Quote Originally Posted by Burney View Post
But billions of people worldwide don't agree, m.

Don't get me wrong, I agree with you. I believe that our system is the best and most beneficent that mankind has ever come up with. However, all I'm trying to get across is that it is as much based in our faith in a set of ideas and beliefs as is the Islamic model.

So you and I can point to all the achievements of western liberal civilisation until we're blue in the face as evidence of our superiority, but there are many who look at our society and find it corrupt, decadent and disgusting and would prefer one that fits their belief system. They believe the world is better when women know their place, when people don't drink and when homosexuals and adulterous wives are killed.
I know all that. But my point is that it is only our position that is backed up by science. The only reason to dispute this is if you don't believe in science. Which is fine. But I know you do.