Quote Originally Posted by Lady Henry AKA The African Queen View Post
Ah welcome back Chief.
We have missed your rabid anti-Obama bias.
I note you have no issue with Melania Trump working illegally before applying for citizenship as Trump's handbag.
so the basis oh her application being illegal, I am guessing you would be ok with her deportation?

Even I am mildly surprised that you would support a nutjob like Trump but I guess its in the DNA.
Shirley my "rabid anti-Obama bias" has been proven justified. More wars, terrorism on the rise, gifting nukes to Iran, more poverty. More urban killings. People at each other throats .. literally. Massive income inequality. Worst racial division in my lifetime. A weak, feckless America. I could go on. All according to his plan. He has been very successful in that regard as those were his goals all along. I have no idea what we're going to get from Trump, but I know for sure what we would have gotten with Hillary, and it was an either or choice. I hope for the best.

I haven't heard of anyone from even the lefty lefts of leftists suggest that Melania should be deported, or that she did anything illegally. You should be happy, really. Trump destroyed the House of Bush and all that remain. They're never coming back.