Quote Originally Posted by Ganpati's Goonerz--AFC's Aboriginal Fertility Cult View Post
Yeah, but they're more anti-Brexit and less anti-Semitic than the party I've just quit so they got my vote in the locals.

Didn't bother with the manifesto, but if they want to nationalise people like you and feed you to polar bears or whatever, that's fine by me. No offence, like.
Well you probably ought to be a bit more curious. Just for starters, there's their economic manifesto, in which they essentially outline their plans to destroy the UK's financial sector. They also want to tax pretty much everything, restrict the number of journeys people are allowed to take. There's even a brilliant bit where they admit that most of their policies are impossible to implement while being a member of the EU, but blithely insist that they will simply reform the EU so that it's more to their liking.


Honestly, they are idiots and they are totally fúcking nuts, which doesn't really reflect well on anyone who votes for them.