Quote Originally Posted by Burney View Post
Errr, you realise that this stuff was said by the President of the EU Commission, right? In his State of the Union address? This is not conjecture or alarmism, this is the direction of travel desired at the highest level of the EU. Will all of it happen? Probably not. Will some of it happen? Yes, absolutely. Could we ever rejoin the EU if any of it happened? No, absolutely not.
Despite the fact that you never stop going on about how undemocratic the EU is, it is a democratic body even if it isn't as democratic (for good reasons) as some would like it to be. The President of the EU Commission can think whatever he likes, unless Merkel et al (and that et al would include the British Prime Minister if we were staying in the EU) agree to it, it isn't going to happen.

We have no idea where the EU is really going over the next 5-10 years, there are simply too many variables and too many unknowns. To attempt to predict the direction and then use that prediction as a basis for the argument that Leave was correct is no different than someone assuming that the British economy will go in the toilet post Brexit and therefore criticizing the result of the referendum.

Both are intellectually disingenuous.