imo
  42. Help me AWIMB, I'm using Windows
  43. Eat Sausage and Egg sandwich. With ketchup.
  44. So the French seem to be trying to outlaw binge drinking, which they're defining as more than four
  45. I can't make my mind up about that Stinson Hunter ***** entrapment guy
  46. Bit confused by all this Pistorius business now. Surely they had the trial and heard all the
  47. So yeah, blatant provocation to drone-fly a Greater Albania flag in Beograd.
  48. Persistent rumour on the net that Arsene's replacement will be Allen Bula.
  49. David Freud saying disabled people aren't worth a living wage Nono
  50. What happened to chocolate bars? I bought one for the first time in ages the other day
  51. Computer wimb: Just recently I've been unable to log into the board using Chrome and yet I
  52. CountriesWimb. I've never met somebody from Luxembourg or Greenland for example.
  53. Michael Owen Shake head
  54. Crisp Conspiracy? Mulitpacks. Not the size of the packet I am questioning here
  55. the waiting time on here to post another post has increased significantly by approx 20 seconds
  56. Rosicky is now injured. A joke, one assumes?
  57. what happened there then?
  58. Ive been thinking. Us men have so many more topics of interest than birds
  59. This season is going past just like the last few with shed loads of injuries and a
  60. Diaby is going to be a monster when he's fit.
  61. Four very winnable league games coming up. Could be 3rd or even 2nd if we do the biz.
  62. LOL, Paul Krugman get all testy when interviewed by ... Charlie Rose! LOL
  63. Great idea, Can't wait to see the poster, or the deaf candidates indifference to being yelled at
  64. Wayne Rooney at it again
  65. just ate a fvckload of yogurt. ready for the day imo.
  66. can we at least get carvalho in jan? the hummels link is an obvious scam.
  67. This Dabiq is quite a good read imo
  68. This photo was designed to f**k with the heads of football fans
  69. I have been going to a language course
  70. I have succssful arrive in your country airport.
  71. Dave's getting into a right fluster over the immigration ticket, isn't he ?
  72. Deviantwimb: The Mountain Who Rides...
  73. Ygritte (Rose Leslie) fans - she and Tywin Lannister are on a Great Fire of London drama tonight on
  74. I suppose we'll be wearing the ****ty blue kits vs Hull.
  75. Literally a 'kiddy fiddler', you might say
  76. edit: what was no1 in the charts on your birthdate?
  77. wot was no1 your birthday bithches
  78. Ginger whinger Scholes still insulting Jack. Now calling him England's best player.
  79. Yawn why cant we be like the others...
  80. Hey Boston Brian, I'm just back from a visit to Niagara Falls and Toronto, have you been there?
  81. Jacques Brel is alive and well and living in Paris.
  82. bacon n runny egg , white bread, butter bit of red Eat ..fresh from the bakery Clound</a></li>
	<li> <a href=When flicking through TV Channels. TV shows that make you instantly change channels?
  83. Nice piece in the Daily Mail about the Lord Freud disabler stuff
  84. Wheres the goal ? These blokes havent scored a goal all season Bow Bow why was the 90s better than today? I'll go. cheap gas, and my fvcking muscle car. 73 chevy malibu.
  85. General election pole if it was he today
  86. Labour hehe Who's coming up with their ideas?
  87. Right, quick shower then dog walking. Positives from this:
  88. Will any of you be using Crossrail once it opens?
  89. Presumably the swivel-eyed right-wing loons who worship the infalibility of free markets,
  90. Our midfield and attack better play well tomorrow as I don't like the look of our makeshift defence
  91. Name 10 decent songs from the 80s.
  92. Right Jorge you **** Reasons why the 70's are better than today...
  93. Brendan Rogers has given me new rigour, as to why to hate Liverpool once more.
  94. Someone has left a big spool of Cable TV cable on my front lawn
  95. I shall be dining at Maze Grill tomorrow night.
  96. With reference to posting below, nothing changes season after season. Injuries & crap strategies
  97. Something you lot might enjoy reading >
  98. Obama hires a political hack to be the "Ebola czar"
  99. Still think we could be 4th by the end of today. And 3rd next week. Injuries a problem
  100. Hull City 13/2 for the win Hide
  101. Aguerooooooooooooo
  102. City's defence Shake head ****er
  103. away in Sicily, still no cure for this Chrome virus?
  104. Aguerooooooooooooo 'Lamps' doing a Stevie Gee hehe
  105. Szczesny, Bellerin, Mertesacker, Monreal, Gibbs, Flamini, Wilshere, Ox, Cazorla, Alexis, Welbeck
  106. Scammed a corporate box again for today's game. Loving it! Hello to all you plebs below
  107. He's not too bad that Aguero lad.
  108. I do so like the Arsenal Gent. Wd Sir C imo.
  109. He must've thought "fack this tikka takka *******s - I'm stickin it in the onion bag!"
  110. That's just f**king disgusting.
  111. Oh
  112. Absolutely no width to this attack, everything through a wall of Hull defenders bunched in the middl
  113. A good link please. US TV not showing game despite printed schedule.
  114. i see Jack is his ususl useless one footed self tonolght
  115. f**king hell what a load of defensive ****
  116. My word Indifferent
  117. WENGER OUT! Klopp in! Oh wait, they're losing again. Is Martinez winning this weekend?
  118. Missed their goal. What happened? Who do I scape-goat?
  119. f**k me, Jon Champion is laying it on a bit thick. 9 barren seasons, never takes long for the
  120. We are such c**ts Frown
  121. What's the excuse going to be this time?
  122. Incredibly sloppy all over the pitch. Defeat here really in inexcusable under sny circumstances
  123. Clound Nine f**k off Jack
  124. Wenger's up. Somebody must be time wasting
  125. Cnt of a yellow card.
  126. and.. Where on earth is Lukas Podolski ??
  127. I think they should increase ticket prices.
  128. Its like watching strangers down the park having a kick about
  129. Old skool Poll...Are we conceding our 4th place to Manure or Southamption ?
  130. Does this mean we can now concentrate on the champions league ?
  131. Sack him now Cry
  132. Unable to get the game but I don't seem to be missing anything worth watching..
  133. 6 mins Wengietime for the winner (by us!!).
  134. Clound Nine
  135. Won't be long before Alexis falls into Ozil-like melancholia imo
  136. f**k off now wenger
  137. looks like an overwhelming Wenger out feeling on here?
  138. Anybody wondering why we put ourselves through this shyte every week?
  139. Rotten performance, pathetic result.
  140. Dorset ref watch. Where do they find c**ts like Roger East? Same
  141. Born losers.
  142. I'm lost for words.
  143. We'd have lost this game
  144. Sanchez is the only ray of sunshine we have at the moment. A beautiful build up to Welbeck's goal.
  145. Enough of this football *******s, Strictly has started.
  146. We lack that creative edge that Cesc would have given and Ozil ought to have given. Wilshere is
  147. Whats the Arsenal Fantasy football league number please
  148. Palace and Villa Yikes Wenger with money and even more time Cry
  149. Wenger should have won the cup and walked into the sunset
  150. Where are those who said we had a good summer?? nicosia etc. ridiculing me and solman when we said
  151. Yeah
  152. eight games played and four points off a relegation place. Bang head
  153. fair play to the female reporter interviewing wenger
  154. motd peeps...
  155. So...we can't take points off the top 4 and we can't take points off the mid-bottom teams
  156. Diaby will save us when he finally shows up.
  157. If Wenger had bought a center half, he would be held responsible today for the result
  158. Best. Club. Name. Ever. Essienimpong Cape-Coast Mysterious Dwarfs
  159. top premier league ticket prices for that
  160. Obama has his medical people working 24/7 on this Ebola thing
  161. we're going to pay for laughing at Man Utd last season
  162. I was out on the Bueno yesterday. What in the BostonBrian happened in the game?
  163. The policy of the last couple of seasons of just having three senior centre-halves is absurd.
  164. AWIMB fantasy football
  165. Super Mario hehe ****er f**king toilet that c**t.
  166. QPR Yikes hehe hehe
  167. At least we know we dont need cesc now Roll eyes
  168. Yikes What happened to Awimb??? There used to be a forum here...
  169. onto the important things...today ive been mainly drinking english whisky
  170. Wade Oh
  171. The Massacre at Paris is so anti-Catholic... never get away with it if was anti-muslim or anti-jews
  172. Reg you'll love this..10 seconds in moped bloke hit by toyota 4x4
  173. I have noticed the 'moaners' eg me and solman etc, are recieving less 'f**k offs' than we did at the
  174. Good Morning Awimb. How was your weekend?
  175. Just watched Wenger's interview with the BBC. I thought his answers were quite measured and accurate
  176. What's this WE ****? Who picked the team?
  177. Are we at a plateau now with AW
  178. Meanwhile in Kent, bring out the gimp...
  179. 'Celeb' Women you quite like that are not the typical wons.
  180. Ripbook tells me Lynda Belingham is deaded.
  181. Good to see a measured response to the Ebola crisis
  182. AW....
  183. Our new forwards have settled in nicely, haven't they. Lovely.
  184. Have we signed defensive midfielder Peter Biaksangzuala yet ?
  185. I've had my ring resized. It was a bit loose, but they've tightened it right up for me.
  186. Linda Bellingham?
  187. Drug Testers @ London Colney this morning!!
  188. I saw the film 'Drive' last night. Not bad, although a bit mumbly.
  189. Some Things I Learnt About The North.
  190. Modern music really is mostly a load of vacuous, uncreative, asinine garbage..
  191. ah ha..just looked in box, I seemed to have missed the applicator extension tube! I did think the
  192. Ripwimb- John Holt. Cry Music
  193. At what point did you realise you were old, off the pulse perhaps even
  194. Finally something happening in my neighbourhood.
  195. Screamer Clap
  196. i don't know what to make of me finding CH5 more interesting these days …
  197. This is the worst time in History to be an Arsenal supporter
  198. Good article on Suarez' return to football
  199. Flings aren't that bad after all....
  200. Podolski hehe
  201. OSX Yosemite is beautiful! Makes my Mac even better. Plus now Safari is better than Chrome so it's
  202. 'Stay away from my wife you treacherous boss eyed little c**t'
  203. I sense a serious shift in the winds re: Wenger. Some people who were solid fans now
  204. Aawwww FFS Mike Read, you did so well dodging the Yewtree bullet and now this
  205. 5 years
  206. Christmas list?
  207. Bloody hell, the Oscar Pistorius judge can go on a bit
  208. Some of the Amazon review responses to that **** Mike Read are excellent
  209. Marcelo Bielsa Clap Not only great manager but a slapstick legernd
  210. I'm supposed to drive to Coventry later. Frown In a hurricane.
  211. Have we discussed this Russian sub that's in trouble in Swedish waters? What will the Swedes do if
  212. Why is it every time I do a self assesemnt tax return i always owe them money Bang head
  213. According to Simon Jenkins, Pistorius should not go to jail because South African courts
  214. Creepy & no it is not Ed Milliband
  215. hehe Labour. Mansion tax. f**k off
  216. He is funnier than Gazza now imo! Bow East 17 singer Brian Harvey demands to see David Cameron
  217. Ramsey's fit foir tomorrow? I thought he was out for weeks?
  218. Dwayne Bravo winning the 'Person least happy to meet the Dalai Lama' award hands down here.
  219. #prayforOscar
  220. UK median income is 27,000, so the poverty line begins at 1350 per month?
  221. f**k me.. I don't think even a wimbledon line call judge gets this level of appeals
  222. hehe Mike Read and Nigel Farage truly deserve a number one for this,
  223. RIP Bob Holness Cry
  224. Katie Hopkins is an amazing woman and would make a wonderful prime minister
  225. Has anybody ever here wondered what it would be like to be
  226. David Coulthard auditions for the part of Paul Calf.
  227. Wonder how much it costs Chelsea to be drawn against the weakest teams in the CL every year.
  228. 5-0 Bayern away to Roma after 35 min. Yikes
  229. Loooooooooool Arsenal Fan Tv Clap
  230. Tea and biscuits, my word Clound Nine
  231. It would be my understanding at this juncture that it is, in fact, a certain
  232. Another reason why I so Hate that smug c**t. He can't risk his coolness to celebrate a goal from his
  233. That young CB Ayaji we promoted must be quite special. Our u19s have conceded 4 in 35 minutes
  234. Dave O'Spinner Indifferent
  235. We can only dream to emulate their completeness. Frown
  236. my Verizon fios app tells me what is trending for tv viewing. CL on Fox Sports is #1
  237. Does the Dalia Lama have any special powers? I mean we know he smiles a lot, but that's not a
  238. Another crap Fabregas performance. Lucky escape for us there.
  239. Yikes
  240. Imagine Dragons
  241. Exactly.
  242. No f**king way! that is mental mate
  243. "just one appearance in the final for arsenal in 2006" when his barcelona financed back heel cost
  244. Long time since we had a decent flounce.
  245. hehe