Quote Originally Posted by Burney View Post
blandly asserts that the President of the United States would "happily preside over televised hangings of gay people". There's no 'only kidding' or suggestion that this is satire - let alone factual evidence for this extraordinary assertion. She appears actually to believe this and has written it in an article for a leading newspaper. And what's more, no editor has at any point taken it out.


Seriously, what is wrong with these people? Are they so far removed from normal discourse that they can't see how unhinged this sounds to normal people? Are their social circles so rarified that no-one ever challenges them when they come out with this sort of sh癃?

Let's leave aside all the other horsesh癃 in the article and simply ask how we reached such a pitch of hysteria that people are uncrtitically making this sort of ridiculous, unfounded statement about a democratically elected politician without anyone calling them on it or suggesting they're being hysterical, offensive and mendacious?
As I understand it, Trump actually has a reasonable record when it comes to benders. Of all the attention-seeking oppressed minority groups I thought this was the one where he had the least trouble.

The article is really about the horrific possibility that some gay people might be right wing, or at least conservative. If I could just put my PC hat on for a moment, I am genuinely horrified that someone would even suggest to somebody that they should vote, feel or act a certain way purely on the basis of their sexuality. That being gay means one simply CANNOT vote conservative, or republican, or UKIP.

What else do you have? Do poofs have to be remainers? Are they pro-life, anti-gun? Must they favour Scottish independence?

THese people sicken me. Leave the bummers alone. They are free to vote how they wish, just like the rest of us normal folk.