Quote Originally Posted by redgunamo View Post
According to the indictment papers, Manafort is up for dodgy conduct when he was in bed with Hillary Clinton’s Podesta Bros. whose company is actually referred to in the document

Anyway, perhaps they're just trying to shake him up a little because I've never heard of anyone going up on money-laundering charges for this sort of thing; after all, he's not a kingpin cocaine racketeer or anything like that. The idea is to get you to comply, rather than to do you for failure to comply. Otherwise, it seems to me every international businessman in America would be in jail.
Look, I'm happy to be wrong. Being wrong is not the opposite of being right, more like parallel. But I had understood that he was league with Yanukovich, the corrupt Ukrainean puppet leader being backed by the Russians. The guy who was driven from his country, then fled to Russia. So that's not good. The only way that's good is if you secretly like Russia (or not so secretly) and want them to do well, with US abetting that process. From where I come in, the annexation of Crimea was some anti-democratic BS and I don't approve. Just like what they did in Georgia, etc. Give the Russk an inch and they take a verst. Right?

I'm the one supposed to be the socialist here and here I find you all are a bunch of commie-loving so and sos. What's going on?