Quote Originally Posted by Sir C View Post
Sat around all day, called in about 3, rejected and defenestrated homewards. Back tomorrow to try again.

I am concerned to hear of your eye, brother. Was a bonus prescribed? A comfortable vomit is generally efficacious in these matters.
No such luck. Although, happily, I suspect the juice of the splendid coca leaf was applied, which rendered my eye quite insensible to the outrages being perpetrated upon it by the fat, Greek bird masquerading as a doctor.

I'm distressed to hear of you being rejected as insufficiently worthy to serve. How humiliating for you.

I suggest you go home, drink a huge amount this evening and appear 'dressed down' tomorrow, red of eye, foul of aspect, offensive to the nose and generally looking shabby and you'll be snapped up, as they'll assume you to be common and thus likely to acquit evildoers.