Quote Originally Posted by World's End Stella View Post
They had every right to react to policies they disliked. But your original point was that this was a rigged game and I disagreed.
In terms of how the thing was set up, it was a rigged game.

There entire establishment was lined up on one side, while the other's big hitters were Boris, Gove and...errr...that's it. It was a remarkable victory of popular sentiment over vested interest. Not only did the sitting government and civil service basically campaign to remain (even trying to circumvent purdah rules to do so at one point), so did the Bank of England (which was supposed to remain neutral) and various other bodies. The Government paid for a leafletting campaign to support Remain and even extended voter registration for days in order to allow young voters who hadn't bothered their arses registering earlier to do so in the hope they'd vote Remain. The Remain campaign in the shape of the Government played an incredibly dirty game and used (or tried to use) every bit of advantage their position gave them. The idea that it was even close to a level playing field is absurd.