Quote Originally Posted by Burney View Post
event by special invitation.
Not only was he not security checked before entering the venue (somewhat amazing given that the event was specifically designed to be attended by murderers and terrorists).
Not only was he wearing his fake suicide vest the whole time he was there.
But he actually sat through a full morning of rehabilitation workshops and waited until after lunch to go on his stabbing rampage.

What kind of sick fúcker voluntarily sits through hours of do-gooding workshops rather than just getting into the stabbing straight away? That's the sign of a truly diseased mind imo.

As for the victims, very sad, etc, etc, but the words ''Fúcking asking for it' do spring to mind.
You've got to be a fan of narwhal-tusk wielding chef Lukasz, who despite 5 stab wounds, kept coming back for more.

Poles. Great bunch of lads.