Quote Originally Posted by Ganpati's Goonerz--AFC's Aboriginal Fertility Cult View Post
I prefer my lobster plain, tbh. Just a squeeze of lemon. And I'd much prefer a Burgundy {Chabs, P-Fuissé} or a Loire {Sancerre, P-Fumé}. And I'm a bit scared of eating out what with us being the worst bit of Kent. But I appreciate your well-intentioned words.

Btw, what are you cooking for Xmas?

{Did I tell you about my wine dealer? Fiver a bottle. I have over a case of various Chateauneufs in the kitchen. And 4 or 5 Cru Bourgeois Haut-Médocs. But as they're 2016, I'm leaving them for at least 5 years. But the Ch-du-Ps are excellent quaffing atm. Especially at that price. If I was using a normal offie, not a cheap one, it would be cheaper to drink the wine every night that my tramp lager/cider snakebite.}
Good call on lobster, GG. Thermidor is an abomination. Boil it and serve it with lemon butter, how lobster is meant to be eaten.

Your man is getting you CDP at a fiver a bottle?