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Thread: So if we'd signed Mustafi in time for the first game and got a draw, we'd be in the

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  1. #1
    Going into that game with Chambers & Holding was a terrible result of Wenger's policy to wait until the last day to save money...

  2. #2
    Yes. Or if we'd beaten that hopeless Watford outfit at home. Or if we'd got a couple of draws in those terrible away peformances at Palace and West Brom.

  3. #3
    Quote Originally Posted by Cyprus The Immortal Gooner View Post
    Going into that game with Chambers & Holding was a terrible result of Wenger's policy to wait until the last day to save money...

    I thought Wenger doesn't negotiate the deals. Why is he getting the blame?
    "Scoring a goal is better than sex" - Whoever said that was sticking it to the wrong woman

  4. #4
    Quote Originally Posted by Alberto Balsam Rodriguez View Post
    I thought Wenger doesn't negotiate the deals. Why is he getting the blame?
    I don't know who negotiates the deals so I'm just blaming the club as a whole. Maybe it's the wonderful and underpaid Gazidis who stalled it.

  5. #5
    Quote Originally Posted by Alberto Balsam Rodriguez View Post
    I thought Wenger doesn't negotiate the deals. Why is he getting the blame?
    None of us know the details, so best not to speculate on them. Arsene is staying (seems the club have leaked it now), so let's just get behind him. New formation, new fortunes?

  6. #6
    I am seriously considering giving up my season tickets.

  7. #7

    You'd certainly save yourself a few quid.

    In fact, to be perfectly honest, that's the thing I've never forgiven Wenger for, constantly turning any discussion about football to one about the crazy idea that we don't have enough of the stuff.

    What He ought to be banging on about, of course, is heartfelt tributes to our supporters who provide Him with more funds than any Arsenal manager in history and gate monies more than any other club in Europe every match. Who does He think pays His salary and bonuses!

    Yet all we hear about is how He could've joined every other club in the world, as though He's working for us for free because He loves us. Frankly, if He needed to be at a club that is financially stronger than we are then there are several of these He should've joined rather than stay with us and grouse about it the whole time.

    The whole thing is just so much ingratitude and ungrateful whining, to all our suppoerters who actually do pay an awful lot, not just in money, but also in time and trouble and actual emotional engagement with our football club. Shameful.

    I do understand it though; I know Frenchman and that is just what they are actually like. He's not putting it on. Their perspective is always very much "Qu'ils mangent de la brioche."


    Quote Originally Posted by Mo Britain less Europe View Post
    I am seriously considering giving up my season tickets.
    "Plenty of strikers can score goals," he said, gesturing to the famous old stands casting shadows around us.

    "But a lot have found it difficult wearing the number 9 shirt for The Arsenal."

  8. #8
    The only way to hurt Stan and make him leave is in the pockets...people have to make the hard choice and don't renew...also stop buying the merchandise.

    Don't feel bad...don't think you can't because you love the club so much...what you're doing is for the love of the club.

    At the moment him and his team think it's another successful season...4 points more than last year, cup final, Europa league money and loads of cash from renewals, tickets and merchandise.

    You got to hurt this lot imo

    I think Ivan has woken up and realised this can't continue but he's hot no chance vs Stan and Wenger.

    He can go help usmanov with Everton

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