Quote Originally Posted by dismalswamp View Post
What gets me is the media can drag up an obscure lewd remark from 11 years ago and big a big deal out of something of the like that EVERY straight male has said at some point and yet ignore the video of Hillary laughing about how she got a rapist off the hook even though she knew he was guilty.
Watch this:
The controversial thing about the video is not the words he uses, but the acts he is admitting to. There have been several allegations in the past about how he has sexually assaulted women in exactly this way, and he either paid them off or there was not enough evidence. It doesn't matter what he says now, anybody with any sense can believe that he has done exactly the things he describes with the countless women he's been in close proximity to. He can say that nobody respects women more than he does til he's blue in the face. Women voters can now make their own judgement on that.

Speaking about a woman's tits, or describing how you shagged a woman. That's locker room talk. What he describes is a man using his power and fame to do what he wants to women, knowing they either won't object or that nobody will believe them when they do.

The timing of the video being released is undoubtedly strategic, although that's the prerogative of whoever has it in their possession. There are rumours that there are loads of other videos where Trump uses the word Nigger. I wonder if there are any of him referring to the cause of his sniffing?