Quote Originally Posted by Sir C View Post
It's one thing to say I'm a Tory and I don't like Labour.

I’m not a Tory. I’ve just seen the horrors of socialism at first hand. My father grew up in the Netherlands under a socialist dictatorship. I grew up in England in the 1970s. I travelled extensively behind the iron curtain. I have studied history.

The Labour Party has always sheltered the likes of Benn, Wilson and Livingstone who would see us delivered into the hands of the Soviets.

Call me old fashioned, but I rather like my country and many of its citizens. I do not wish ill upon them. I do not wish the UK to resemble the places I saw in the 1980s. Romania, East Germany and Poland, so beloved of your leftist comrades, were no fun at all.

Anyone who can support leftism is either evil or uninformed.
Yes, but we didn't though, did we? Despite being in power for 16 years during the cold war, we didn't once have you over to the soviets.

Indeed, it was us that secretly started the nuke programme (without telling the proper lefties in the cabinet, let alone on the backbenches) to keep you, I and the rest of HM's subjects free from evil Stalinism.

We introduced a welfare state that WSC was proud of that took away any reason for the plebs to rise up and kill you, or to sell you out to the soviets.

After one of your mob was nobbing the same bint as the Ruskie naval attache, we took over and won the world cup and then legalised abortion, divorce and poofery.

Our economic policies in the 60s were identical to the Tories, that's why the post war Keynesian consensus of stop-go demand management was known as Butskellism and RAB Buttler and Hugh Gaitskell were in complete agreement.

Every time the left of our party got uppity, we trashed the govt rather than give in to them, whether over prescription charges in '51 or the unions in '69-70, or '78-9.

Post-Thatcher, we didn't undo her privatisations, but simply introduced a windfall tax on the privatised utilities, while also creating the independent MPC to set monetary policy, doing more to stabilise the long term economic prospects than anything the Tories have done since the repeal of the corn laws.

You say you've studied history, C.

Well read the above, you know it's true.

And given that, you can't really claim that the moderate, governing wing of our party are in the same league Maduro or Chavez. We're basically like SuperMac but with added northern accents.

And every time the left get uppity, we stop them. By crashing the govt or splitting the party.

I would suggest that my wing of the party have proved themselves to be as proud patriots as any Tory, prepared to put national interest over party needs, ideology or dogma at every single turn once in power.
