Quote Originally Posted by Peter View Post
If you are bang to rights on possession these days you can refuse the caution. The chances of them doing anything further are virtually zero unless you seriously get under the copper's skin. You are very, very unlikely to even get hauled in for possession. 9 times outof 10 they just chuck it away or, if you have a decent copper, he may not even confiscate it and just tell you to take it home and not take the piss,

In your day, you may well have been charged. Caution was probably the best option.
Yes it was very obvious even to me that during the interview they were losing interest as their chance of finding the dealer was zero. They are in Margate and are being told about “a black man in the Queens Head in Turnpike Lane”. Total waste of everybody’s time and they only brought me in because of the fact they turned up at the hotel to search it because of having arrested my mate on the suspected arson thing.

When they searched my room they found things and then when they searched my car they found more things that I had not told them about as I had genuinely forgotten.

The NI link was the big thing, quite sensitive at that time, 93-94. Bishopsgate would not have been that long ago I suspect?