Quote Originally Posted by redgunamo View Post
With regards to their republic, President Trump is probably their best hope as they've been ****ing it up and selling it off for ages.

Of course, in the Old World, we're all too well aware these things don't last; things fall apart and you just have to dust yourselves down and go again. Happens all the time. My in-laws are fond of pointing out, We survived the Romans, the Vikings and Napoleon and the Nazis and the Red Peril and the Allies and we're STILL here, drinking our beer! Or words to that effect. Point is, people in Europe have been around the circle of history so many times that they do not panic every time a Russian sneezes or a Chinaman blows his nose (unlike our Yankee friends).

The Americans, on the other hand, will apparently be lucky to survive President Biden.
The US has never really been through any of this sort of thing so naturally they get rather excited about their own impending societal collapse. It's watching all those apocalypse movies and zombies on television that does it, I suppose. But we have seen the end of the world loads of times so it's old stuff, boring.
I've said this before, but it bears repeating- you are a a bit of an odd chap!

I guess the American equivalent of the 'old hat' response you refer to is the prevalence of guns. It might be slightly odd to us that everyone is walking round packing but it is just natural to them. And mass shootings, well.... tragic, but to some extent unavoidable.

Either you're in the arms business or you're not.