Quote Originally Posted by Ganpati's Goonerz--AFC's Aboriginal Fertility Cult View Post
But despite being a bunch of appointees, it actually does a rather good job of tidying up rushed HoC legislation in the Cttee stage and also contains a far wider area of expertise than the average HoC.

Obviously no-one in their right mind wouldn't design a 2nd chamber like this, but to claim it's not fit for purpose is wrong. It hasn't delayed anything for decades but has made a huge number of positive ammendments to HoC legislation.

I doubt a neutral observer, looking at the last 3 months, would choose the HoL if the question was "Which house is the most dysfunctional?"
The HofC is only ‘dysfunctional’ as it has to answer to an electorate. That messiness is a feature of democracy, not a bug.

By contrast, it’s quite easy to function smoothly and coherently when you have a sinecure for life and don’t have to worry about accountability.