This is what's known in some quarters as 'Whataboutery', I gather.
Besides, there have been left-wing governments who have not been run by Stalin, and not behaved remotely like him, however much they are demonised, and however much the oligarchs are furious that the wealth they nicked from the poor is redistributed to the poor.
Indeed. How does a multi cultural society move on to the next level when it’s only ok to abuse gingers
That's right, those magnificent shining examples of the gentle loving nature of socialists, Mao, Pol Pot, Uncle Ho, dear Nicolae in Romania, cuddly Enver who made Albania such a paradise of redistributed wealth - and let's not forget our old chum Castro, who cleverly reduced and entire population to penury and locked them in so they had to try to escape on home-made rafts.
Were all these the wrong type of socialism?
I'm not sure that made much difference to the millions tortured and murdered by the twisted politics of envy, or even the millions living in misery in eastern Europe between 1945 and 1989.
But hey, it'll be better next time when it's proper socialism, eh?
I saw it. I saw it in the flesh. It makes me angry.