Quote Originally Posted by WES View Post
Because the scientists were losing control of the country, Pat. They had told us how terrible this winter would be and so far no sign of it whatsoever. They were probably terribly worried that the pandemic was over and that they would return to what they had been before; a group of socially dysfunctional PhDs that had never had sex with anyone other than themselves and whom the entire world didn't care about. They had no power and no one cared what they thought, and they didn't want to go back there.

So take a new variant and blow it out of all proportion so that the fat, blithering idiot in No. 10 can start locking us down again and claim he was just 'following the science'. How do you follow the science when the science doesn't know, when the science is guessing?

And a few weeks from now the restrictions will have done massive damage to the economy, our children's education etc etc and we will find out that the scientists - yet again - were grotesquely wrong. But that will be ignored and the cycle will start all over again.

We need a new PM, Pat. That's the only way this will be over.
Who can they get in?
I am far from an expert on this. But I would prefer a money man in charge.
I am so done with this, destorying my industry