Quote Originally Posted by SWv2 View Post
I was unaware of such nuances of the law and just wanted to get back to the hotel before the fúckers charged me for another day. Decent chance I was dying with the hangover also.

My mate was in the cell opposite on a separate charge of suspected arson so the entire affair was quite the giggle.

And this was before the ATS pricked up their ears as they had 3 young lads from Northern Ireland in custody.

Great fun. No charge for anybody in the end and we stopped for pints on the way back.
If you are bang to rights on possession these days you can refuse the caution. The chances of them doing anything further are virtually zero unless you seriously get under the copper's skin. You are very, very unlikely to even get hauled in for possession. 9 times outof 10 they just chuck it away or, if you have a decent copper, he may not even confiscate it and just tell you to take it home and not take the piss,

In your day, you may well have been charged. Caution was probably the best option.