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  1. Anyone prank calling EDF?
  2. Have we covered this?.............Kettle that looks like Hitler
  3. Never heard of him...........
  4. Well done Anonymous, who said hackers were just nasty, vile people?
  5. I demand a Walnut Whip.
  6. Do we have a warchest or transfer kitty? And at what point does a transfer kitty become a warchest?
  7. Will you folks be purchasing an xbox one or a PS4. Or is it time for me to give up the gaming
  8. At work when a card is going around to sign they stick it in this folder
  9. Easy. Sign Rooney, Benteke, Fellaini and Williams
  10. Basically it will be a quiet summer until every agent has finished talking with the following:
  11. That's the defence sorted – Wenger in surprise bid for Royals lynchpin
  12. Just renewed STs. Must make an effort to attend next season.
  13. Whatever happened to the V sign??? Rub chin
  14. New York Road signs. Smile
  15. Tonight I will mainly be baking a cake by myself, for the first time ever
  16. Evidently the tentacles of The Arsenal's copyright defending octopus only reach so far
  17. 8/10, I'm happy with that
  18. The *******s have broken my Jag!
  19. Is there a GTA style game where I can be a cop. Especially a NYPD style cop.
  20. Just had lunch at this excellent SA restaurant, the Springbok Steak was absolutely superb
  21. What is the correct procedure for dealing with sandwich shops that have
  22. Well it didn't take them long.
  23. McGeady F/S and a 2-2 draw, 250/1...pound on Wave
  24. What's the problem with England fans singing 'No Surrender'?
  25. I hope Marve's cake goes tits up. I tried to reassure him plenty of times it was easy
  26. Jesus wept, SS still going on about Arsenal players celebrating 4th, they even got TH14 to talk
  27. can I have some more of my pound mum..............
  28. I saw this on BBC America last night. What a step backward.
  29. Scotch ref? Yikes England without a chance.
  30. GET THE f**k IN!!!!
  31. How **** are Ingerland!!
  32. Has anyone here copied Sky+ programmes on to their PC and if so, how please?
  33. heh, doing a little idle googling ..
  34. Sooper, Sooper Frank, Sooper, Sooper Frank, Sooper Franky Lampard
  35. England vs ireland Yawn
  36. Which match was Wenger attending tonight?
  37. Liverpool Luis Suarez not happy with the British press
  38. Pods and Per (captain) play for Germany live on ESPN now
  39. Was the Podolski goal quicker than the one England conceded vs San Marino?
  40. 71 guns was a mod back in the day. Took it a bit far, imo.
  41. I chose Sainsburys for home delivery this time. they delivered everything and they arrived 10
  42. Have an old school photo to brighten your day Cry
  43. Anyhow - that earthquake in Wales - poor *******s
  44. I read that Muse were selling Beer at the emirates in a special Muse cup for £6 a go
  45. Baking update >>>>
  46. Everyone is a c*nt.
  47. Walcott 3rd Koscielny 2nd and (obviously) Carzola 1st for official Arsenal player of the season >>>
  48. I bet Brenda's not very amused about this effort hehe
  49. Fash, you just need to plan your full english a bit better imo.
  50. Mark Hughes's spending at City is always worth a chuckle
  51. f**k off with that Bunnell **** please. He's dead. I'm Munching Dick Nugget.
  52. They f**king deserve each other IMO.
  53. Another thing Awimb. Best way to get rid of that egg smell from dishes?
  54. Doing a **** in Pret and I can't not ask a question re: beans from below topic. Thick beans def no?
  55. Marve, hope you haven't ripped up your betting ticket on Vitor Pereira going to Everton?
  56. Irn Bru's official response to Coke's 'name on the side of cans' gimmick
  57. Who was John Bunnell before he was John Bunnell? My lack of memory is annoying me now.
  58. *** We interrupt your Awimb reading to bring you this Awimb News Exclusive! ***
  59. Surely it's time to stop extremist political nutters from posting their views on here.
  60. Looking forwarding to seeing this Belgian team vs the USA
  61. Has Redflag returned since his epic self-c**ting/gangrape?
  62. Interesting Derby Analysis here...pretty high brow stuff
  63. hehe I like these divs on facebook send comments to Arsenal.
  64. I love how TSL sidestepped my Hughes net with his Bale English ramp.....
  65. In tribute to the recent St Tott's Day, and since I found this by accident on my shared drive...
  66. I was 15 when this movie came - it scared the sheet out of me
  67. Surely, if we have a buy-back clause for Cesc, we are just sitting pretty>>
  68. Marve is Redflag? Sherlock
  69. Do me a favour love.
  70. made a bit of a f**k up at lunch time. I had finished my lunch
  71. It's not taken Bale and Suarez long to start going on about how great it is to have Real Madrid
  72. No classic posts since 2010. Yet there are 4 from that year Sherlock there was 5 but one
  73. PHW stepping down from the board apparently
  74. Marve's famous post.
  75. All time Fat XI? I will start with Southall in goal.
  76. Hey Vegas, you have really gone above and beyond today, keeping the board lively
  77. Things you like the smell of. Petrol, White Spirit, Brasso.
  78. This post has intentionally been left blank.
  79. Does AW and the Arsenal trainers know about this Bodyhelix stuff? Obviously not.
  80. It fills a gooner's heart with joy to hear a Man City player
  81. my god, qpr fvcked up. they signed about 14 players, still were relegated.
  82. next wilshere signs tomorrow
  83. sanogo passes medical. thank *god, we've got one in the bag.
  84. Bojan Krkic, the one time wonderkid of Barca is now available for just 5m euros...
  85. Music Humpty Dance - Digital Underground Music
  86. Pjanic for Tottenham
  87. The Magnificent Seven just starting on ITV4 Bow
  88. Who ever knew about all this ****?
  89. Scary stuff
  90. Fabregas all assists Love So who wouldn't have him back?
  91. "Australia PM Julia Gillard dodges sandwich" Yikes
  92. I am furious The man in front of me while Driving made snails look like speedy Go
  93. dan crowley set to sign today
  94. Scary stuff.
  95. ah, I see. it's not noble feelings which prevent cesc from joining utd. there's a hefty sell-on fee
  96. That Aussie billionaire woman didn't really say this in public, did she?
  97. Jade Dernbach hehe
  98. Ljungberg signed back up for AFC
  99. Cake project finished --->>
  100. When I take a pen out of my drawer, test it and realise there's it's run out of ink
  101. TabletWimb. I think I want some sort of iPad gimmick but
  102. Foodwimb continued. Do you keep your real butter in the fridge or in the butter dish?
  103. i see we are linked to 15m bid for nani again Bang head
  104. Who's the best flouncer in awimb's history?
  105. I couldn't imagine Awimb working in the setup where the most recently replied to thread goes to the
  106. I know who modd is. Think of the clues. Posts a lot. over emotional, flounces from time to time,
  107. I've met RCEG post-flounce. Nod
  108. I see we are linked to a 15m bid for nani again.
  109. Has anyone noticed that you never hear about Chris Moyles or James Corden anymore? Clound Nine
  110. If its true that we have a 50% sell on fee clause for Cesc
  111. Please let this be true Clound Nine
  112. Season ticket renewal deadline has been extended by a week
  113. I'm going to bone a chicken leg again tonight
  114. I have decided that I am a c**t.
  115. Anybody else not having their tktexchange credit showing up on the season ticket renewal?
  116. Blimey, this is awful...still... hehe
  117. It WAS James Farentino!
  118. I dont want to start any blasphemous rumours depeche mode style
  119. I see the latest bull**** is that want to have Takeaways shut until 5pm so
  120. This is proving to be a very expensive month for me imo
  121. The bloke who looks a bit like Wenger at my work who I see in the smoking area says
  122. I went to Egypt in Easter with my family
  123. Just when you think it's not possible to like Mikel any more, he goes and posts this....
  124. I ventured back into Twitter briefly today - I am pretty sure if those using it for Arsenal
  125. As protest organisations go, FEMEN has to the best
  126. My dream has come true and I will be on the Emirates pitch tomorrow Clound Nine
  127. "bantz"
  128. Why would we sign the 'Next Fabregas' when we don't have the current one Shrug
  129. Eboue! Sans tiger suit
  130. Can you believe that, tomorrow, me and Neg will have been married 6 years
  131. Might take up Zumba after reading this
  132. Fash -> Are you proposing?
  133. Normally those "meet the players" videos are a joke, but this one...
  134. Bloody typical, another £1,000 spent and then I receive an email making me aware that the
  135. Odd choice of photo in the Club Level brochure.
  136. This Luis Suarez fella. Can he really be faulted for abusing a Frog and biting an Eastern European?
  137. I'm in Helsinki and I want to **** on most of the girls here. Phwoar.
  138. So I'm off to the Dickens festival in Rochester tomorrow. I may sport a top hat and a huge pair of
  139. You know what I don't understand. When somebody comes on here maybe in the evening
  140. Music Smooth Operator - Big Daddy Kane. Music
  141. :bagead: Shout angry baseba</a></li>
	<li> <a href=Evening, AWIMB. I've been away for the best part of two weeks. Who've we signed so far, then?
  142. Music Howzat Music
  143. Isn't this wonderful news about Gervinho? What a great weekend for AWIMBers.
  144. Renewed my season tickets. I expect trophies this season.
  145. Android mobile users here? If so, any recommendations on MS Outlook emails app?
  146. This fella Manfred just wanted to find himself, so off he went.. Music
  147. Music Story of the Blues by Wah! Music
  148. How not to look overly happy in your new employment:
  149. We've signed Cesar (according to twitter) Clound Nine
  150. Although it is getting easier it can be tough living abroad imo
  151. Ramsey whoring Victor Wanyama
  152. I keep pummelling sea**** ..
  153. Smart Brits help out.
  154. Is Gazza dead yet?
  155. Have we bought anywon yet?
  156. How to fix a laptop, it really works!
  157. Clap Does anyone know, what Essien calls Jose at Madrid?
  158. Oi! Bazza ..
  159. 1927 London in colour. Happy days Clound Nine
  160. Anybody done one of those DNA test kits?
  161. Where can I have the gas bottle for our BBQ filled up? It's empty from last year.
  162. Bayern vs Stuttgart in the German Cup final tonight
  163. Sometimes life is just ****
  164. :spuriostransfergossip: Fiorentina accept £22 million bid for Jovetic
  165. hehe
  166. The Chinese - A Great Bunch of Lads hehe
  167. Women grunting at the french open is just stupid
  168. One of my favourite Father Ted moments.......
  169. Wales played well against Barbarians today...
  170. Jose last game for madrid today against Osasuna
  171. funniest thing i've seen in a while
  172. maybe we'll just sign everyone. did you think of that?
  173. Fabregas Bow
  174. Anyone lost a wallet?
  175. What's everyone watching on the box tonight? The Americans on ITV looks good
  176. I like that jovetic used to play for partizan belgrade. tough, imo.
  177. Negredo from Sevilla would be a decent signing.
  178. Cesc "All rumours linking me with Manchester United are false, I will not join Man Utd."
  179. In spite of all the angst I do miss the weekend footie.
  180. How much truth in this
  181. Lager Henry Westons 2012 Vintage Dry Cider 8.2% Lager ooh dear...
  182. Deportivo relegated
  183. Is [everyone] dead ?
  184. Hmmm
  185. I hated hm but tbf Ian Rush always knew how to score. hehe
  186. Neymar needs to be a bit more selfish in front of goal
  187. german keeper pulls off world class cock-up; xmas video makers rejoice
  188. Happy days, they are opening an English pub 10 mins from where I live
  189. According to the bible man was created in God's image. It doesn't say much for God's looks does it?
  190. England very lucky to be 0-0 so far, Hart MoM
  191. Pods and Per (captain) play for Germany v USA live on ESPN now
  192. fecking ****e qality pic from brazil..gets blur when move fast etc
  193. Fkin hell Barney and Mr Slate Comming on for brazil...
  194. Looooooooooool SILENCE for his Hulk / Banner joke Clap
  196. pointless fact from a pretty much pointless match...
  197. Slight over-reaction from the commentators there?
  198. ooooooxxxxtaaaaaaiiiiiiilllllllllll chuuuuuuuutneeeeeeeesssssooooooooouuuuup
  199. Jesus!!! What a strike from Wayne Rooney! Been class since half time.
  200. Brazil 1 Arsenal 2
  201. Walcott, Ox and Rooney are linking up really well IMO
  202. Deflected crap
  203. Rooooooooooooooooooooooooo!!!!!!!!!!
  204. Strong rumours that Gareth Bale is John Motson's ******* love child Rub chin
  205. Guinness Fullers London Pride Guinness
  206. I see that clown Monty's been to the Synagogue again...
  207. Brazil should have won but fair play to england
  208. Well done Bayern munich last night Bow
  209. Simon and federer goes to five sets
  210. So...how much dosh did Barca splash on Neymar?
  211. Great goal from Ox
  212. Music turn up the volume imo .......
  213. 2014 my friend those scenes will be repeated
  214. Proper slagged off Ox there Cry
  215. 101 great goals got jose arriving in london
  216. jake the ped
  217. Music The Pasadenas I'm Doing Fine Now Music .........
  218. Music choon ..............
  219. I'll blame it on the weatherman imo ....................
  220. Has this been discussed yet?
  221. suppose I could warm to higuiaine. not very good hair. kind of frizzy, pubic.
  222. Anyone else think that Suarez bit Ivanovic knowing there'd be a load of fuss made
  223. Dont we have a former yank player who now scouts for us in the States?
  224. Forget the coming ins. Do we have deal in place for Tomas..
  225. Is it possible that just a single day can go by without Arsenal being linked with someone?
  226. Concerts at the Emirates are just weird. It's very strange to see the stadium in such a way.
  227. Arsenal football club R.I.P
  228. Slow day so what's for lunch?
  229. Did anyone else ever watch that Dream On series about Wembley FC?
  230. If we could sign one player this summer, who would it be? Fellaini for me
  231. Denilson gone Cry
  232. hehe Surely The Guardian is indulging in self-parody here? Surely?
  233. Yikes http://www.guardian.co.uk/film/2013/jun/02/michael-douglas-oral-sex-cancer
  234. Don't worry guys it appears I've covered the cost of Rooney, Jovetic and Higuain
  235. Yes I was an idiot for having PPI on my credit cards
  236. Mack Fire Warden Clound Nine
  237. Berni and snin - here's a programme I found
  238. I don't like being hungover. What makes matters much worse though
  239. Heeeeeeeeeeeee's Baaaaaaaaaack
  240. Anywon remember this little Essex crumpit?
  241. I am suffering from tremendous anxiety today. I have no idea why. I am almost at Fash levels.
  242. Jose mourinho confirmed as Russians manager
  243. FASH Complaints. When did the term SHIPPING instead of Postage become mainstream over here.
  244. Chesney quote on AVB............
  245. Jorge / any other geek.
  246. Quick, anyone want a load of ****e T.V content?
  247. i have to say, I've surprised myself with how excited I am at Jose's return
  248. Raw fish is fine, but even I - a Norwegian - feel a bit uneasy with raw shrimps.
  249. Valencia bargain shopping