Quote Originally Posted by WES View Post
Actually I didn't start really enjoying Queen until later in life. And Radio Ga Ga is just a great song, if you don't like it I suspect you have no joy in your life. And let's be honest, Peter, that isn't the first time you have heard that accusation.

Late 70s and early 80s was my Rolling Stones/Beatles/Zeppelin/Pink Floyd/Who era. There was a point when I owned Zeppelin 1-4, House of the Holy, Physical Graffiti and the one with All My Love on it. And about that time I thought that Wish You Were Here was the greatest song and album of all time.

All these years later, and using IUFG's standard, I still listen to the Stones regularly, the Beatles occasionally and I have since discovered Queen I can't remember the last time I listened to Zeppelin, Who or Floyd.

I grew up, you see
No, I have heard that accusation many times. Usually from rather silly people who want to prove an unprovable point. Not that I am accusing you of anything of that sort, of course

I grew up plagued by The Who and didn't like them for a long time as a result. I do now. I grew up.

There are plenty of things I don't really listen to very often these days (including Zeppelin and The Smiths) but that is not to do with growing up or changing my mind. It is more that I played them to death for years and so now I only pay the occasional visit.

I've never managed to get to grips with Floyd. I find them quite irritating.

Radio Ga Ga is an awful song. Sorry, but it is.